Spanking Links
- Bernie's Spanking Pages: The Megalo-mart of free spanking sites.
- K. Taira's Encyclopedia of Spanking Art: Beautiful images from paintings, photos, film.
- Diana OTK Tribute Page: Quasi-narrative series of amateur spanking photos, all of the same woman, or rather, of her reddened bottom. You never see the blow being struck; you never see the spanker. The obvious conclusion is that the spanker is the photographer, but I prefer to think that Diana, like an Internet Cindy Sherman, staged all these pictures by herself.
- Hiebe aus Liebe : A small, intensely personal site by a German man who likes it really hard: he has a thing for being hit with shoes, especially wooden, slingback mules. I can't get into that, but I'm fascinated by the way erotic words sound both sexy and repellent in German.
- Introduction to Spanking: A spanking primer, which sort of redoubles the eroticized pedagogy of the whole kink.
- Die Perle: Stories in German and English, prefaced by a good, earnest "Auseinandersetzung" with the concept of spanking.
- Spaceyland : Obsessively complete site about my favorite actor, Kevin Spacey. Fandom is kind of masochistic, anyway: the fan is abject, adoring, and utterly self-involved. Oddly, Spacey fan fiction, as represented on this site, has no sex scenes.
- Tony Leung Chui-Wai’s Page: Tony Leung Chui-Wai is a good actor and also he’s gorgeous (though it’s impossible for me to imagine him in any spanking scenario at all). He’s done a lot of good movies (Wong Kar Wai’s "Happy Together," John Woo’s "Bullet in the Head") but one of his best is a heartbreaking turn as a pimp in the Vietnamese movie "Cyclo." Fetish tip: there are scenes of a lovely woman pissing. Not my thing, and not hers either (in the movie), but just a tip from one pervert to another.
- Telepathy a personal talMUD: Hypertext site about talmud, midrash, the Web, telepathy…okay, I’ve scarcely read any of it (which is pretty much the fate of hypertext: it has no readers) but I’m intrigued enough to want to to associate myself with its promise of a wiggy, liberated scholarship.