The Seinfeld series is being broadcasted in 14 countries.
And the character is based on a real
Kramer; Kenny
Kramer has now his own word, the expression : "Krameresque"
indicate now
something which is insane usually and
Kramer early became a favorite on Seinfeld and is still the
shows' trademark
character. He is the only Seinfeld character to warrant his
own poster - "The
Kramer" - a copy of the portrait from the 1992 episode "The
Bootleg "blooper" tapes show numerous examples of the cast
cracking each-
other up - whether it be because of a blown line, a problem
with a prop, or
simply Kramer bounding through the door. Who wouldn't?
A stop on the information superhighway (internet) found Michael
picture the most popular male photo to be downloaded among
Online subscribers, with a hot streak of 275 downloads in
three weeks.
(Sharon Stone was the most popular female photo with some
1300 down-
His stand-up appearance at the Montreal International Comedy
Festival in
1993 sold out 2.200 seats in less than two hours. "People
expected to see
Kramer, but my act, sort of a non-traditional act where I
tell stories, wasn't
about Kramer. And I got a standing ovation. That was gratifying",
he told
Entertainment Weekly.
Richards favorite shows is Colombo and Murder, She Wrote.
His favorite
comic idols is Buster Keaton and Peter Sellars.
- Richards advertised for a series of Pepsi commersials
during the Super
Bowl in 1994. In the spots, Richards plays an oddball scientist,
Dr. Leotard,
who sets out to scientifically prove that Pepsi is the ultimate
beverage. The
first spot, "Depriviation Tank", showed what can happend
when one goes
too long without Pepsi (a Cindy Crawford can transform into
a Rodney
Dangerfield) and was ranked by USA Today as America's third
commercial during the game.
- Richards' other notable campaign was for the Orlando
Magic in 1993-94,
where he unleashed a little more off the Kramer persona.
Standing alone
in a blackened studio, he jumps, shouts and clowns with a
basketball while
describing the action during a Magic game. Rapid cuts and
Richards' own-
in-your-face energy help convey the feeling of a frenzied
fan watching a
Shaquille O'Neal slam-dunk: "Then there's the incredible
alleyoop to Shaq.
And ka-pow! Good-bye backboard!"
- In 1996 Richards starred in a sexy Mercedes commercial
with a woman
who looked a lot like Eleine Benes.
- In 1998 Richards was back in the Super Bowl telecast,
this time turning
in a maniacally fast-paced performance pitching Tommy Hilfiger
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