The Written Words and Thoughts of MADKAP

Sometimes my thoughts weigh me down so much...


Movie Reviews for Hollywood Jesus:
ET The Extra Terrestrial
Harry Potter

Randomly-written Story: June 13, 1999

The frog sipped his plankton tea and wondered why there was a chicken bouncing in front of him. He sighed and sipped his tea and thought about how silly the pond had become in recent years, eversince the pigs took over and became Democrats. It used to be so simple, he thought, there would be parades and parties and exploding flowers, and the giant rabbit would come and tell stories and do puppet shows, but now the rabbit was selling oysters on the beach because the pigs turned the whole storytelling business into a meat factory. There were little ways to have fun anymore; even catching flies was illegal, so the frogs had to rely on tea for all their sustenance. The flies all joined the army and were forced to go join the campaign against spiderwebs. The frog sat there watching the bouncing chicken and he wanted to kill it. Rather than succumb to his urges, which would make him need a therapist according to the new law, he simply hopped into his milk carton home that he had been forced into and fell asleep, and dreamed of the days when there was a rainbow everyday at noon and the rabbit's shadow was welcomed by everyone.

May 21, 1999

There once was a man named Poopa-de-Flat,
who threw away his favorite hat.
It blew in the wind and fell on a cat,
who stopped in his tracks and said "Look at that!
A hat I have now, so precious and neat!
A hat that looks almost good enough to eat!
So the cat ate the hat
and Poopa-de-Flat
saw the cat eat his hat,
so Poopa-de-Flat ate the cat,
and that's that.


I lived in a dark room,
It was pitch black,
All I could see was the black static
of darkness.
I walked around, figured,
So what if I can't see?
I can still get around OK.

Suddenly I was struck on the head
With something unknown and unseen.
I gathered my senses in the dark,
Figured, Whoa, that was weird.
Walked around some more.
Stubbed my toe.
It stung like a queen bee,
And I cursed to myself,
Then loudly to the black.
I stumbled through and whacked my knee,
My body shrieked,
I was bruised, yet I couldn't see how bad.
I wondered if I was bleeding.
Stood still, afraid to move,
Should I bump into something else.



Enveloped in a shadow.

Then I snapped,
Stumbled through the dark,
And turned on the light.
Blinded at first, then
I saw the table where I hurt my knee,
The chair where I stubbed my toe,
And the light fixture where I bumped my head.

And I thought, Why did I have the light off?

Written March 1, 2001 on a bus and inspired by Scriptual reflections from my friend Augusto Kapronczai:But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.
John 3:21

Visit my brain again, more ramblings coming soon!