Welcome to The UNITVERSE

Launch Station .........

UPDATED - *VERSION 12.04.05*
The following pages are some
of the interesting sights and sounds

that have been documented

during my many voyages through cyberspace

Many travelers have passed through
The UNITVERSE on their way to other destinations

But a select few Have Marked Their destination map

To mark your destination map Press: Ctrl + D keys simultaneously


The sites that follow:

Active Sites:

Nasa Pics: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Images and Link Page
- most popular in the Unitverse site!!

Unit's Surf Report - Daytona Beach Surf Report

Unit's Surfcam Center: - Surf Info Center for Daytona Beach, Fl USA

OverlorD - Metal Band - See them Here First

The Unitverse's NASCAR® page - Huge NASCAR Resource

The Unitverse's Links - Other Cool Places on the Internet

Searchcentral at The Unitverse-Links to popular Search Engines

The Unitverse's 80's Bands Links - All your favorite 80's bands

Pics of the webmaster - Personal picture area

New Added sites:

News Center: - hot files Click Planet Above for Search !! *News Feeds - updated daily *

The Unitverse's News Feeds
Top Stories ,Cool Sites,Latest Music News, ,Freeware and Shareware Downloads, ,NASCAR News,Racing News,Webmaters Tips - Newsfeeds by moreover.com

The Unitverse's Link Pages
webmaster links , music links , animation/clipart links , web cam links , info sites links , Stock quotes , misc / weird / cool links , internet radio & TV links , classic car/motorcycle links , 80's band links , download sites links , education(al) links , freinds of The UNITVERSE links , NASA links , Pet links , free stuff links

Pages (still) under Construction: (OPENING SOON)

Guitar and Music pages:
to include Music resource links,
wav files, midi files, Musician features 80's music links, and tributes to some of the performers who have Influenced the masses

Motorcycle and automobile pages: to include Links to motor vehicle interests motorcycle enthusiast links, Classic cars, Corvette pages

Web master Resource area pages: to include links to best of the Internet web master areas, JavaScript pages, free web space, animation and many other web master goodies

Unique and different Web Finds: to include links to sights and sounds that you just don't see everyday this area is for those sites you just cannot categorize

Nothing here....Yet*evilgrin* :))

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The UNITVERSE is constantly changing
Check back often for updates!!!!

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