Round Robin #1

Written by
Ophite68 1
Spikdpunch 2
Lawrence 3 4
indie 5

Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7


Feedback: Ophite68
Ophite`s Site

Part 1

They slipped quietly into the factory and he didn't know what to feel now that his moment of redemption was at hand. Maybe resignation- or relief. There was fear of course but it was hidden far back behind a wall that he just couldn't seem to reach through. Numbness. Not that he particularly wanted to feel anything anyway. And there was that burning urge to twist the head from that red-headed bitch's shoulders.

If the slayer had come sooner there would still be a chance of getting out of this alive, Whistler had promised. But that wasn`t an option now. If they were very fortunate they would stop the Master. Destroy him. But they weren't getting out of this alive. The Slayer was good. Hard. Dedicated. But the Master ruled in Sunnydale, there were too many minions, and so this was his final night. For redemption, it would have to do.

The gathered host of undead were entranced by the Master's grandiloquent speech. His plans for a dominion of vampires. The duo split up and mingled among the unmindful crowd. The Slayer angled towards the Master and he moved towards the humans penned up waiting for their turn on the Master's diabolical Machine. Buffy watched in a kind of spellbound horror as a young brunette was put into the mechanism and drained of her blood. She flicked her eyes at him and then at the penned humans. Freeing them was imperative.

He was in place all he had to do now was wait for his moment. The Master raised a goblet of blood presented to him by a minion and proclaimed the dawn of a new age. What better cue could there be? Buffy apparently shared his thought. She raised her crossbow and fired at the Master. Xander more alert than the other minions in the room moved with inhuman speed to save his Lord. He intercepted the bolt with his own body, exploding in a cloud of dust across the raised dais.

All attention was riveted on the slayer. Unnoticed he lifted the latch on the pen. Most of these people would be dead soon either way. Now at least they could at least have a chance at escape, or maybe just the chance to die fighting.

Chaos. Milling, screaming, fighting humans. The Slayer was whipping through the room like a tornado. Always angling in the Masters direction. He was her objective, all the other vampires were almost incidental in her eyes. The other humans were fighting desperately. Some had stakes he had passed to them as he hurried them from the pen, others found broken shards among the wreckage generated by crashing bodies.

Xander was dust, Willow was screaming in fury at his loss and delight in the violence and bloodshed surrounding her. Her puppy was struggling with Luke who had managed to lift him off of his feet. She bared her fangs in anticipation. Her puppy would have to be punished for this! Willow's voice caused him to tense and freeze with panic. "Luke! Give me that bad puppy!" she demanded.

Luke's face twisted in a malevolent sneer and he threw him, hurtling through the air at the evil redhead. Luke watched Puppy as he thrashed through the air and - Willow seemed to flicker in the second that Puppy hit her and he was gone. Willow's eyes met his in confusion for a moment, widening in horror as a young man shoved her into the jagged shard of wood protruding from the wall behind her. Luke scanned the room for a few moments, looking for any signs of the pathetic wretch, then dove back into battle. This was the life!


Author(s): Lisa O.
Archive: Once I get one up, it will go there. I have a bare beginning of one at/lorl216430/index.html

Part 2

It had all happened so fast, and Puppy still wasn't sure what had was going on. The Master and his plan for industrialization. Buffy, who had finally come to save the day. Vampires and humans, fighting all around.

Xander was dust. That was the first good thing that he'd seen in a long time, but there was no time for sounding out for joy. Nothing had changed. He still knew he would die that night...but then, something *had* happened, and everything had changed.

Puppy looked down the lone street which he had crossed onto some moment before. The factory, which had been teaming with the confusion, screams, and lusty growls, was now empty. The echo's of angry frightened humans, still echoed in his ears, but all that had vanished when he was picked up and thrown at Willows command.

A flickering moment, and then all had been still and Puppy had been alone. He'd looked, but the place was deserted, and he had no idea of how that could have been. Now, outside, in the warm California night air, he was just trying to figure out what to do next.

