Ophite's Site

Proud member of the Evil Mom Empire! Foiling the fun of children everywhere.

Counter people have visited since 31 Jan 2001

My Fanfic

Sentinel AUs and Marvel Crossovers
Heck and now here is Buffy and the X-Files,
Voyager... Eeek where will it all end! Feedback will increase my writing speed!


A Different Start (40kb)
Sentinel: Blair is taken by extremists.
13 Sept99

Alternate Route (39kb)
Sentinel: What if Blair was Alex's guide first
Done except for a final run through by my Beta Reader.
16 May 1999

Susan Foster has done a wonderful(and large)AU spin-off of my AU spin-off. It is located at www.sentinel2000.cwc.net

Guild to Galactor (1kb)
Marvel/G-Force: Where did Galactor come from
Finished, but VERY short

Wolftrap (27kb)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X-Files crossover.
Oz is taken by the Consotium.
The betaed version is up 6 Dec 00.
Started: 28 Jan 00, finished 8 April 00

NEW The Funeral (3kb)
A very short X-files. Mulder stakes out Krycek's funeral and has a short conversation.
Posted: 1March 2002

Slash warning for the next link!

References are made to male/male relationships and other adult subjects. No readers under the age of 18 please. If you do not use freedom responsibly it will be taken away!

If you are over 18 turn the key for some stories which contain slash references.

In progress:

Puppyeyes Round Robin

Distorted Mirror (14kb)
Marvel G-Force Xover: Gambit escapes Gel Sadra

Crossovers I Would Like To See

Band names I think would be cool

(If you have a band feel free to use one)

In the real world superheros would have product sponsors

If you think of some good ones, send them and I'll post them

We got a scanner, so I must play.

Links to other sites on the Web

Fan Fiction on the Net: The most comprehensive listing of fanfic sites I know about.
CFAN: Your connnection to comic based fanfiction. Sadly it is now, for the most part, shut down. There are still some links though.
Schnoogle: The place for all your Harry Potter fanfic needs.
The Gossamer Project: The biggest X-files archive that I know of.
The Wayback Machine: This wonderful archive of millions of web pages is is terrific. The last hope for finding things that have been removed from the web. Just go to the site, plug in the old URL and cross your fingers.

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