craiG - 12/28/00 12:04:40 My URL: Preferred Army: wood elves Hatred Army: vampire counts | Comments: this is a very good undead site.My site is about wood elves i have only just started it but i would love it if you would look around it and e-mail me some pointers on how to make it better |
James Lambert - 12/23/00 14:40:14 My URL: My Preferred Army: Undead (both) Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: Screaming Skull Catapult | Comments: Your site looks cool but all the rules and stuff are old and you need to update !!! |
SlurryDog - 11/21/00 02:44:28 My URL: My Preferred Army: shut the fuck up Hatred Army: u ugly fat retarded Best Undead unit: nerds | Comments: Get a life u stupid fucken nerds. And stop using my name u fat shit fake slurrydog, u inbred magic loving faggot. now fuck off the lot of you. |
§lyWeezle - 11/06/00 00:04:58 My URL: Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: High Elves Best Undead unit: Vampires! | Comments: Kik ass site dude, some good tactics and good points. |
shade - 10/18/00 21:56:55 Preferred Army: vamp counts Hatred Army: butt munch | Comments: stop "inventing" guys stupid. konrad is dead and will not be back I hate peple who make up stats. using parts to constuct a cool guy is ok but i hate models that dont have a slight resemblence to the white dwarf someone won an awrd for a land r ider that looked like no parts of the real thing had been used. I don't play 40k but DAMN IT. |
shade - 10/18/00 21:45:12 Preferred Army: vampire counts Hatred Army: bite me Best Undead unit: #$@% you | Comments: update your page undead split a long time ago now its vampire counts and tomb kings of kemeri |
Ben Coogan - 10/10/00 11:20:51 | Comments: |
Setra's son - 10/08/00 12:39:14 My Email:none Preferred Army: King Tomb of Kemri Hatred Army: High Elves Best Undead unit: Undead Chariots | Comments: Hail for the Deads! |
joe russell - 10/04/00 11:30:52 My Email:not telling Preferred Army: orks or skaven Hatred Army: any elves Best Undead unit: dunno | Comments: cool |
Jared Newell - 09/30/00 15:05:49 My Email:Jared_Newell @ Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Skaven Best Undead unit: wights and wraiths | Comments: undead rule and if you collect them right to me at Jared_Newell (THANK YOU) |
Jared Newell - 09/30/00 15:05:22 My Email:Jared_Newell @ Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Skaven Best Undead unit: wights and wraiths | Comments: undead rule and if you collect them right to me at Jared_Newell (THANK YOU) |
the screaming lord - 09/12/00 12:09:31 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: High Elves Best Undead unit: My Vanpire | Comments: How about something new and interresting. |
webmaster - 08/12/00 14:33:24 My URL: My Email:har ingen | Comments: hejsan |
Abhorash the blood Dragon from Belgium - 08/09/00 18:28:33 My Preferred Army: Undeads Hatred Army: Lizzardmens Best Undead unit: crypts guards | Comments: I fear the lizzardmens but i hate the dwarves |
steffan - 08/02/00 22:05:57 My Preferred Army: elves Hatred Army: orcs | Comments: |
jan - 07/31/00 08:54:35 Preferred Army: high elves, wood elves, vampire counts, dwarfes Hatred Army: dark elves, chaos dwarfs,skaven Best Undead unit: black coach | Comments: anybody who hates high elves burn in hell |
Count Brettaz - 07/15/00 23:00:16 My Preferred Army: Anything Undead Hatred Army: Anything that lives Best Undead unit: Mannfred Von Carstein | Comments: A cool undead site, alvays a good topic in my book. I vould attempt to create one myself, but designing a veb site is like a mixture of Beastiality and Necrophilliasy to me, I vould be flogging a dead horse either vay. Keep up the good vork. |
Frederik Wegener - 06/27/00 12:18:51 Preferred Army: Undead Best Undead unit: Banshee | Comments: you have a great page |
Chris Mulkern - 06/24/00 09:13:51 My Preferred Army: Lahmain Undead Best Undead unit: Wight Cavalry | Comments: Great web site |
brad - 06/23/00 10:45:36 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Chaos Best Undead unit: wights | Comments: Undead are a great army but are very vunrable to enemy fire. |