Puppy stopped, and he heard music playing not far away. He heard laughter, and he heard....heartbeats. Humans. The dark haired vampire shivered, and looked up at the half fool moon. It was late. No humans should be out, and how he could hear such things over the music, he'd never know. It must be his imagination. Still, the sound of it drew him, and Puppy had nothing else that he could think of to do. Maybe he could find the Slayer again, and then the reason that Whistler had brought him to this town, would actually come to pass. No. The master had already risen, but there must be *something they could do.

Stopping by the door, Puppy suddenly realized that not only was there a human standing there, but the place was filled with them. He could smell them, and it sent a jolt of fear through him. What the Hell was going on? Looking up to the very big and muscular man, Puppy shook his head, and took a breath. He wanted to ask something, but had no idea what. Maybe something along the lines of, "Have I gone crazy?" or. "Shouldn't you be dead?" But nothing came out, and finally the bouncer got annoyed.

"Look. It's free tonight. Just go in, or go away, before I beat your face in." The big man sneered, and Puppy's eyes widened, before shutting halfway again. This was just not right.

Slipping through the door, Puppy made his way through the throng of swaying humans. He smelt many things as he made his way, but none of what he expected. Lust, excitement, liquor, danger...but not what he was looking for. Death. Not like he was expecting. Here and there, he caught traces of blood, but they were faint, and not what could be expected to come from a death house, as this place had become. It really made no sense. None at all.

Xander should go home, but he didn't feel like moving. Everything seemed to be happening so fast these days. Just the other day, they had sent back that person who looked like Willow. Man, that had been creepy. Now, they had the problem of a rogue slayer running around, and doing who knew what. Faith. What a name to give to someone like her. It did so *Not fit. Plus, everything else seemed to be falling apart. Cordelia still wasn't talking to him, and he couldn't talk to Willow, because she was too busy making up with Oz. Buffy and Angel were dancing around each other, like tight rope walkers, and Xander? He was just a third wheel. Great. Wonderful. So, why was he here?

Getting up, Xander decided to call it a night, when he spotted Angel. Oh wonderful. Now, if that didn't bring up bad memories. No. That had been a long time ago. Buffy made it clear who she wanted, and it hadn't been him. For a second, Xander stood there, and wondered what things would have been like if things had been different. He thought about the Wish world, that the Evil Willow had told them all about, and what it would have been like, if he was a vampire, just like Angel. Killing, taking what he wanted.

Xander shook his head, not believing what he had been thinking. How could he want to do that stuff? It was...well, bad, of course, but a part of him craved the certainty that having no soul might bring. Even if it was only a very tiny part of him he knew it was there, and that scared him more than anything. Time to change mental subjects. Now, he was starting to give himself the creeps. Hating Angel, or not, Xander needed a distraction. Making his way toward the broody vampire, Xander put on his best, "everything wonderful with the world, even if it's going to hell," expression, and he walked up to the vampire. "Hey, Angel. What's up? You seen Buffy?"

Puppy whirled at the sound of that voice, and he almost panicked. Xander!? Alive and...mocking? Why would he be asking about Buffy? Taking a step back, Puppy tried to add yet another bizarre piece, to this growing puzzle. He pulled out the last stake that he had from his front pocket, and gave the other a serious growl. "Leave me alone. Just...leave me alone."

"Whoa, big guy." Xander had his hands up in surrender, not understanding what was happening. "What's wrong? You OK?" And what *was wrong with Angel? The guy looked seriously spooked, and, there was a bruise on one of his arms. A big one. Xander tried to see it better, but Angel held up his stake and growled. Xander felt fear race through him, and his heart rate speed up with an adrenaline rush. "Angel?" Oh great. What if Angel had lost his soul...again? Just what they needed. Another evil creature to fight. "Hey, man. Could you stop waving that thing around? Someone's going to get hurt."

"Stop calling me that. You don't call me that." Puppy was not only confused, but he was angry now. Furious. Xander was acting strange, and, he smelled like...a human. No. That couldn't be right. Puppy must be loosing it. He must have hit his head, or something. He must be dead...dreaming? And that sound of a terrified heartbeat, cold not be coming from his previous tormentor. It couldn't be. And to top it off, why did Xander keep calling Angel? Xander never called him by that name. Xander always called him Puppy, and the fact that he wasn't, only sent more alarms rushing through the vampires head.

