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Two views of the gravesite of Jules Verne in Amiens, France

From an abandoned movie house in the bygone days of Torrelevega, Spain's past.

The 'ole Prof himself walks along the road to the famous Painted Caves of Altamira, Spain. The road is named after the amateur archeologist who discovered them.

Photos by Elena Saiz
The Prof visits one of the three still standing sets used in the Spaghetti Westerns in Almiera, Spain.

Click HERE for a listing of Public Access TV outlets where PROFESSOR KINEMA can be seen
Click HERE for a listing of circulating PROFESSOR KINEMA Shows.

Click HERE for the article on Professor Kinema from the Winter, 2002 issue of the Empire State College Journal.

Leni Riefenstahl
Aug 22, 1902 - Sep 8, 2003
Click HERE for links to original articles by Jim Knusch

Click HERE for other links on the Web