Lord Khorne - 06/22/00 20:16:51 My URL:http:// My Preferred Army: Chaos/High elfs/space wolfs/inperil gard Hatred Army: chaos/darkelfs/dark angels Best Undead unit: Raths | Comments: Blood for the blood god skulls for the throne of khorne, I like yous Sight |
Eternal one - 06/19/00 20:33:52 Preferred Army: High Elves Hatred Army: chaos Best Undead unit: Walach | Comments: I have fought many battles and never lost one, the undead i have killed many times, they are useless next to their generals, but once you kill them, half the army dissipates. Should'nt have got rid of Nagash he was the only Undead character that could af ect the outcome of a battle. Walach's okay. |
bob f - 06/19/00 00:28:52 My URL:http://fwaffers My Preferred Army: Eldar Hatred Army: All fantasy exept high elves Best Undead unit: Fire dragons | Comments: Listen you fucked up wankers fantasy sucks! You all suck! I agree pappy joe |
Alastair - 06/13/00 23:12:14 My Preferred Army: Orcs and goblins Hatred Army: High Elves Best Undead unit: Vampiers | Comments: I Kick ass and will beat any chalanges |
sam cooper - 05/28/00 07:06:06 My URL: My Email:pappyjoe@hotmail .com Preferred Army: chaos Hatred Army: all yours stupid raven lord Best Undead unit: asdkdfjkldhadfhhasdf | Comments: |
The raven lord - 05/23/00 15:46:18 My Preferred Army: bieltan craftworld Hatred Army: chaos Best Undead unit: none | Comments: i play both fantasy and 40,000 |
Dana Hohn - 05/13/00 02:00:17 My Preferred Army: Vampire Counts Hatred Army: High Elves Best Undead unit: Skeletons | Comments: Cool page!!! |
frederik - 05/10/00 18:25:33 My Preferred Army: vampire counts Hatred Army: empire Best Undead unit: grave guard | Comments: damn it is a good site do your best fellow undead commander |
steve chambers - 05/08/00 09:47:43 My URL:http://97chamberlains My Email: Preferred Army: high elves Hatred Army: dark elves Best Undead unit: wraith cavlry | Comments: need more vamps |
steve chambers - 05/08/00 09:45:51 My URL:http://97chamberlains My Email: Preferred Army: high elves | Comments: |
twiztid - 05/07/00 16:19:22 Preferred Army: Vampire Counts Hatred Army: Chaos and Dark Elves Best Undead unit: Wight Calvary | Comments: Good site, but you need to get some Vampire Count stuff |
xander - 04/25/00 10:06:37 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: Necromancer | Comments: This is probaly the best undead site I have been to too. It's intresting and creative. |
Jeff - 04/22/00 22:36:57 Preferred Army: Vampire counts Hatred Army: bratonia Best Undead unit: Vampire counts | Comments: Kick ass site |
The Screaming Lord - 04/13/00 09:29:58 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Anything Living Best Undead unit: My Self (The vampire general) | Comments: As promised i am back. but you are lucky that i am fed up with the lifeblood of an migthy chaos lord that stood in my way. feel free to contact me, maybe ve can exchance tactics or some stuff. i have to go now, i have a captured Witchhunter to deal with. UM YUM. See you all, bloodsuckers. |
tsontas - 03/24/00 16:23:22 My Email:........ Preferred Army: Dwarf Hatred Army: undead Best Undead unit: carrions | Comments: we are short . we are fat. we have long bears but we have great LD and big bools to fuck them all. Also we have big big big axes to take the heads of our enemies....... |
Isengrim Faolitiarna "Iron Wolf" - 03/24/00 10:54:30 My Preferred Army: High Elves Hatred Army: Dwarfs Best Undead unit: Wights | Comments: (There are also WHFB players in Poland! How do you like it?) I am the legendary Elven hero and famous commander. Undead were the first who destroyed my army. And did so several times after. Don't they know my race is declining?!!! I don't know where to look for the new soldiers! buuuuuuuu!!!!! sniff!!! I want to be turned to a Vampire!! buuu! |
David - 03/19/00 10:35:44 My Preferred Army: Vampire Counts Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: Wight Calvary | Comments: I like Undead Because I like Really evil armies. |
