A nice guy from FINLAND.Great website too. Check it out.
Don't read this sentence!BUT...don't email me at the duck address
email me at : IMEN@MedaiOne.Net
A bit extra: Don't trade with these bad traders!!!
The Red Arrow Diner.
Find out the latest Bjork news.
The best place for FREE fonts.They also sell them too.
The definitive source for rubber chickens, cheap imported trinkets, weird overstocks, and other disgusting, hilarious, or fascinating novelties.
I've seen tons of shows here.
2.13.61 Publications-publishes books by Henry Rollins, Nick Cave, Iggy Pop, Henry Miller and many others. Also a record label with a variety of artists including Henry Rollins, Chris Haskett , The Birthday Party, and The Gun Club.
Milk and Cheese...my fav comic.
My 2nd fav comic.
Did you know the entire Merriam-Webster dictionary is online? You can look up any word by going to www.m-w.com.
Another good font site
For years I've known that comics attract a loyal and idiosyncratic group off people. Go into our chat room and you'll often find some of the most loyal diehards there. Now, there is a web page devoted to these people. You can visit it at http://www.chesco.com/~mpridmor/people/
with hard to believe stories like:Pudding-Factory Disaster Brings Slow, Creamy Death To Town or
Third World Disease Eliminated With Hot-Air Hand Dryers
e-mail: IMEN@MediaOne.net
Turn your face to the sun and you cannot see the shadows." -Helen Keller
"It takes fewer muscles to smile than frown, and even less to ignore someone completely."
"The masses are asses." - L7
"Marshmallows are better than cheese!"-Ava
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."- Edgar Allen Poe
"Excuse me, what are you babbling about?"-saitan
"If you make a mistake, that means you fucked up. If you make an error, that means you fucked up unconciously, and that's okay." -Delerium
"Blah blah blah blah and some more blah!?@and if you're really bored, here's some more blah! huh?" -Sean
"Son of a bitch, i didn't hear it either."-saitan
"Mmmmhehmheh...Ya wanna get some bangbang?"-AvA and Del
"So, whaddaya wanna do? lez get naked." -Ava (she didn't know what she was saying at the time, really.)
"Remember: you're never too old to play with toys."- Ivy
"Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more..."-Kurt Cobain, Nirvana
"Before you slip into unconciousness I'd like to have another kiss...another lashing gem-set bliss another kiss, another kiss..." -Jim Morrison,The Doors
"Michelle ma belle, sunday monkey won't play piano song, play piano song..."-that guy that didn't know that that part of the song was in French
"Yeah, me and ava are gonna have to do away with you..." me talking to saitan at like 2 in the morning...i meant kidnap or hang out or something like that...i'm still not sure..gimme a break, i was tired!
"T-I-double guh-er spells SQUID." -some guy Ted that i met.
"Wow, how much did your bra cost?"-me to the chick at dennys..it was a chainmail bra and REALLY cool...
"You've got a batz-maru!" -the starbucks guy
"i've got a WHAT?" -me
"sometimes it's hard to differentiate between temptation and opportunity"-Cel0147
"there is always time to procrastinate later..." -Candace(a girl after my own heart...)
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