Fung's Ίτ­¶ Midi Music!!!

English Name : Fung's
Cantonese Name :Fung
Mandarin Name : Feng
Birthday : 1Xth February 19x&
Star Sign : Pisces
Height : 172cm (5ft.8")
Weight : 60 kg (92 lb)
Blood Type : Type o
Religion : I believe there is A God on the Universe
Languages spoken : Mandarin, Cantonese, English
Favorite Artors : Jeckie Chan (Hong Kong)
Favorite countries :China, Canada, America, France
Favorite colours : Red, Black, White
Favorite sports : Swimming, Singging, Dancing,
Favorite foods : Fruits, Seafood, Coca-Cola
Favorite Singers : Gloria Estefan, Mariah Carey, Eddi
American Foods : New York Steak
Favorite Actors/Actress : Winona Ryder, Tome
Hanks, Joedie Foster
Biggest Wishes : (1) To be a successful ..... Wish All my friends and relatives are always healthy
Places to go : A place with sunlight, peace, love and smiles.
Favorite Quote : "COOL!"


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