makhera - 03/15/00 20:37:30 My Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: bretonnia Best Undead unit: wraiths | Comments: greatings my fellow child of the night, i've been an undead player for almost 4 years now, and have a great collection of models i know you can't use wraiths in the new vampire counts army but they are still an old favorite of mine it was nice to see a undead website, we're not so popular in the gamestores in my country. hope you win many battles makhera. |
Alonso Barandiaran - 03/14/00 20:59:16 My Preferred Army: vampire counts, lizzardmen Hatred Army: dark elves, chaos dwarfs Best Undead unit: vapire/ ghosts | Comments: i was wondering if u could add stuff on vapire counts... i'm from peru but i picked up the game in canada.. some off my friend are starting it in peru and would like to get a deeper viewq on undead and vampire counts |
Alonso Barandiaran - 03/14/00 20:59:34 My Preferred Army: vampire counts, lizzardmen Hatred Army: dark elves, chaos dwarfs Best Undead unit: vapire/ ghosts | Comments: i was wondering if u could add stuff on vapire counts... i'm from peru but i picked up the game in canada.. some off my friend are starting it in peru and would like to get a deeper viewq on undead and vampire counts |
Xaris eleftheriadis - 03/14/00 17:50:02 My Preferred Army: UNDEAD Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: mummies | Comments: undead the best army in warhammer world!!!!!! long live the nagash!!!!!!! |
Delta_company - 02/25/00 06:11:54 My Preferred Army: Wood elf, high elf, Empire Hatred Army: lizardmen Best Undead unit: nil | Comments: Its a bit depressing to c that undead have got these good characters out of nowhere, now people are fielding almost all vampires. They might have a bit of magic and a few charaters but they still don`t have the men to show for it |
Graham - 02/15/00 20:36:29 Preferred Army: Vampire Counts Hatred Army: Any other army Best Undead unit: Blood Dragons | Comments: Undead are the best army and one day only the vampires shall rule. P.S Good site |
wolfi könnyü - 02/05/00 20:09:35 Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: dark elves Best Undead unit: vampire | Comments: cool page! put some more pics on it! but the rest is great! |
The Scraeming Lord - 01/26/00 10:15:10 Preferred Army: Undead. Hatred Army: Wood Elves. Best Undead unit: My Vampire General. | Comments: Maybe you are as foolish as one of those fanatical mortals, but you have an interesting point of view. maybe i will grant you the honour, of one day to become my dinner. Remember, hatred is a virtue. goodbye for now. The Screaming Lord will be silent for ow, but dont be to sure that you are safe, one day, tomorrow or next year, or a hundred years from now, i will strike. And there will be no mercy. |
- 01/23/00 02:39:43 | Comments: |
joel gwilliam - 01/22/00 02:50:26 My URL:http://??????? My Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: chaos dwarfs Best Undead unit: skeleton warriors regiment | Comments: your site for the UNDEAD rules! |
Jason Demeter - 01/19/00 20:48:29 My URL:None Yet My Preferred Army: Wood Elves or Lizardmen Hatred Army: Any affected by Chaos Best Undead unit: Vampire Lord(Any Family) | Comments: They split Undead into two armies. They are Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings Of Khemri. Vampire Counts Army Book is ouy but not Tomb Kings. They split unit choice too. |
Tooker - 01/14/00 06:36:39 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: High Elves Best Undead unit: Banshees | Comments: OK Good Site |
darkness - 01/09/00 04:35:15 Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: dawfs Best Undead unit: wight cavley | Comments: it is a good site one of the best I've seen but it needs a lot of up dating. |
darkness - 01/06/00 11:03:46 Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: dawfs Best Undead unit: wights | Comments: |
The Lord - 01/05/00 05:55:54 My Preferred Army: Vampire counts Hatred Army: wood elves Best Undead unit: wight cavalry | Comments: Awsome site! Get more info out of the Vampire counts supplement. You'll get a lot of interesting things from it including awsome pictures. You will also find Walach. The most powerful character in the whole warhammer world. Trust me I work at Games Worksh p. |
