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X-Files page

You are now entering the X-FILES ZONE. Proceed with caution. This site contains many top-secret documents and surveillance photos. So enjoy your stay, watch your back, and always remember


My Favorite Quote Mulder and Scully Character Dossiers (still under construction)
The Players Upcoming Episodes
(sorry ya have to scroll down to the section you want) :o)

My Favorite Quote

"But somewhere out there something is watching us. There are alien forces acting in ways we can't percieve. Are we alone in the universe? Impossible! When you consider the wonders that exist all around us, Vodo priest's of Hades. The Tibetin numerologists of Apalacha. The unsolved mysteries, of Unsolved Mysteries! THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!"
--Mulder, The Simpsons

Mulder and Scully Dossiers

Here's some yummy eye candy of everybody's favorite FBI agents, enjoy!


Dana Katherine Scully X-file#-73317

Position: Currently, Special Agent, assigned to the X-files divison, Washington, D.C.
ID#: 2317-616
Home Phone: 202-555-6431
Cellular Phone: 202-555-3564
D.O.B. 2/23/64 Height: 5'2 Hair: red Eyes: Hazel/Blue/Green Marital Status: Single
Father: Captain William "Jim" Scully (deceased)
Mother: Margaret Scully
Siblings: Older sister: Melissa Scully (deceased), 2 Brothers, one older, one younger
Religous Affiliation: Roman Catholic
University of Maryland-Undergraduate degree in Physics
University unknown-Medical Degree, Medical Residency-Forensic Medicine
Graduated Quantico training 1992.
Work History
Instructor, Quantico, 1992
Field Investigator, X-files devision, D.C., 1992
Instructor, Quantico, 1994
Field Investigator, X-files division, D.C., 1994

Fox William Mulder

Position: Currently, Special Agent, X-Files devision
Badge#: JTT047101111
Home Phone: 202-555-9355
D.O.B 10/11/60 Height: 6'1 Hair: Brown Eyes: Hazel Marital Status: Single
Father: William "Bill" Mulder (deceased)
Mother: ? Mulder
Siblings: Smantha T. Mulder, Missing, 11/27/73
Oxford University-Psychology
Graduated from Quantico, 1986
Work History
Behavioral Science, Violent Crimes Section (VCS)
Field Investigator, X-files division, 1990

XPRA member X-Philes Romantic Association, XPRIC, X-Phile Rhode Island Chapter President, XPA, X-Philes Association#342, LODDIG, Lover's of DD in Glasses, MSSB, Mulder and Scully Soulmate Birgade, The Scarlet Conspriacy, member#1(FYI.theres only two of us) *LOL* --"With all due respect sir. I think you overestimate your position in the chain of command."--Dana Scully

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