Disclaimer: I own none of this. The concept and characters of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" belong to Joss Whedon, Warner Bros. And Mutant Enemy. The concept and characters of "The X-Files" belong to Chris Carter, 10-13 Productions and 20th Century Fox. And may I say that they just don't use my favorite characters enough. I don't claim any kind of copywrite over any of this. If the situation I set up here gives you the itch to expand revise or continue (as long as I get to read it), that`s very OK with me

This puppy has been betaed, by the charming and vivacious, China E, any mistakes remaining are my own.

X-Files/Buffy crossover, Oz disappears from college and is taken by the Consortium.


Agrigen Facility
Picabo, Idaho

They had grabbed him just when he was leaving Sunnydale after the whole Varuka debacle. The Consortium had been tracking her and they had found him instead. She had been their target. But after he had killed her, they had taken him.

After being captured he had been taken to the Initiative labs. The facility was ruled over by the Ice Queen herself, Professor Walsh, who had taught his college Psychology class. He had to admit, however, that she hadn't been anything like the worm who ran this place. When the Chain Smoking Man had turned up to claim him she hadn't even turned a hair. She was as cold and hard with the Chain Smoking Man as she was with everyone else. The Chain Smoking Man had not liked that..

At that facility they had given him the implant. He hated it. When it was triggered it felt like a firestorm that started in his head and spread like acid along his nerves. This firestorm triggered enough pain to stagger even the beast he had become. He could understand it though. If they had implanted him and then released him, he would have surely thanked them.

Oz gazed impassively through the steel bars of his cage at two of his captors. The ones responsible. The ones in charge. The washed out looking chain-smoker everyone was scared of and the slick haired, geek, fishy stench, Mengele-type who was in charge of the place. They looked at him as if he were a thing. He wanted to rip them apart while he was human enough to remember it and wolf enough to do a thoroughly good job of it.

"How is the experiment progressing, Dr James?"

"We are making great progress, Sir. We are slightly hampered, of course, by the infrequency of the change."

"And you have found no way to trigger it?" His voice was dry, cold and disapproving.

Dr. James cringed slightly. "No, Sir. Although the change occurs during the full moon we believe it to be the gravitational or tidal pull of the moon that triggers the change, not moonlight as the legends might imply. Sunlight does indeed inhibit the change, the need for actual moonlight, however, is purely legend. We simply can't mimic the tidal pull of the moon, in that precise alignment, to test our hypothesis. We have investigated the use of some possible psychological triggers..."

"Yes, very well then." The Smokers eyes narrowed briefly with a quickly dismissed thought. "Have you attempted to condition him in his human stage?"

"Yes Sir, but there is no contiguous fear response. He remembers his rage at his trainers but the fear/obedience responses simply do not carry-over into his lycanthropic state."

"And his training in his morphed state?"

"That is where we are making progress. The trainer you sent us is doing wonderfully with him. I believe the others all failed because they could not repress their own fear response. Once we demonstrated the effectiveness of the negative re-enforcement system to Mr. Krycek he displayed none of the heightened adrenaline responses: fearful body posture, and lowered reaction time that caused the others to fail. Fear can be scented too, and the other trainers were afterall only lab technicians..."

"The bodies were safely disposed of?" Cut in the Smoker, uninterested in the fate of the previous trainers.

"Oh yes, I arranged it myself, there should be no problem in that area, Sir."

"And how soon will the subject be ready for a real world trial?"

"Very soon. The first night of the next full moon cycle should be devoted to re-enforcing his conditioning using the test subjects you provided. After that initial period, I feel he should be ready for trial missions outside the compound."

"Good, I will have an objective for Mr. Krycek within the next few days."


Oz sat up on the bed, watching intently as his trainer came in carrying a duffle bag and a Burger King takeout bag. Now was a perfect time to be frosty, since he was chained to the sturdy metal ring embedded in the wall above his bed. But he was willing to be patient. And besides the trainer was tolerable. Krycek didn't flinch from him like the others had, he wasn't afraid of the beast in Oz. He triggered the implant when Oz was changed, but not when he was in human form. The others had, and they had enjoyed doing it too.

Krycek was a bad one, but Oz figured that maybe Krycek didn't have anything to prove to someone like him and he wasn't a sadist. If it wasn't necessary, and he wasn't ordered to, Krycek wouldn't hurt him. For now he could live with that until he could figure out how to escape.