Chris Walker - 01/04/00 11:47:40 My Preferred Army: Skaven Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: Wraiths | Comments: Great site keep up the good work. Eldar shall be the rulers of the 40k galaxy soon enough!!!!!! |
Marcèl Harkon - 12/29/99 18:46:10 My Preferred Army: Blood Dragon Vampire Counts Hatred Army: All elves, and the scum of Chaos! Best Undead unit: My vampire, of course | Comments: Great site! But one tip. Upgrade your army to Vampire Counts! That army is soooo much more full of character. Kill all the sissy girly elves, and give way for the true knights of the warhammer world, the Blood Dragons! |
Lord Halat - 12/10/99 10:47:38 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Wood Elves Best Undead unit: Spirit Hosts | Comments: You realy should do something with the Vampire Counts book. |
Krell - 12/03/99 21:22:35 My Email:Krell_of_the_undead@email Preferred Army: Vampire Counts Hatred Army: Bretonnia Best Undead unit: The Black Coach | Comments: Nice site. Have you heard of the Vampire Counts army book. Maybe you should try to set your site on that. Alot of cool new characters and vampire families. Lahmia, Von Carstein, Necrarch and Blood Dragon |
Elarion Stormblade - 12/02/99 12:25:16 My URL: My Preferred Army: Wood Elves/Undead Hatred Army: DWARVES!! KILL ALL THE LITTLE F**KERS!!! Best Undead unit: Skeletons.... they rule if u know how to use them... | Comments: Knowest thou, Undead fiend, that shalt fall to the might of the Elven forces!! Once, I led the Undead legions in victory after bloody victory.. But this was an unfulfilling life, and after many victories, I allowed my armies to crumble to dust. Why? So I could take my rightful place as Lord of the Kindred of the Pine Crags. Return, nd be redeemed!! Or stay, and die by the hand of Elarion Stormblade, and the warhost of Athel Loren!!! |
Elarion Stormblade - 12/02/99 12:17:43 My URL: My | Comments: |
Ben - 11/18/99 14:13:58 Preferred Army: Saéra Hatred Army: Undead Best Undead unit: Nagash | Comments: fuck you |
Darkreaper - 11/14/99 21:56:29 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: same as before Best Undead unit: same as before | Comments: It is I Darkreaper again, here's a lovely story for all you Undead fans, Who would win? Blood thurster vs Walach supreme lord of blood dragons, It was Walach, Luckly it was Walachs crimson blade did it, any un-saved wound on a role of 6 the opponent dies ven if the have 10 wounds. |
Slurrydog - 11/12/99 02:50:27 Preferred Army: Dogs of War Hatred Army: High Elves Best Undead unit: Bat Swarm | Comments: UNDEAD SUCK UNLESS I'M USING THEM |
darkreaper - 11/11/99 00:41:14 Preferred Army: UNDEAD Rule! Hatred Army: Dark elves and Chaos Best Undead unit: Wight Caverly | Comments: this site rules here is a tip for the best vampire use old Nagashgan vamp with 4 magic items on horse and give him armour of brillance, talon of death, ring of corin, blade of darting steel |
Laskar - 11/10/99 13:09:06 My URL:http://? My Preferred Army: Undead Best Undead unit: Skeleton warriors | Comments: Well I have a guestion. Yesterday I played with my Undead against Skaven. My regiment skeletons came up against the skaven Vermin Lord. He inflicted more wound but I won the battle because of the combat result, I had the Battle Banner (+D6 combat results)and outranked him. The Skaven player thinks that these combat result doesnt count when playing against a single character like a Vermin Lord (greater deamon). So the question is: Is it possible that an regiment(any regiment) can let a Vermin Lord(or greater deamon) break because of better combat results. I hope you can help me Greetings Laskar The Netherlands |
laskar - 11/08/99 14:39:52 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Chaos Dwarfs Best Undead unit: Wraiths | Comments: I am a Warhammer player from Holland. My largest army is Undead. I also have Dwarfs, High Elves, Chaos and a little bit of Orcs&Goblins. I there any one who is interested in sharing tactics? mail me. |