This was bad. Angel was loosing it, and Xander had no idea of what to do. "Look. It's ok. You're confused. Your...." Xander paused, and then frowned. "What the?" Across the room, a familiar shape moved in darkness, and Xander's eyes went very wide. Two of them. Two Angels. One here in front of him, and another across the room. "Angel?" What the heck was going on?


Spiked Angels

Part 3

Angel was walking towards the Bronze, looking for Buffy, as usual. Smelling a familiar scent, he turned his direction. A few meters ahead of him, he saw Xander with a man cowering before him, waving a stake around. Not being able to make the other man out, or tell what was going on, Angel moved closer.

"Xander? What's going on?" Angel yelled, while moving as fast as he could without it looking like he was overly concerned.

"Angel? What the *hell* is going on? Are one of you evil? Did some mystical-bad-Angelus-separating-thing happen?" Xander realized he was babbling before Angel raised his hand to silence him.

Which was when Angel caught sight of the man still cowering in front of Xander.

"What the....? Who are you?"

"I'm.... I'm no-one." Puppy turned and ran as fast as he could.

Leaving Xander behind, Angel was in hot pursuit of his double


"The Devil walks among us.""Yeah, and her name is Shannon Doherty."- Grace Under Fire

Lindsey: "I think for services rendered, we could get you off..."Faith: "You don't know how many men have promised me that."

Once I get one up, it will go there. I have a bare beginning of one at,

Part 4

Puppy could feel the adrenalin rushing through his body wave after wave hitting him as he ran; pounding in his ears sending him forward.

Where was he going? He didn't know, all he knew was that he had to get away, this was *wrong* and the sound of running feet behind him spurred him forward. Turning around another corner he came to a dead end. This was it, it was over. Closing his eyes for a moment he tested his grip on the stake he still held and turned.

Angel didn't know what was going on. One minute he was looking for Buffy the next he was chasing a Vampire (that sure as hell smelt a lot like him) half way across Sunnydale finally cornering him down one of the many dark alleys. Slowing to a stop he looked into eyes he hadn't seen in over a hundred years. Eyes filled with fear and painful acceptance.

"Who are you?"

Puppy licked his lip "I'm Puppy" saying it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Angel could see the stake clutched tightly in the other Vampires hand. Who was Puppy? Taking a step backwards he tried to make sense of what was going on as Xander came around the corner crashing into him.

"Who-ha_ Angel..? Xander looked between the two "_ and Angel?" This was confusing . Two Angels? one looking all broody, and the other looking like Angelus? No not Angelus (no leather pants), the other looking more like an Angel who'd been to hell an back. "What's going on Dead Boy?"

Putting his hand out to stop Xander "I don't know, and don't call me Dead Boy"

Puppy watched them in confusion. Why weren't they trying to kill him? And Xander? He wasn't staked and he smelt *human*. Puppy could smell the spicy scent of adrenalin and sweat drifting over strong and alive (intoxicating).

Curiosity stole forward and he took a step nearer wanting to reach out and touch, feel the blood flowing underneath the skin and the spark of life inside the body. With a sick fascination he watched the other Vampire and the human Xander arguing with each other completely oblivious, moving quietly he closed the distance and reached out. Touching the warm skin sent an electric shock of sensation through his fingers and down his arm.

"An I *don't* need you to tell me what's ..WHa!" Xander yelped as he felt himself grabbed and pulled backwards.

Almost too fast to see Puppy had slid his arm around the warm body and pulled it towards him pressing his chest into the jacket covered back and dragging Xander with him towards the end of the alley.

Angel had just opened his mouth to tell Xander *again* he didn't know who this was and *no* HE was Angel when the interloper reached out and grabbed. He couldn't do anything, in a second Xander was pulled away.

Starting forward he stopped as the Vampire raised the stake and pointed it over Xander's heart.

