


        Firebellied toads have bright orange bellies to warn off predators. With the neon colored belly it warns predators that he(she) is poisonous, so the predators don't eat them. Wash the tank thoroughly with warm water often because the toad's toxins build up. If the toad's toxins build up to much, it can kill the toad. 



    Do not put more than 2-3 firebellied toads into a 10 gallon tank. One firebellied toad needs at least  a 10 gallon tank. But 2 or 3 can live in a 10 gallon happily.



           Try not to ever pick up the firebellied toads. This is because the salt in your skin is not good for the toads skin. But when you have to pick them up, you should wet your hands and pick them up. After picking them up, you should always wash your hands because the toad's toxins rub off onto you when you pick them up. Their toxins can cause allergic reactions if the toxins are rubbed into the mouth or eyes.


Species Mixing

            Don't ever mix species unless you have done research on the other species that you are going to put in the tank with the toad. The firebellied toad's toxins can kill other frogs or any other species.


Sick Toad

        If you have a sick toad. Quickly quarantine the sick toad into a separate tank, so the other toads cannot get sick from the sick toad.


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