His mouth watered though at the smell of the Whopper meals in the bag Krycek was carrying, onion rings, not fries, and his stomach churned loudly. God, he hated that. It was so hard to hold onto his facade of cool indifference when his body insisted on giving him away like this, but he was always hungry before and after the change. Even his horror at the vague memories of blood and screams after the change last night couldn't suppress his appetite.

Krycek walked up to the table at the bedside and put the bag down. "Eat, Kid."

Oz grabbed the bag and proceeded to inhale the meal.

If he escaped, attention would then be turned to his parents, Devon, Willow, and the rest of his friends. They had assured him of that. And then there were the personal consequences. If he got out of range trigger for more than four hours the implant would come on and stay on. So for now he was in their control, theirs to use. Their own little attack beast. The beast had been taught now. Don't attack the trainer or he will hurt you. If you don't attack him, he will provide victims.

Varuka's death, and the knowledge that he could (and would) kill with premeditation had shaken him to his core. He had always blamed the wolf for the violence he felt. Three nights in every twenty eight days the beast in him was set loose. And for those three nights he had locked himself in a cage. Hating it, but knowing the necessity. He had killed Varuka as a wolf, but he made the decision while in human flesh. She was a killer and she had to be stopped, but now he was a killer too. He had felt the red joy of rending her flesh, the hot blood gushing from her throat across his tongue. He remembered so little from his changes, but he remembered that. It had been better than sex.

"We're going out tonight. They have a job for us," He tossed the second bag at Oz, "Put these on, we leave in 20 minutes."

Shit, this could only be trouble, Oz thought, as he popped the last onion ring into his mouth.


FBI Building
Washington, DC

"Scully, take a look at this," Mulder handed a file to his partner looking forward to her attempts to rationalize the forensic evidence within it.

She looked over the crime scene photos, her lips slightly pursed, "An animal attack?"

"Ah, but Scully look at the DNA from the saliva and the hair samples of the attacker."

"Human," her brows knit, "but the hair type and bite pattern is consistent with a large canine. Her brows knit in concentration; "there is some anomalous enzymatic process at work here too. The actual causative agent broke down post-mortem, but there are some genetic alterations in the tissue samples immediately surrounding the bite..." She looked up, "Mulder please don't tell me you think that this was a were-wolf. It is much more likely that someone was using a device or weapon dipped in some sort of enzymatic compound to inflict these wounds."

"The angle of attack is wrong for that Scully," Mulder's lips quirked slightly, "I am simply creating an explanation that conforms to the evidence."

"Be that as it may, why would this case be within the jurisdiction of the FBI?"

Mulder's face lit up like a magician revealing his best trick, "because of the of the three other bodies found, two in Nevada and one in Utah. The MO is different. The bodies were moved post-mortem and buried in shallow graves. But the hair, saliva, and tissue samples are consistent. Our killer has been a busy boy."

"So I gather that we are on our we to ...," Scully glanced at the file again and curled her lip, "Picabo, Idaho."

Mulder smiled, "Tickets are waiting, our flight leaves in three hours."


Picabo, Idaho
Home of Dr. Weams

Scully opened the door to a scene right out of a cheap teen slasher flick. The bodies of the family had been removed leaving behind chalked outlines, but the walls were liberally sprayed with long sweeping arcs of blood. As if the killer had slashed arteries and then chased his victims through the house. Security bars on the windows had trapped the family inside. "Mulder, is there any explanation for why no one made it outside?"

"The police found evidence that the doors were blocked from the outside during the attack. There were at least two people involved in this, Scully, the killer, and a confederate who sealed the house once the killer was inside.

"Any possible motives or suspects?"

"Nothing definite, but is seems that Mr. Weams was involved in a bit of industrial espionage." Mulder frowned, "He worked for Agrigen, a genetic engineering company specializing in grains." He added , "Corn for instance."

"Mulder, I know that the conspiracy exists, but it is not everywhere or responsible for everything." He moved to speak, but she held up her hand to stop him. "I'm not saying that it is not possible. Just don't jump to conclusions too quickly."

"This wasn't a random killing Scully," Mulder huffed with annoyance, "This was a very strongly worded message."

"It may have been Mulder, but we need some evidence to prove that."

"Our next stop is the Agrigen facility," He shrugged, "we'll see what we can turn up there."


"Sir, there were two FBI agents here asking questions. They have made a connection between Mr. Weams' death and the three lab technicians." Dr. James' nervous voice quivered into the Smoking man's ear. An irritation. "You told me that you had taken care of them." The smoker's voice was implacable as his calm hands drew a cigarette from the box.