Quang - 11/03/99 16:41:20 My Email:Quang58@hotmail Preferred Army: chaos Hatred Army: orcs Best Undead unit: nagsh | Comments: I can't find a way to play the online warhammer league. So in your spare time could you were too click on to play. please |
Quang - 11/03/99 16:41:12 My Email:Quang58@hotmail Preferred Army: chaos Hatred Army: orcs Best Undead unit: nagsh | Comments: I can't find a way to play the online warhammer league. So in your spare time could you were too click on to play. please |
liam curran - 11/01/99 05:58:45 Preferred Army: orcs Hatred Army: undead Best Undead unit: crap in a bucket | Comments: Undead are the stupidest army ever the orcs would kick their arses |
erick - 10/30/99 02:37:39 My | Comments: I am just investigateing to decide if I want to go out and buy Warhammer or possibly 40k |
Nagash3:16 - 10/29/99 02:29:56 Preferred Army: vampire counts Hatred Army: Dwarves Best Undead unit: Wight Cavalry | Comments: |
Dark King - 10/19/99 08:40:09 Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: Everyone else exept goblins Best Undead unit: Everyone | Comments: This is a DAMN good page,you the best man Undeads rules 4EVER YEEEEEEAAAAAAH!!!!! |
mojeo - 10/18/99 19:45:52 My Email: Preferred Army: Vampire counts Hatred Army: orcs & Gobo's Best Undead unit: wight cavalry | Comments: the sigh looks cool but start getting some vampire counts stuff |
Steve - 10/09/99 18:39:32 My URL: My Preferred Army: Eldar Hatred Army: ORKS Best Undead unit: ?? | Comments: good site but werid background music |
D.Harmsen - 10/09/99 16:27:23 My Preferred Army: Und/Lizmen/WE/O&G Hatred Army: Humen/ HighElves Best Undead unit: Zombie Dragon | Comments: |
Order of the Blood Dragon - 10/01/99 13:42:58 My Preferred Army: Vampire Counts Hatred Army: Dwarves Best Undead unit: Dire Wolves | Comments: This is an excellent page with some very useful information. However, I do believe that a rules update is in order. Also, some battle tactics against the different races would be nice. These are just some suggestions to an already outstanding site. Fe l free to email me if you need advice on anything. |
Gino LaMana - 09/28/99 08:33:23 My Preferred Army: Lizardmen Hatred Army: cheezy built ones Best Undead unit: Black Coach | Comments: |
Steel Viper - 09/23/99 01:39:45 | Comments: Praise the Undead live in fear for we shall rule! |
samuel fear - 09/22/99 19:06:33 Preferred Army: empire Hatred Army: undead | Comments: your army sucks |
Blood Star - 09/13/99 12:33:23 Preferred Army: Chaos Hatred Army: High Elves Best Undead unit: Wrights | Comments: It is the first time I'm visiting your page and I think it's cool. |
Willem Steenkamp - 09/03/99 00:16:07 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Wood Elves Best Undead unit: Mummies led by Vlad | Comments: Awsome site really cool info, great for me cause i just started undead. I now know that I should get mounted wight led with lord to kick some ass! |
Emu - 08/25/99 15:41:45 My Preferred Army: Vampire counts Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: not quite sure | Comments: ur page is tight, keep it up |
Jesper Christensen - 08/25/99 12:25:03 My Email:The_Red_Duke Preferred Army: Vampire Counts Hatred Army: High Elfs Best Undead unit: Wraiths | Comments: |
Lord Valkar Vampire Lord - 08/17/99 15:02:29 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: wood elves Best Undead unit: wraiths | Comments: good site needs more undead pictures and some "Adult" content |
Stephan Montfoort - 08/13/99 21:13:46 My URL:http://none My Preferred Army: Chaos Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: my own converted zombies of the empire. | Comments: Your site is very cool indeed. very informant.very cool. very no-shit. And did i mentiont it was cool. |
Bob - 08/11/99 20:14:52 My URL:http://thghghg My Email:hghgh@gfgf Preferred Army: Chaos Hatred Army: Undead Best Undead unit: Zombies | Comments: You suck! |
Matthew Dielesen - 08/08/99 03:24:31 My Preferred Army: undead then skaven Hatred Army: orcs and goblins but all armies are good in my view Best Undead unit: mummies | Comments: THis is the biggest king web page of all time . You have done a fantastic job . Keep up the great work :) |
Matthew Dielesen - 08/08/99 03:21:47 | Comments: |
