Updated 7/11/98
Welcome to

Justin's Temple of the Gods

Here you will eventually find stuff on Hercules and Xena
Including bios, fanfiction, links, and anything else I can think of.

Click here to view this page in Greek.

Links on this page:

My Opinoin Poll
Give me some input on my page in this easy little poll.
My Portal Page
This page has lots of links to other Herc/Xena web sites and some other misc. sites.
The Fan Fiction Chronicles
A collection of fan ficton worth reading.
The Mystical Pool of Disclaimers
Here are a couple of pages dedicated to the listing of disclaimers at the end of Xena. Some are pretty funny.
Desktop Themes
Just put this up. It's still extremely primative.
New chat room

Coming soon: Quotes, transcripts, and more.


For all of you who are trying to get your Hercules card sets completed,
I know someone who has all of hers plus some extra ones that she can trade.
Although she does't have any extra hologram or embossed cards.
If your interested send her some e-mail.


I will soon be back to work more on this page.
until then Send me a messanger.
Please come back and see what I have done.

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The counter has been reset. There used to be almost 6,000 hits.

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Created 8/16/97

Music Copyright MCA Television and Varese Records.
Text (unless otherwise specified) Copyright 1997-98 Justin's Temple of the Gods.
This site does not intend to infringe on or derive profit from MCA, Universal,
or any other company associated with Xena: Warrior Princess and Hercules:The Legendary Journeys.
If I have violated any copyrights please notify me and it will be delt with accordingly.

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