Updated January 12, 2003
"The Flame that burns brightest
is the light of the eternal human spirit:
A beacon of love, justice and peace
that will never be extinguished.
It will triumph over the forces of darkness
and illuminate for the whole world
The true path to freedom
Through goodness, hope, and love."
GREG HAS JUST completed "Godsend" starring with Robert DiNiro and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos...his character name in the movie is Paul Duncan...filming began on November 20, 2002 in Toronto, Canada, it wrapped on December 29, 2002...release date (wide) is slated for Fall. 2003...a Lions Gate Films Production...HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND a Happy New Year from Everyone at TGKP...AUTOFOCUS IN THEATERS in New York and Los Angeles, plus selected cities, October 18, has Oscar buzz, many great reviews. A must-see!...AUTOFOCUS WELL RECEIVED at the recent Toronto Film Festival...
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