Ben - 08/03/99 23:41:30 My URL: My Preferred Army: UNDEAD Hatred Army: Humans: Empire & Bretonnian Best Undead unit: Arkhan the Black | Comments: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR WEBSITE!!! I was actually looking for cool dead and gore and blood stuff, but I am an avid Warhammer gamer and by the way GW has taken away the Undead book, now it is called Vampire Counts!! Catcha later! |
Saint Brian - 08/03/99 15:21:24 Preferred Army: Space Marines Hatred Army: undead Best Undead unit: none | Comments: Warhammer 40,000 is better!!! THe undead can kiss bolt pistol butt! |
Zac - 07/24/99 03:15:34 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: wood elves Best Undead unit: Nagahs | Comments: I found your new characters very useful and interesting!But...the people I play with had questions,as to weather or not they were made up or not!But none the less good page! well hope to hear from you ,bye Zac |
Danny - 07/21/99 23:13:53 My Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: Wights | Comments: Great site. A masterpiece. Splendid. I really enjoyed your site for the input you give to undead players needing an edge. Know that it`s much appreciated. Bravo |
Gimpy the mighty - 07/21/99 15:57:08 Preferred Army: Dwarfs Hatred Army: any that stand in my way | Comments: I like this page....But I shall destory any undead I meet. |
bob - 07/21/99 09:32:50 My Email:bob@arsenal.fc Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: orks | Comments: |
Gordon Humphries - 07/07/99 03:12:30 My Preferred Army: Undead (Why Ask???) Hatred Army: Brettonians! Best Undead unit: Skeletons, easy! | Comments: Hey people, it's me again! anyway, i veiwed your site again, and it's still gotta be one of the best on the net! Thanks for the e-mail, Lord of the Night. I'm always happy to chat to people, and stuff.. Anyhoo, I'll send you an e-mail, and anyone reading this, e-mail me! I live in Australia, and i collect Undead, Dwarves and Lizardmen. C'ya Everyone! Gordon. |
zachster_1 - 07/05/99 04:36:16 My Preferred Army: UNDEAD all the way!!! Hatred Army: BRETONIA Best Undead unit: NAGASH | Comments: What a great website!!!!!!!! Undead are the best!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!! |
Karl Liebknecht - 06/29/99 06:08:52 My Preferred Army: Empire Hatred Army: Brettonians Best Undead unit: 18 Knights Panther converted to wights! | Comments: Of all the sites about warhammer fantasy ive found, and believe me ive looked, yours is the best. Good work. |
Veeel the Vile - 06/18/99 08:10:01 My Email:N/A Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: None can stand before my might, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Best Undead unit: Horsemen | Comments: |
WiqidChild - 06/11/99 18:37:47 My Preferred Army: High Elves Hatred Army: Undead Best Undead unit: none | Comments: your website is not good |
Julian suitor - 06/11/99 09:33:05 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Dwarfs Best Undead unit: Mounted Vampire Lord | Comments: Excellent. I love this page. I will tell all my friends as I am sure that they will enjoy it too. How or where did you get those cool spinning skulls on the main page? please E-mail me and give me instructions on how to get them. Thanks. |
Mathis - 05/30/99 14:19:34 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Brettonia Best Undead unit: Nagash | Comments: Great site! |
Steve - 05/15/99 21:56:37 My Preferred Army: High Elves Hatred Army: Skaven Best Undead unit: Uh....Skeletons | Comments: I havn't played warhammer yet but I'm about to start an army. I think Lizardmen and High Elves are cool. Undead are like pretty good defense men. The reason I like High Elves are cuz their bow men have really long shooting range. I think your site can help me raise a successful army. |
gian luca pavesi - 05/15/99 20:34:21 My Preferred Army: w-elf; beastmen | Comments: un sito di grande effetto, con una musica opportuna sarebbe grandioso... very compliment! |
alex - 05/11/99 10:59:34 My Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: empire scum Best Undead unit: 20 skeleton warriors | Comments: |