Puppy could feel the heart beat increase as his hand moved over and positioned his stake. He didn't know what was going on but this was *Xander*, minion of the Master and he had to die!

Angel held his breath (an old habit). Buffy would kill him (deader than dead) if he let Xander get staked. He looked into the haunted eyes staring wildly at him and tried to work out what to do. "What do you want?" Angel asked. Getting no reply he tried again "What do you want?"

Puppy bent his head forward resting it on Xander's neck. What did he want? He could feel the fear flooding the air from this Xander. His Xander would never feel fear, what did he want? "I want.. you to go away" he said in a small voice; small frightened voice.

Go away? How could Angel go away when this *Vampire* was sniffing Xander's neck like a wine taster inspecting bouquet.. Was Xander a good vintage? Was he worth a *bite*?

"I can't go away. I can't leave you with him. How do I know your not gonna kill him?" Angel asked.

Puppy rubbed his nose against the now sweat slicked neck "I just want you to go away" almost to himself "If Buffy had come earlier everything would have been fine_ Why didn't she come?" like a petulant child "*Why* didn't she come?"

And then it hit. Angel knew who this was, he knew where he'd come from. "Your Puppy.. from the alternate reality, you're the other me!" it was terrifying looking into those eyes and knowing why they'd seemed so familiar. Oh god. He had to make him understand this reality was different.

"In this reality Buffy did come, she's here, and we defeated the Master. He's gone!" Angel looked to see if the words penetrated. "I can prove it to you, I can *take* you to her".

Puppy tiled his head listening, was that why everything was so *wrong* to him? If it was true? Oh please if it was *true*. "Can you bring her here?" clutching Xander tighter. "Bring her here, *prove* it?".

What else could Angel do? If he rushed Puppy he wouldn't be able to get Xander in time. But if he was fast he could get to the Bronze and bring Buffy back before Xander had the chance to talk himself into *more* trouble. "You promise not to hurt him?"

Puppy nodded and watched Angel turn coat flapping and disappear.

Sliding to the floor, taking Xander with him Puppy pulled his legs up imprisoning Xander between raised knees and hugged him.

Absentmindedly brushing his cheek in the dark hair he contemplated. He could feel excitement building, if this was an alternate reality and Buffy had come?? Oh if that were only true. If it were true? He could feel a wave joy rising up. If it were true, he'd be in heaven.

Puppy hugged the boy closer and felt his first moment of true happiness in over a hundred years.


Author: Vampmistress76

Part 5


Angel ran as fast as his legs could take him to find Buffy. His mind clouded with confusion as to what was happening. How did Puppy get here, why was he here, and what was he going to do about the situation. He made his way back to the Bronze and hoped against hope that Buffy would be there. Finally catching sight of her blonde head on the dance floor, he quickly made his way to her. As he approached, Buffy turned to smile at him.

"Angel." Buffy exclaimed, reaching to draw him into an embrace. But he grabbed her arms and stopped her from doing so. Quickly she frowned "Angel, what's the matter?"

"It's complicated Buffy. It would be better to understand if you just follow me and see for yourself." With that Angel turned and started back the way he had come, the Slayer at his heels.

As they approached the ally that Angel had left Puppy and Xander in Angel began to get nervous. *This IS where I left where the HELL are they* he thought to himself.

"So, what's the crisis, Angel?" Buffy was asking, weary of the way her boyfriend was acting, but partly angry for being pulled away from a night out for fun.

"They were right here when I left, he promised to wait, damn it!"

Angel exclaimed loudly. "Where could he have taken him?"

"Taken who Angel? And who are you talking about? What is going ON?! Buffy was on the verge of wanting very much to stake something.

Angel turned to look at her with a look of worry as the situation finally sank in. "Xander, he's been me."


Feedback: Ophite68
Ophite`s Site

Part 6

Angelus hurried into the warehouse and tossed his unconscious burden to the ground, listening with interest to the sound of his skull impacting on the concrete floor. What to do? What to do? He was damaged. He needed blood, but this Xander could be useful and he did want to torture him in payment for all that he had suffered. So! - he smiled slightly. Just a couple of pints to weaken him and then a bit of hunting. He cast about and found a closet to stash his prize in. No gag, wouldn't want him to strangle on his vomit, well at least not when I'm not there to watch.

