Our Suave Administrator Rhett Butler
Our Fiery Co-Administrator Scarlett O'Hara- Butler
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AIM: LitaJupiter444
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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to actually be a character from Gone With the Wind? Well, if you have, this is the place for you. Welcome to The Original Gone With the Wind Role-Playing Game. Here you can take on the role of a character from Gone With the Wind or even create your own character!
To learn more about the RPG, view the Introduction. This will provide you with complete details concerning the RPG and will lead you to the sign-up sheet if you wish to join. If, after reviewing the introduction, you still have questions, please feel free to ICQ or e-mail us. Use the links below to navigate through the site. Thanks for taking interest in the RPG...see you in the story!
These graphics were made expressly for The Original Gone With the Wind Roleplaying Game by Emma. Please be kind and leave it behind.
This Gone With The Wind Ring site is owned by the
Original Gone With the Wind Roleplaying Game
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