• Better half (254KB)
    "We're actually only half brothers. My dad left when we were very young."
    "Oh yeah? And which is the better half?"
    "Well that all depends on what you want us for, now doesn't it?"

  • Chubby (56KB)
    "Don't leave! I'm poppin' a chubby here."

  • Dad (41KB)
    "Dad always liked him the best."

  • Heimlich (161KB)
    "Do you know the heimlich maneuver by any chance, because. . .if they keep doing that with their tongues one of them is definitely gonna choke."

  • Wes and Rich (217KB)
    "I don't know, there's a little bit too much death around here for me, kinda cramps my style. Besides, I want to do something with my life. I don't wanna be a fuck up like you."

  • Women (172KB)
    "Would you look at this? This is insane. . ."
    "There are so many women here we must go downstairs right now and find them."

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