Penpal Page!
Want to meet other Friends fans? Then write to someone on this page and add your name to it too! Just email the following information to me and I'll publish it on the page.
Name:Email Address:Date of Birth:Fave Friend's Character:Interests:
Email info to me.
Name: LauraEmail: 18/8/83Fave Friends Character: JoeyInterests: Computers, cinema, Friends, music. Write soon!
Names: LindsayEmail: 22/6/83Fave Friends Character: ChandlerInterests: computers, Friends, emailing people... the usual kind of stuff!
Name: KeithEmail: 5/7/83Fave Friends Character: PhoebeInterests: Watching Friends and Buffy, surfing the net etc.
Name: Alix (girl)Email: Alixt33lw@aol.comDOB: 17/5/83Fave Friends Character: ChandlerInterests: Poetry, cinema, flirting....