---Last Updated November 21, 2006---
---Check our little Angel.---

---Check our new little man.---

---DJ page updated 1/10/2009.---

---Wedding Memories 8-19-2000.---

A little about myself. I am from Constable, N.Y. which is way up in northern New York close to the Quebec border. Home of the Ice Storm of '98. I have lived there all my life. I graduated from high school in 1994, from there I went to SUNY Canton where I recieved my Associates degree in Construction Engineering in 1996. I then transfered to Buffalointo the Architecture program. My favorite past-times would have to be rollerskating, listening to music, and DJing.

Click Me to See My Music/DJ Page.

Other images in my description above are linkable to that part of my life. Click on them to see those pages.

Don't Be a Cornholio, send me an e-mail to let me know what you think of my site---

Click here for family pics and other stuff.

Always under construction.