Images Gleaned From One's Imagination
Cinema Esoterica Spoken Here.

Find me on MySpace and be my friend!
Tales will be woven pertaining to the Pre-History of the Cinema, forgotten
personalities, overlooked facts and
little known bits of information. All of this will come from the archives
and arcane pile of junque of Professor Kinema. Topics include interviews with interesting people;
current and bygone, the famous and
near-famous, all interesting and with something to say. Genres will
be discussed; Science Fiction, Fantasy,
Drama, Comedy. This page is constantly being updated. Feel
free to contact me via:

for any
information regarding this page, it's contents and the PROFESSOR
KINEMA Public Access series.

Janet Leigh
Pictured here with Professor Kinema
July 6, 1927 - October 4, 2004

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