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Last updated:
May 24, 2000
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Since 9.21.97

On 2.4.99, this page reached 100,000 hits. Thanks to everyone who visited!

Welcome to the Harrison Ford Worship Page! Here I seek to enshrine one of Hollywood's most respectable, most popular, and handsomest stars: Harrison Ford.

As stated by George Magazine, August 1997, "Harrison Ford is the most successful actor in film history, having starred in 7 of the 30 top-grossing films of all time. His work has become so ingrained in American culture that it is hard to fathom. Yet Ford has no movie-star desire to be personally loved. He simply wants to be respected for doing his job and then be left alone. In his ideal vision of himself, the 57-year-old is not a hero but the highest-paid blue-collar worker in the world."

Herein lies the peculiar reality of Harrison Ford - and also most of the reasons he is such a truly great figure in the eyes of the American public.

"Okay, so what's the deal with Harrison's address? Can I send him mail? Will he write back? Does he have an e-mail address? Will he send me a personal autograph?"

I get asked these questions every single day. For the definitive answers, click here.

I would like to offer my profound thanks to Omi, Abbey Thomas, and everyone over at for giving me hope that there are sane people in this world and for donating tons of pics! Alice, I love ya for helping me defeat Skippy! Thanks, all of you!

Aleta Mills, I worship you, too! Thank you SO much!

Sean, you rock! Everyone give Sean a hand. *claps* He deserves it for all his help with this site. You have my eternal gratitude!

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NOTE: Harrison Ford does not run this website. I don't know Harrison Ford. Harrison Ford will not see or answer any messages left in the guestbook. He cannot be contacted from there or through me. Sorry. Look on the trivia page to find out how to contact his publicist.

DISCLAIMER: This page is unofficial, created only for the personal enjoyment of the Internet public. It is not in any way affiliated with Harrison Ford. No copyright infringement is intended. Please don't sue me. I'm poor.

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