Gordon Humphries - 05/10/99 23:52:49 My Preferred Army: Undead (Of Course) Hatred Army: Brettonians Best Undead unit: Skeletons (Of Course) | Comments: I love your page, and i think that perhaps it is one of the better sites on the net, devoted to warhammer and the forces of undead! I play warhammer, and have done so for around 2 - 3 years. My Undead army, witjh it's new regiments, is now around 10,000 points, but can easily be upgraded to around 13-14000 points. I like the hobby, and i also collect dwarves (Around 4000points) and Lizardmen (Around 5000 points worth). I would love it if any gamers reading this message wopuld e-mail me, and tell me about their armies, and stuff. Ok, thats enough from me, so great site! and may the winds of magic blow strong for you all! (Except for brettonian players of course....) |
The Clasheerian Order - 05/09/99 21:39:40 My URL: My or Preferred Army: Skaven and Dog's of War respectively Hatred Army: Any | Comments: We're working on creating a list of links (kind of like a directory), about warhammer in our Warhammer section. We want to link to your page but we'd like you to link to our page back. You can visit it at the site to the left, and e-mail us back (and a y other people that have good warhammer sites e-mail us if they want to do the same thing) Thanks, Gmork and 4est The Clasheerian Order |
Richard - 05/09/99 13:58:36 My Preferred Army: orks Hatred Army: high elves Best Undead unit: dont have one yet | Comments: What do you think i should get next . Please E mail me. |
nick horsefall - 05/09/99 13:53:36 My Preferred Army: gay men Hatred Army: my mum Best Undead unit: my peinis | Comments: I want to fuck all the men in the world and stick all the undead modals in the world up my arse |
Miquel Martinez - 05/06/99 21:04:53 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Bretonnian Best Undead unit: A big unit of skeletons | Comments: Really good,it´s full of great advices. |
shane carman - 05/04/99 16:42:10 Preferred Army: UNDEAD Hatred Army: CHOS DWORVES Best Undead unit: VAMPAIR UNITS | Comments: Good luck in your battles to come. Have fun boddy |
Michael - 04/30/99 18:31:01 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Chaos warrior Best Undead unit: Liche? | Comments: Very cool site keep it up....What about that magic part of your site when will it be available? Skeletons rules!! |
Damien SOS - 04/29/99 19:54:22 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: High Elves Best Undead unit: Krell | Comments: You have a great page. I love the walking zombies. The thing I like even better is the music, very dark and undead like. Keep up the good work and I will visit you'r site many more times! |
Moonman112 - 04/22/99 07:25:01 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Highelfs Best Undead unit: Wraths | Comments: Undead are the best and they kick ase. |
Jabba - 04/20/99 15:41:14 Preferred Army: UNDEAD!!! Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: Vlad von Carstein | Comments: Undead rules!!!! |
Khern the Destroyer - 04/14/99 13:24:25 Preferred Army: Chaos Hatred Army: Men of Empire Best Undead unit: Mounted Wights | Comments: Undead are my second best , but I prefere CHAOS (exactly KHORNE THE BLOOD GOD). |
Retaw - 04/05/99 10:44:45 My Preferred Army: dark elves Hatred Army: chaos | Comments: |
Adrian - 04/04/99 21:06:39 My Preferred Army: Dogs of War Hatred Army: Skaven Best Undead unit: Zombie Dragon | Comments: Great page! Very informative. Do you know of any pages like yours but with Dogs of War instead? |
Jakov Herrlmann - 03/25/99 10:34:24 My Email:none Preferred Army: The Unliving Hatred Army: All Other Best Undead unit: Me | Comments: Thou have a great Page here Thou should continue with dealing the wrath of the Dark arts upon your enemies so slay some innocent Brettonians and kill some unworthy knights cause the time of evil is upon us!!! just kidding great page Rick Prestley |
Matto - 03/18/99 16:06:17 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Chaos Best Undead unit: Lichemaster | Comments: I have just started collected. Just a few months ago. I have builded me a little army. Great site!! |