His mouth twitched as he began to strip the shirt from Xander’s body to use as bonds. Why stop there? The shirts, the shoes, the pants and underwear. Lovely. He could see why Darla had chosen to turn the boy. Not quite old enough to be her usual ideal, but the pale skin and dark wavy hair made him very much her type. His mouth was slightly too wide but attractive with a cynical twist that Angelus knew could be wonderfully cruel. The boy was his type too if it came right down to it. He would make a wonderful companion after his mind was thoroughly broken.

He bent over the young man's neck suddenly alive with anticipation. His first feed after so long... It was he could almost ignore the fact that his victim was unconscious, the thought of blood, hot and wet flooding his mouth. He licked the neck slowly, savoring the living flavor of his prey, the salt of sweat, the arid tang of fear still clinging to his skin. Finding the perfect spot he slowly pushed his fangs through the skin. Hoping if he made this as painful as possible Xander would wake to feel him feeding. No joy there but the heavy red taste of it streaming into his mouth more than made up for the lack of response. He listened to the pulse as he drank. It sped up slightly becoming throatier. Perfect, he thought licking the oozing wound before applying some pressure.

A few minutes later cleaning his mouth, and thumbing through Xander's wallet, he left the warehouse hunting. He didn't want to go to far and leave Xander untended. But he wanted something better than the human detritus that clustered in this neighborhood. For his first hunt he wanted something clean, fresh, and uncontaminated. He didn’t know what he was looking for in particular when he reached the shopping district but he wanted her the moment he saw her. Long red hair sweeping a slender waist, creamy skin even paler under the night sky, heavy make-up, green leather mini skirt, and thigh high boots. She was perfect and she was going into a pub with a couple of other girl friends. He could smell them from here, they were all in heat, but the huntress would be the hunted tonight.

The music in the place was too loud for intimacy, but no matter. He smiled broadly as he walked into the bar and almost immediately caught the red-head’s appreciative eyes. She liked the look of a hunter, so he prowled up to her keeping eye contact. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked.

"Sure, a Long Island Ice Tea."

He flipped a $20 at the bar tender never taking his eyes off of hers, "And a brandy for me, if you would."

"My name is Jocelyn. What’s yours?"

"Angelus. Would you care to join me at a table?"

"Sure." She gave her friends the nod off and followed him to one of the last empty tables left. A booth in the corner partially obscured by a half wall. Ideal for his purposes.

When they were seated they sipped their drinks and tried to make conversation over the music. After a bit Angel shook his head, held out his hand and nodded to the tiny dance floor. Once there his hands were free to wander and she arched and purred under his hands. He continued his seduction back at the table, a few more drinks and he lead her outside. She was startled when he pulled her into the alley. She tried to scream when his hand covered her face. She stiffened with horror when he smiled at her his fangs and brow ridges now visible. And she died when he drained her down to the last terrified drop.

Watching her body on the ground the plan formed fully fledged in his mind. He would take Xander out of Sunnydale, break him, turn him, and then come back for Willow, and then for Buffy. A family of his own, to be the head of, just like before.


Author: Lisa O.

Pairing: Angel and Xander. If I accidentally called him Angelus, please forgive. *G* That's all I ever play him as, in my RPGs, so I sometimes slip.

Part 7


Xander was dreaming, or at least that was what he was hoping for. If not, then he was in some very real danger. Possibly even deadly. He definitely hoped it was a dream.

Angel touched the side of the young boy's neck. Could the vampire get any luckier? He didn't think so, but you never knew. After what wildest dream had he even imagined he'd have his most hated enemy, tied up and helpless? Well, in most of them, but that was beside the point. He'd certainly never thought it would come to pass. The vampire grinned and nodded to himself. It was a dream come true. And soon, even better things would come to pass. He would take Xander out of this place and find a better area to keep him in. He'd break the boy slowly, and the come back for the others. Buffy...Willow. Maybe even those white hats he'd heard about, fighting the *Good fight for so damned long. But, that wasn't the point, was it? Angel shook his head, feeling himself loosing focus for a second. He was the good guy, wasn't he? If he did that, wouldn't that be a bad thing to do? Angel frowned, as though the idea made him very unhappy....but then again, hadn't his own failure and stint as the Master's play thing been just as horrific? Didn't Angel deserve something for that. Didn't he?

