I am an 18 year old 'student' who spends her time either pissed, asleep or taking a dump! I am doing a computer course but fcuking it up royally at the mo coz i really cant be assed! Daytime TV really isnt that bad once you get used to the learning zone and war films ?!

I have a gorgeus boyfriend called Dave who seems to find me slightly less hideous than the rest of the human race, and a load of crazy friends from my old college,( i had to leave because i was too drunk and disorderly <read my bio for details>)

My favorite bands at the mo include Lostprophets, Korn, Jimmy Eat World, Fenix TX, Slipknot, System Of A Down, Manson, Sum41, Spineshank, Nirvana and Fear Factory!  Im also a Michael Jackson fanatic, and always have been! Im in the process of building
My music website

Thats about it, everyone i know thinks i should be locked up so why havent they goddam come for me yet! Didnt they get my fax? damn NHS!!!!!!!
My website
To visit my offspring website click here
To visit my halloween website click here
Hello, great people and other sad net surfers with nothing beta to do! You have reached my little corner of cyberspace. Proceed with caution!
Im known to my family as Laura Elizabeth John Way, except its more like LAURAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
It is pretty obvious from this website that i am indeed an alcoholic and proud of it! WAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!
But i am known to my friends and various drinking buddies as Laura the alcoholic, the piss'hed the  drunken nun (dont ask!) and of course, 'wayhay'!
Well what can i say? Apart from that im completely out of my head!!!! In fact i was accually drunk when i edited this website, so that would eplain why it looks total cack!
This picture was taken just minutes before our first a/s exam, bugger it! i think my results were..D,E,U woohoo! my lack of revsion pays off yet again.!!

From left-right,  Ceri, ME, Penny, Lucinda and Hayley!
see pictures of us all here
My mate Ceri (above) has written a biography about me and my numerous drunken escapades NUFF SAID!
Email me on: laura_da_fox@hotmail.com
Click here to see pics of me and my mates WOOF!
This website is sponsered by durex, for a hundred million shags!
AAWWWWW isnt he sweet? thats my bloke Dave and i wuv him!
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Nuff sed!
Who came first?

The Egg
The Chicken

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Click here for pictures of when i went to see Jimmy eat world!!
Read it here!