"Three of them were discovered sir," Dr. James continued, trying to pacify both the Smoking man and his own nerves, "but they haven't been identified nor have the test subjects been found."

"Ah, but then Mr. Krycek is a competent employee." He waited for Dr. James to draw the correct inference before continuing. "This situation will be controlled. Feed the agents the cover story. I will take care of the rest." The Smoker hung up the phone and hit the speed dial. "Alex, a team from vaccination testing will be arriving to collect Dr. James in two more days. It seems his future usefulness lies in other areas. See that he is available to them. Also retrieve Agent Scully, a lycanthropic partner would put a decided crimp in Agent Mulder's endeavors." He listened to the reply, "Yes that will do nicely." Mr. Spender smiled with satisfaction after hanging up this time. Things were progressing nicely.


Agrigen Facility

Scully woke slowly to a headache and to the sound of a soft slightly husky voice sighing, "Oh lady, I don't know who you are but you must have really yanked the Smoker's chain." Callused fingertips were softly stroking her cheeks and forehead. Gently urging her towards consciousness.

Not Mulder. Not a hospital. Her eyes snapped open and met the guarded hazel gaze of the young man hovering over her. His face was attractive in a sharp angular fashion with sandy, spiky hair. She pegged him automatically at about 19 or 20.

"Where am I?"

"Don't know, I'm a mushroom here. But there are mountains to the west," He offered. "My name is Oz.." He raised an enquiring eyebrow at her.

"Agent Dana Scully"

"A G-Ma'am," he quipped. "Does that mean that the cavalry will be arriving sometime soon?" The voice was laconic, but Scully could see an underlying tension in his body language, "Just to give you a heads up, on time for you will be before moonrise tonight. Feels like it'll be soon"

"Why before moonrise?"

He sighed heavily, "Because that's when I'll change. You could try killing me before I do. I'd try to let you. But I think my trainer would stop you. They monitor the room."

"Change how?"

"I'm a werewolf"

"I don't believe in werewolves."

"Hate to screw with your worldview," he shrugged, "but reality isn't waiting for your stamp of approval. He continued dispassionately. "When the moon rises I'll change and attack you. If you survive and I bite you... you will become like me." Oz shrugged again, "It's catching."

Oz looked up and tensed. The heavy door swung open.

"Mr. Krycek!" Dr. James exclaimed fussily, "I am responsible for this program and you will follow the protocols I give you. You will secure her arm to the bars and then remove the test subject from confinement before he metamophasizes. After she is infected, you shall take him through the cleared hall to the lab area. We have much to do in the short time remaining and Mr. Spender is expecting results.

Oz heard The trainer mutter, "Two more days," under his breath, too softly for human ears, then comment more loudly, "It's not safe."

"Demanding obedience is the only way to condition the Test Subject to obey, and the implant is sufficient to control him.

"Yeah. Well we've only got 10 minutes till moonrise, let me get this done. Leave the door locked open, I don't want to mess with it once he is changed."

Dr. James gave Krycek a quick nod, "I'll be waiting for you in the lab Mr. Krycek," and hurried from the room.

Krycek punched out the numbered code into the lock on the cage door. "Ok Oz, come out and stand in the far corner away from the door then get undressed."

Oz complied silently. Then abruptly said, "I don't want to do this." He was beginning to shiver, his eyes blank with an effort at self control as he felt the first pull of the change.

Scully watched as Krycek looked at Oz for a moment an expression that was more resignation than sympathy, "But neither of us has a choice Oz. You serve or they die. That's how this works." He turned and approached Scully and grabbed her by the chain connecting the handcuffs on her wrists. He opened one cuff, pulled her to the bars, and snapped it shut on one. She maintained a white-lipped silence, too angry and frustrated to speak, knowing that there was nothing she could say to him that wouldn't sound impotent.

Krycek left the cage, and another sound caught her attention. Oz moaned and Scully watched in horror as he began to change. Oz didn't look at her. All his attention was focused on Krycek. As the hair and nails sprouted and his body began to twist out of human shape, he locked his eyes on his trainer.

Krycek's eyes narrowed in suspicion, "What are you doing, Kid?" He asked softly and answered, "Don't you focus on me, Oz, my teeth are sharper."

Oz answered, as he tensed to spring and the last of himself faded away, "That didn't help the others."

