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The next time you find yourself in deep  conversation, discussing the great guitar players of our time... simply mention the name of Tommy Crook  and then just sit back and watch what happens..!
Tommy has been playing the guitar since he was about seven.  His father, a very warm and personable gentleman, was quite a guitarist as well.  As fine guitarists come and go, Tommy's one of the very finest.  Chet Atkins met Tommy years ago and while appearing on the Johnny Carson Show, pointed out how Tommy was in his view, a highly accomplished fingerstyle guitarist.  Tommy is currently performing at The Lanna Thai Resturaunt at 3535 East  51st.  Currently, Tommy is performing with Jim Bates and Scott Music.
Go to: 
Years ago, Tommy entertained the U.S. Troups overseas.  He's performed at Tulsa's Sheridan Hotel near the airport for travelers and The Fountains Restaurant a truely fine dining place here, backed by bass guitarist Jon Cummins and drummer Ken Leverette.  With jazz guitar stylings as just one of his expertise'.  Satin Doll, as  played on Tommy's guitar is really quite an experience...as  Yankee Doodle Dixie, the way Tommy plays it will truely astonish the very best guitarists. (And that's
when Tommy's just getting started ! )
Be Sure And Sign Tommy's Guest Book Below:  He'd Love To Hear  From You.....
Gateway To Getting In Touch With Tommy Crook...  Click On The Bird
Tommy's been  working on a brand new release on CD entitled --"110 Degrees in the Shade"  You'll have to Email Tommy and ask him about this new hit CD.
Tommy also appears with singer,  Kathy Wolfe @ LannaThai
and Kathy's a very talented singer !
I've heard it said that Tommy Crook  is the best guitarist in all the world...but my prob is,  I still haven't  heard three other guitarists I was told about two weeks ago...so ummm I dunno.