These are the games you may play:
1) Delta Force
2) Quake 1 and 2
3) Battleship
4) Falcon 4.0
5) 101st Airborne in Normandy (the only WW2 game allowed)
6) F-22 ADF
7) ATF Gold (Advanced Tactical Fighters)
8) US Navy Fighters
9) Rainbow Six
10) 688 (I) Hunter/Killer
11) Janes F-15
12) M1A1 Tank Platoon 2
13) F/A-18 Hornet Korea
14) Janes Longbow Anthology
15) Israeli Air Force
16) Half-Life
17) Team Fortress

Please rember, 101st Airborne in Normandy is the only WW2 game allowed
If you have any more games to sugjest, please e-mail

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