Krycek's thumb hit the button before Oz could even leap, pain sent him writhing to the floor. Krycek stood holding the remote control in one hand and a shock prod in the prosthesis. The snarling creature, a deformed amalgamation of man and wolf snarled, it's attention focused on Krycek. It rose again stalking him with dogged determination.

"SIC," commanded Krycek swinging the rod towards Scully. The creature leapt at Krycek instead, only to stumble back howling in pain as Krycek thumbed the remote once more. "SIC", insisted Krycek again. Swinging the taser towards Scully. Her heart almost stopped when the beast crouched and followed the movement in her direction, it's eyes locked on her. As it sprang she jerked as far back away as she could, but the beast slashed at her arm through the bars, forcing a cry of pain from her. "Quit dicking around and bite her," urged Krycek. There was supposed to be a minimal amount of actual damage done to Scully.

Suddenly the beast threw up its head it's attention turned from her to the door. It's lip curled back taking a deep careful breath. And then another, a deep growl burst from it's chest. Dr. James appeared in the doorway. "Mr. Krycek, what is taking..." He froze under the creature's predatory gaze. Then he ran leaving the door open allowing the beast to follow him in hot pursuit.

"Shit." Commented Krycek, as he slapped the failsafe button to seal the facility, then left after them. Maybe Spender wouldn't care too much if the wolf got James before the black oil did.


Fish smell.... Prey... kill...other blocking ...fear smell... rage... blood.... Pleasure.... Fish prey...runs chase...other.... Blood.... Hot....PAIN...Alpha.... Throw meat... alpha falls.... fear ... the pain...bone crack ... kill?...fish prey runs...fear smell sound....chase....

The beast followed his training perfectly. The Alpha had released him in an enclosed place, he would kill all the prey here. The Alpha would be pleased, there would be no pain.


Mulder arrived at the Agrigen facility in the predawn light and went straight to the front door. A wiggle proved that it was locked. Breaking in would bring guards, but by this time Mulder was almost frantic with worry about what they might be doing to his partner. He pulled his weapon and shot at the glass panel in the door. The bullets cracked but did not break the glass. Four more shots did the job and Mulder finished it by kicking at the cracked section until it fell away.

He moved through the gap expecting to be challenged at any moment, but was greeted only by silence and the smell of fresh death. The guard at the front desk lay sprawled across the floor next to his seat. His throat and abdomen were slashed open. Mulder noted defensive wounds on his arms and shins, and what looked like a bite wound deep in his shoulder. He could picture the creature teeth buried in the man's shoulder holding him in place during the attack. The guard trying to keep his arms and legs between his torso and the beast's claws, and eventually failing.

Mulder moved cautiously away from the body deeper into the building, more worried than ever for his partner's safety.

There were more bodies, some security, others apparently lab technicians. Mulder moved quickly but as quietly as he could manage. He could feel tightness between his shoulders. The scream ahead was almost a relief. It was definite information. Something down here was still hunting but it wasn't behind him, it was there ahead. So Mulder picked up his pace as outside the sun rose above the horizon.

Around another corner Mulder found yet another dead body and the only living person he had yet to find. Naked, unconscious, covered in drying blood and healing welts, some appearing to be bullet wounds, Mulder knew that he had found his werewolf. Now he needed his partner. He toed the young man roughly in the ribs then stepped back. Hazy, heavy eyes opened and looked blearily, coming to focus on the gun pointed at him.

He spoke coldly, "I am Agent Mulder of the FBI, where is my partner, Dana Scully."

Oz propped himself up a little on his side, upper leg drawn up to provide some cover. Took a moment to clear his head and answered, "Probably still down in my kennel, unless someone moved her.

"Did you hurt her?" Agent Mulder's face was frozen with strong emotion.

"My life probably depends on giving you the right answer, but I don't have one. She was a little protected though," he offered consolingly, "She was behind the bars."

"Where is she?" Mulder repeated.

Oz propped himself a little higher off the floor, and after a few breaths pointed down the hall. "That way, I think"

"Take me there" He motioned with his weapon.

Oz sighed heavily, thinking that a pair of pants would really be nice about now, *but unwilling to argue with the stressed agent-with-a-gun* rose and padded down the hall where his nose detected the faint scent of chemicals and perfume that was Agent Scully.

Stopping suddenly by a door labeled MENS LOCKER, Oz turned his head and asked Mulder, "Mind if we stop in here real quick and take care of my draft problem?"

Mulder knew he should allow it, but couldn't stand the thought of any delay in retrieving Scully, "No, we find Scully first." His worry for Scully made him angry. "Why do you work for them?" Mulder asked coldly.

