August 28th, 1999

On August 28th 1999, a video crew from Oregon Public Broadcasting taped an interview, some station liners, and the STYX sound check to be used by PBS stations that air the "Return To Paradise Theatre" concert. We had a great time and the band members and crew were wonderful!

Tommy Shaw during rehearsal
James Young & Tommy Shaw
Glen Burtnik, James(JY)Young, Tommy Shaw
OPB Crew & The Band: Gene, Greg,(OPB) JY, Tommy, Tod, Glen,Colleen (OPB) and Gowan!

But wait... I got MORE!!

Thanks to the Members of STYX and their Crew for their cooperation!

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All photos displayed on this site are the property of C.Casey. Photos may not be copied, reprinted or sold without the express written consent of C. Casey, or Alliance Artists(Styx). Copyright © 1999