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Hi welcome to my webpage and thanx for coming. Let me tell you a little about myself. I live in a small ski town with lots of snow and I really hate snow. I have a golden labrador and her name is Charli. I am 15 years old and trying my best to survive high school. I like to listen to: Will Smith, Everclear, Sublime, Barenaked Ladies, and basically all types of music except country, I really hate country. I hope you are enjoying my page so far. It is still under construction so come again sometime and please sign my guestbook and add yourself to my mailing list I will send you kickin' stuff. It would be greatly appreciated. LUVUTONZ, Jennifer

Hi, My name is kickin_cutie

My interests are:
Tennis, electric guitar playing, Adamsandler and Mike Myers are my favorite actors. My favorite movies are: "Happy Gilmore", "Austin Powers", "The Waterboy", and "The Wedding Singer". My favorite TV show is South Park.


E-mail me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.


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