Physics by Inquiry

                                                                                                BY: Beverly Fenimore

                                                                                            Internet Student Resource 
Physics by Inquiry is designed with emphasis on discovering rather than memorizing. This web site gives students a chance to explore their favorite Physics Module and enter quiz rooms on each topic.Just click on URL address and follow directions.

Newton's Second Law of Motion The acceleration of a mass is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass F= ma
Sir Issac Newton was an English mathematician and physicist who laid the foundations for modern physics. Newton used Keplers laws and his own observations to derive the universal law of gravitation. A popular story Newton was sitting under an apple tree, an apple fell on his head, and he suddenly thought of the Universla Law of Gravitation. As in most legends, this story contains elemets ow what actually happened. To learn more click on this URL-
Detailed page explaining Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation.

Free Fall and Air Resistance

In a previous unit, it was stated that all objects (regardless of their mass) free-fall( ) with the same acceleration - 10 m/s/s. This particular acceleration value is so important in physics that it has its own peculiar name - the acceleration of gravity fttp:// its own peculiar symbol - "g." But why do all objects free-fall at the same rate of acceleration regardless of their mass? Is it because they all weigh the same? ... because they all have the same gravity? ... because the air resistance is the same for each? Why? This question will be explored in this section of Lesson 3.

In addition to an exploration of free-fall, the motion of objects which encounter air resistance will also be analyzed. In particular, two questions will be explored:

To answer the above questions, Newton's second law of motion (F net = m*a) will be applied to analyze the motion of object which are falling under the sole influence of gravity (free-fall) and under the dual influence of gravity and air resistance.

       Click to Explore more Physics Topics

1-D Kinematics,Newton's Law, Work, Energy, and Power
Electricty, Magnetism, energy an fusion
Momentum and Its Conservation  Circular Motion and Ssatellity Motion

Virtual physics
Nasa Kids

Nature games

Light Waves and Color
The behavior of light waves is introduced and discussed:  through supporting evidence of the wave nature of light.
Light Waves and Color
Bang Boing Pop
Think Quest Internet Contest
Physlet Home Page http://www.webphysics

The visible light spectrum is shown in the diagram below.

Click on physicclassroom and follow directions to Light Waves and Color.

Pysics Tutorial Topics:Kinematics, Newton's Laws Momentum and Work, Energ. and Power. Check your new  Physics knowledge by Following the Physics Tutorial web address below. Just click on Physics Classroom it will take you there.


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