Hi! My name is Bee and I am going to share with you all the things I like.

My Favorite Things:

Music: from Classical to Alternative. My taste in music changes constantly but I like almost all kinds. I used to listen to a lot of 80īs synth-pop bands like Depeche Mode, Erasure, New Order, etc. At the moment, my favorite bands and singers are: Oasis, Blur, Garbage, Elastica, Morrissey, Peter Murphy and Republica. But, my two favorite all-time bands are The Beatles and The Smiths. A comment about Oasis: I like their music but the antics of the Gallagher brothers get on my nerves. Yet, as always, humor prevails and I found this great parody page "Boneheadīs Bank Holiday" for anyone who likes Oasis. Itīs not mean but it pokes fun at the band members. I really like the Liam vs. Spice Girls bit so check it out.

I have also written some things for the BBH page. I have combined two of my favorite things: Oasis and soap operas.See the results for yourself!

Television: I used to be a BIG T.V. watcher (I used to schedule my classes around certain T.V. shows :-D). Now, I have gotten completely hooked on The Bold and the Beautiful and The Young and the Restless. I also like this Australian T.V. show called "Heartbreak High", since I got so bored with Beverly Hills 90210. Those are the only T.V. Shows that I really watch since now that I have joined "the real world" and have to work, I donīt have as much time as when I was a full-time student. These soaps are fun because you get completely caught up in them and yet you just canīt take them seriously. Most of the time I find myself laughing at some of the things the characters say or do.

If you want to read my comments on and more links to B&B and Y&R, CLICK HERE

I also like to watch a lot of documentaries, like on the Discovery Channel, Travel Chanel, History Channel, etc. Not only are they entertaining, they are very educational.

Movies: I like almost all kinds of movies, except horror films. I still have nightmares from the time I saw Alien 3. I didnīt like those Van-Damme, Seagal kick-*** films until my fiancé and I started seeing them together. We just make fun of them during the entire movie and sometimes, other people in the audience say something that just cracks us up. Now we really enjoy them. Personally, I like epic movies. Movies like Ben-Hur, Braveheart, Dances with Wolves, The Big Country, Schindlerīs List, etc.. Movies with some sort of message in them. I also like a couple of "interesting" movies, like Army of Darkness (īcuz Bruce Campbell is the greatest, next to Mel Gibson of course!)

Sports: I love to either watch them or practice them. My favorites are: tennis, soccer, American football, basketball, ping-pong and volleyball. My favorite teams are:

Come visit my Mel Gibson tribute page