Oz shrugged continuing on past the door. "Could be the extended family insurance package, and there's that killer of a severance deal too."

"They took you." Mulder said with less heat, gun lowering slightly.

"They have an aggressive recruitment policy," Oz agreed. This way, that door on the end" He turned left at the T intersection. He could smell his trainer down the other way. Hear his faint breathing and made the decision that he would not lead Mulder to him.

They hurried to the open door. Mulder froze at the sight of Scully lying unconscious against the bars, her arm pulled up by the handcuff, covered in blood and bandaged with her shirt.

Oz moved swiftly to the cage door and punched in the combination. Mulder watched him in startlement. "The techs thought I didn't know the combo, my trainer knew, but like he said, where was I gunna go?"

Oz went to the corner of the room where his coveralls still lay while Mulder went in and released Scully's arm. In spite of the bandage and elevation, she had lost quite a bit of blood. She was chilled and maybe in shock. "Come on Scully," Mulder said tapping her face gently, "Show me you can wake up." Her eyes opened and she whispered his name.

Oz came up beside him. "Let's go. Look, I'll help you with her. We need to go now! More men will be coming as soon as they realize that their men aren't answering the phone. " They gathered Scully up between them and hurried back out the way Mulder had come in.

They carefully exited the doorway, passing Scully between them through the broken glass into the bright morning sun.

"How far to the car?" Asked Oz carefully supporting a semiconscious Scully, while Mulder scanned for movement.

"Right around the corner of the building." Mulder led the way to the rental car and unlocked the doors. Oz helped slide Scully into the car.

"You ride in back with Scully. It's about 45 min to the nearest hospital, but the bleeding has stopped." He glanced up and was surprised to see Oz backing away from the car. "Get in!" Mulder repeated urgently.

"I can't come with you," Oz answered sadly. Mulder's brows knit with sudden anger and suspicion. "They know who I care about," continued the young man, "where they live, what they do. I can't leave until they are safe."

"They will use you to kill again" hissed Mulder.

"They will use something or someone else if I leave, and my friends and my parents will all be dead too."

Oz turned and jogged rapidly towards the door. Agent Mulder held his gun, looking after him for a long moment then holstered it, climbed in the car and drove away.


Krycek opened his eyes to a splitting headache and Oz's hazel eyes. Oz had a cup of water and a couple of pills.

"I scrounged these up for you," he said phlegmatically handing them to the trainer. He gave a deep sigh. "I did a real job on this place; we're probably in trouble."

Krycek's hand shot up and grabbed Oz by the collar flipping him to the ground and pinning him there. "You get no second chance to kill me kid."

"I was counting on not succeeding." Oz said baring his throat for Kyrcek's hands.

"Right." Ground out Krycek, but he paused curious about the excuses the kid would give.

"I didn't want to change her or kill her," Oz said. "If I had killed you, I would have turned on her next."

Krycek sighed, thinking a moment of nano's, making the choice of who would live and who would die ... and what Spender would do to him if he killed the kid, then let him up.

Oz rolled to his feet and retrieved the Tylenol.

Krycek took them and the controller which was peeking from the pocket of Oz's coveralls, asking "What about Scully?"

"She made it out safe, a guy named Mulder came for her."

"Well that's too bad then. You of course don't remember much because of the change." Krycek said looking at Oz .

"Practically nothing," agreed Oz. "Woke up in the hall next to the locker room. We're the only ones left." Oz's eyes were carefully averted from the corpse next to Krycek.

"There are surveillance tapes you know."

"Unexplained fire in the security room."

Krycek's mouth quirked in amusement, "You have potential Oz." Then more seriously "better than that girl Varuka."

"Like I want to hear that."

Krycek shrugged, "I hate working with psychos who like the wet work too much. They get sloppy and make mistakes."

Oz met Krycek's eyes a moment, "The beast is in me all the time. It did this, it liked doing this."

Krycek shrugged, "The beast is in all of us. Let's go, my head is killing me and we need to report to Spender and get a clean up crew here. Then I need a bed and six hours."

The End

Comments or suggestions toOphite68@earthlink.net
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FYI: Willow, Buffy, and Mr. Giles are safe because they are known as Slayer and associates and perceived as necessary. The Consortium wants them in place due to their proven effectiveness despite the Initiative's and 314's worries over their lack of direct control. Initiative is not a Consortium subsidiary however, but rather a parallel organization operating in a different sphere of influence.