"Angel?" The boy was calling his name again, in that painful and confused manner. He must be disoriented, but Angel had only just begun the process of breaking his former tormentor....or had that been someone else? Angel was distracted from his thoughts, as he looked down at the boy for a moment only. This wasn't the Xander he knew. It was someone else, but not. Who? He wasn't sure. How had he gotten here? It didn't matter.

Angel traced a finger over on of Xander's bared nipples, trying to remember how it had gone. Xander shivered lightly under that touch, but the vampire was oblivious. He needed to take Xander away. Get a car and get them both moving, but his mind was back in that other world, thinking of how it had happened, all over again. Lost in thought, Angel didn't notice the humans quiet panting, and that was just as well.

Angel was in the factory again, and he could see it all. The Master's plan being revealed. An evil assembly line that would make it so much easier for the demon inhabitants of Sunnydale. Bottled blood, for the happy vamps. Angel shook his head and tried to focus. He saw Buffy then, and her weapon was raised like a beacon from God. No. Too much, but still, there was power in that very simple move. The cross perfectly aimed. Angel thought he must have held his breath, and then, the arrow had been flying with the barest of sounds. It cut through the air and headed toward the Master's heart, with no one to stop it in it's flight.

Xander made a sound low in his throat, but Angel was still in memory and paid him no mind. Instead, the vampire tried to focus on mere seconds that had happened next.

Angel remembered that everything had frozen in that instant, or that was what he was sure of....but then, Xander was there, dodging in the way. The point and shaft disappeared into the body of his tormentor and Xander was no more. Dust on the wind, and the fight had gone on.

Angel shook the memory away as he finally opened his eyes and looked down to Xander. Red marks around the boys nipple showed the bite of Angel's rough handling. He must have twisted the flesh there without even realizing it, while he had been stuck in his own thoughts. No harm though, or at least not enough. Angel smirked and then bent down, sniffing along the bruised warmth. He took a deeper breath and he could taste it. Fear, and blood, and other things that he couldn't name. Angel could almost feel what it would be like to have Xander's heart beat laying in his mouth. It beat like a frantic animal, trying desperately to escape from it's invisible cage. It was intoxicating.

"Angel. You don't want to do this. I'm..." The boy struggled to form coherent words, but he was having difficulties. Xander gook a deep breath and tried again. "I'm not the Xander from your world. I' him."

The dark haired vampire growled, unwilling to be tricked. This was Xander and Angel was going to hurt him very badly and then make the boy his own. Then, things would be different. Xander would belong to him, and Angel could call someone else the Puppy.

"No more talk," Angel murmured, forgetting about the leaving town for now, and concentrating on other things instead. Carefully, he took one of the bruised nipples into his mouth and sucked on it almost daintily. There was the salty goodness of the human's fear, and the beating heart just below. Wonderful. Then, Angel's canines slid through the soft flesh, just as they had not long before. The memory washed over Angel, just as the death of the girl at the Bronze did. Her hair had been as red as blood and shown under the shining lights of the alley way. One death, since he'd crossed over to this place, but it was nothing to him. They were all dead anyway, weren't they? The master had killed them and they were all dead. It didn't matter what Angel did to them. They were his to play with, or do nothing at all. It was nothing but a variation of the same themes that played over and this world or another, and none of it mattered. "Hmmm." Angel drank the dark crimson liquid, savoring for as long as he could.

Xander moaned softly, his eyes rolling back into his head. He wasn't sure if he was going to make it, and he wanted to cry. Not tears of sadness, but of a deep anger that made his body thrum until it had no way to express itself, but with the molten heat of his tears. But somehow, he held off crying....and the feeding went on. TBC...