A-E, K-O, P-T, U-Z,

Name of file


Time (mm:ss)

Rating (of 5)

father_and_son.mid Father and Son. Song by Cat Stevens. Would be four stars, but loses one for the weak chorus. 2:46 ***
foolishgames.mid Foolish Games. Nice rendition of Foolish Games. Mostly piano stuff here. 6:35 ***
foreveryoung.mid Forever Young. 4:19 **
forrest2.mid Forrest Gump theme from the movie. 2:03 ***
friends.mid Friends theme. Pretty pathetic. 0:56 **
goodbyeyellow.mid Goodbye Yellow Brick Road song by Elton John. 3:13 ***
greatest.mid Greatest American Hero theme. 2:54 ***
happy_nation.mid Happy Nation. 3:40 ***
hazard.mid Hazard, by Richard Marx. Very good. Such a sad song.. :'( 4:54 ****
head_over_feet.mid Head over Feet. A song by Alanis Morisette. This version doesn't emphasise the melody enough, but it's pretty decent. 4:18 ***
heatison.mid The Heat is On. Sounds good. The real song would score 1 star, but thankfully the lyics are missing. :) 3:57 **
hey_jude.mid Hey Jude, Beetles song. 4:30 ****
hillstreetblues.mid Hill Street Blues, popular tv show theme. 3:00 ***
hopelesslydevoted.mid Hopelessly Devoted to You. Song from the musical, Grease. This would be good for karaoke. 2:57 ***
hotel_cal.mid Hotel California. An old classic. Fairly .. decent. 6:37 ***
house.mid House of the Rising Sun. Great, though nothing beats the original vinyl record. (Just love those scratchy noises...) :) By The Animals. 4:44 *****
howbizarre.mid How Bizarre. Song by New Zealand band, OMC (Otara Millionaire's Club). 3:46 ***
ijustcalled.mid I Just Called to say I Love You. Argh! Enough of these sappy love songs. 4:14 ***
imagine.mid Imagine all the People. 3:32 ****
ishotthesheriff.mid I Shot The Sheriff. 1:13 ***
i_swear.mid I Swear. I forget who it's by, but it's boring. :) 4:06 **
iwannadance.mid I wanna dance with somebody. How old will this tune get?? 4:%6 **
i_will_always.mid I will Always Love You. The song that really made Whitney Houston famous. 3:34 ***
id4.mid Independence Day movie theme. Right on! 1:28 ****
indiana.mid Indiana Jones theme. Best of many versions 5:09 *****
ironic.mid Ironic by Alanis Morisette. Had an opportunity to be good, but the composer forgot to use a voice to replace the sung notes. 3:50 ***
it_must_have.mid It Must Have Been Love. 4:20 ***
jarre3.mid Jarre3. A piece by Jean Michelle Jarre. I forget it's name. 8:45 ****
jump.mid Jump. Great. (Is it by Van Halen?) 4:22 ****
jurassic_park.mid Jurassic Park theme. Real bad to start with. Gets better after about 40 seconds. 7:56 ***