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I'm releasing 3 of my favourite Betta that I've bred. There is also some other bettas to release as well, need to clear as to make space for the upcoming spawn.
See below for details.
1st come 1st serve.
No obligation
I'll updating this site.
Last update at 14 Sept 0400 hrs





$40/= ...The caudal fin a bit chip off due to poor handling but he has a good form.
$70/=...He got a very very good spread. My favourite among the 3


$50/=...Another favourite, melano geno


There are some young ext red stm
Steel/blue Stf

Other to release are:

Some young steel stf
One young steel/blue stf
One mature melano stm...but finage a bit poor
One mature steel superdelta
There are some young ext red stm for release as well, will post the picture later.