<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Psychosis">

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<TITLE>The Destruction Team</TITLE>



<CENTER><U><FONT FACE="Arial Black"><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=+3>The

Destruction Team</FONT></FONT></FONT></U></CENTER>

<CENTER><FONT FACE="Arial Black"><FONT COLOR="#993300">This page is my

addition to the Destuction Team's world wide network of unknown individuals

with the gift of unimaginable computer knowledge.&nbsp; All files found

within are for personal amusement only and should not be used in a way

that renders them illegal.&nbsp; Don't mess with this stuff, you might

end up in a situation you might not like.</FONT></FONT></CENTER>