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Priorities for the assistance would be Those delivering a paper for the Conference; Members coming from developing countries and those whose attendance is considered as vital or will have a very big benefit for their association; First time applicants but former grantees are also welcome to apply. The travel assistance may cover airfares, ground transport, accommodation and other legitimate expenses but will not normally cover all expenses on any occasion. For airfares, economy class is the only fare rate that can be reimbursed. Cost-sharing arrangements are strongly encouraged. Requirements include: the fully accomplished application form; billing statements or receipts for actual airfare and relevant expenses for reimbursement or where assistance is being asked; a certification letter from the head of your institution; a letter of intent from the applicant (200 words or less in English) specifying why you need the assistance and what benefit you and your institution will get from your attendance. Grant recipients are expected to arrange their own travel, accommodation and reservations at their own expense and will be reimbursed at the event upon presentation of the relevant documents and receipts to the SEAPAVAA Treasurer. Application forms are to be submitted on or before July 31, 2007 to the Secretary General at  HYPERLINK "mailto:Jamie.lean@nzfa.org.nz" Jamie.lean@nzfa.org.nz or to the SEAPAVAA Secretariat at  HYPERLINK "mailto:seapavaa@yahoo.com" seapavaa@yahoo.com.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  11th SEAPAVAA CONFERENCE & GENERAL ASSEMBLY Establishing memory: Building an AV Archive for our Great Grandchildren TRAVEL ASSISTANCE APPLICATION FORM APPLICANTS DETAILS:  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Dr.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Mr.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Mrs.  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Ms. Last Name: ____________________________ First name: __________________________ Designation/Profession: ______________________________________________________ Organization/Institution: _____________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Zip: ____________ City: _________________ Country: ____________________________ Phone: ________________ Fax Number/s: ______________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________ SEAPAVAA MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Official representative of SEAPAVAA Institutional Member  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  SEAPAVAA Individual Member Funding Requested (in US currency): Airfare $ ____________________ Lodging $ ____________________ Others $ ____________________ _________________________________ ________________________ Signature of applicant Date Applications must be received no later than 31st July 2007 and submitted to the SEAPAVAA Secretariat < HYPERLINK "mailto:seapavaa@yahoo.com" seapavaa@yahoo.com> or to the Secretary General, <  HYPERLINK "mailto:jamie.lean@nzfa.org.nz" jamie.lean@nzfa.org.nz>. !I " # w x  vw픊zh0h05OJPJQJ\h0OJPJQJh0hOJPJQJh0OJPJQJhOJPJQJhrOJPJQJh6CJOJPJQJhH*OJPJQJh"jhUmHnHsHtHuhOJPJQJjhU.I" # . x $^a$gdr$ & F h88^8`a$gdr$ & F h88^8`a$gdr$ & F h^`a$gdr$a$gdr$a$$ a$ vw{  0gd0$a$$a$gd0 $h^ha$gdr $^a$gdr$ & F h88^8`a$gdr$ & F`a$gdr$a$gdr$ & F h^`a$gdr<=defxy{|  012FGH_`abcjk쵭֢֕{wogj8hUjhUh0h>*OJPJQJh0h0_H9mHnHsHh6CJOJPJQJhH*OJPJQJjhU"jhUmHnHsHtHujOhUhhOJPJQJh0JOJPJQJjhUjhU(012FG!p ]kl d^`ddx^dh^d^d^^-./01klm +-.Ssۨ۠햻zh0CJOJPJQJhCJOJPJQJh0h0OJPJQJjhUjhUh5OJPJQJhhCJOJPJQJj|hUjhU"jhUmHnHsHtHuhOJPJQJjhU0  +,-. ^`'(OPQcdƵƟƆsƟZsI!h#h6CJPJ\]aJ0jIh#h06CJPJU\]aJ%h#h00J6CJPJ\]aJ0jbh#h06CJPJU\]aJ*jh#h06CJPJU\]aJ!h#h056CJPJ]aJ!h#h06CJPJ\]aJhh#h0hOJPJQJhOJPJQJh0OJPJQJh0hOJPJQJhh#":p0/ =!"#$%n&C܌TW1_PNG  IHDRRRHNsRGB pHYs 9&IDATx^nA㼸'w&B„((c||z?/bR__@\+ؘ{Iq0Y{gy*uڒv.%'Sl5be=,%x4:v*`Z rS!w[کI52͜ojm/x46p)@)34ҭQPva i21uW; zǞ=,Qhs8ulzD|V^8 sYTۋnNusر_qs:F| rh;+/ ۫?Lr`L& @UL›l;cߥviy6Lk %n ]m *aZñvפ~DTQ߭p}sVג;vp~|<ߺזp&:Lۮ_ǏXa ۭF0:{oO"[-x7"mL`9Mz F}+ET sVfi'n4toRʬ Ҵ$p۱A޶5=7^;/5%ؠ%0`M͟dPӲ%:< y8IV}U?ؒ끨F]-TF;ըw_+tQf_$§,3x#Abp!)ОdDGSƕ}xi!jѤUF^kſg@m9Zm{B:G ` yΏp?23WdvQg--Fr|K{i\nCF0`F$mڱL²ǰL&+>v LmWrJk?.*E~Dҷ+}z7=N[IENDB`DdPV c $@@ "?DyK yK <mailto:Jamie.lean@nzfa.org.nzDyK yK 4mailto:seapavaa@yahoo.comDdPV c $@@ "?DdV c $@@ "?DdV c $@@ "?DdV c $@@ "?DdV c $@@ "?DdV c $@@ "?DdV c $@@ "?DyK seapavaa@yahoo.comyK Lmailto:seapavaa@yahoo.comyX;H,]ą'cDyK jamie.lean@nzfa.org.nzyK Tmailto:jamie.lean@nzfa.org.nzyX;H,]ą'c@ NormalB$$$d*$1$]^`$a$-DM Z568:;<7S*CJOJPJQJ@mH phsH tH _HH*>*KHEHwhaJO Heading 1B$$$d*$1$]^`$a$-DM N568:;<7S*CJOJPJQJ@mH phsH H*>*KHEHwhDA@D Default Paragraph Fontdi@d  Table Normal.a44l44l (k@(No List<O< Hyperlink1ph>*wh4@4 0Header  !4 @4 0Footer  !6U@!6 0 Hyperlink >*B*ph   .I"#.x vw{ 0 1 2 F G ! p ]   k l + , - . 000000000 00 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00000000000000000000000000000000 00@0Ey00Xc@0Ey00Xc@0My00c@000c0H0M90c00M90c00M90c00M90 00M9000M90M90  0 <ex{G _ b j  - 0 l _XX_______j XXl  ,b$&C܌TW1_$.@ (    <@@A1?C"?  <@@A1?C"?  c $@@?C"?   c $@@?C"?   c $@@?C"?   c $@@?C"?   c $@@?C"?    c $@@?C"? < C  ?` . 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