Herman Rottville(pre 1325), HermanRottervish (Post 1325) - 03/16/99 12:23:20 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: High Elves Best Undead unit: Wights | Comments: Interesting special characters, but zombie lords a bit iffy. |
wren belvis - 03/12/99 11:07:32 My Preferred Army: the undead Hatred Army: brittonia Best Undead unit: the wraith | Comments: ur web page is the best ive seen so far. I wonder if u can give me a colour scheme to match the brutality and the unholiness of the undead army. thanks. "NAGASH" |
Nagash - 03/05/99 16:28:47 My Email:java200@aol Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: lizard men Best Undead unit: Vampire Lord | Comments: your site is hella cool. |
Darren Tilby - 02/27/99 00:31:20 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: Kemmler | Comments: |
Gargsnot Skullkrusha - 02/24/99 19:52:15 My URL:you makin fun uf me? My Preferred Army: Orcs! Hatred Army: me no fraid uf use, but me ont ike dem stuntys Best Undead unit: un..dead..? | Comments: Wel, dis be ok pag, but needs more orcs.. ya.. ehh fergit it, me fergot wel, keep up work.. an me wana see orcs when me kum on necst, or me gona be mad WAAAGH! |
Nagash - 02/16/99 17:27:04 My Preferred Army: Undead, who else? Hatred Army: damn the tree huggen hippies (wood Elves)-suck- Best Undead unit: Nagash the great | Comments: your site is great. I don't like all the unholy BS but other than that the undead are great! |
Dane - 02/16/99 16:39:32 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Lizard Men Best Undead unit: Vampire loard | Comments: your site is great |
Azhag the Slaughterer - 02/14/99 02:08:59 My Preferred Army: its obvious but anyway orks!! Hatred Army: anything good stuties are the worst Best Undead unit: they all kick ass | Comments: This site rulz. DEATH WILL COME |
Daniel King - 02/14/99 01:49:14 My Preferred Army: orks Hatred Army: elves Best Undead unit: they all kick ass | Comments: great site |
Jacob Grimsby - 02/10/99 22:34:17 My Preferred Army: Brettonians Hatred Army: Chaos Best Undead unit: Zombies | Comments: |
Kevin William Gosney - 02/07/99 18:25:52 My URL: My Preferred Army: Wood Elf Hatred Army: Skaven Best Undead unit: Wamp Lord | Comments: I think you should have some more pictures. cool site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Malek Von Carstein - 02/07/99 00:29:34 My Preferred Army: legio mortis (undead) Hatred Army: chaos dwarfs Best Undead unit: 5 vampire counts | Comments: the legio mortis has only lost one battle and that was against the stupid chaos dwarfs! why? those damn friggin cannons. had a good time cutting through his army with my vampires though especially when all that was left at the end of the battle was 1 blac orc, 10 chaos dwarfs, 1 lamasu against the legions of death. the vampires made short work of everything in that army. one last word, your site kicks ass........... oh and vampires gotta love em |
aaa jude - 01/29/99 13:16:16 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Wood elves Best Undead unit: Heirich Kelmer | Comments: Undead power |
Blackened - 01/29/99 01:09:29 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Chaos Best Undead unit: Liche | Comments: Cool page! Needs better tactics! Mail me |
hans kamerman - 01/22/99 20:16:56 My Preferred Army: undead/chaos Hatred Army: bretonia Best Undead unit: 9 skel.horsemen+ vampire lord | Comments: neat page, keep up the good(evil) work |
Vlad Von Heartenstein - 01/22/99 18:01:43 Preferred Army: Undead (!) Hatred Army: Dwarfs Best Undead unit: Wraiths | Comments: I love the music! And I particularly like the great big skeleton unit with the black gem of Gnar. Very cunning |
Vlad Von Heartenstein - 01/22/99 17:59:19 | Comments: |
Ryan Boismier I.E. Satan99 - 01/21/99 00:52:47 My Preferred Army: Undead rock Hatred Army: Skaven still suck shit Best Undead unit: 20 wraiths | Comments: hi i came back to your page because it has everything an undead player needs. It's even better than the games workshop site. P.S. I don't actually have the 20 wraiths (yet) but wraiths are my favorite unit so i put 20 wraiths. My actual best unit right now is a skeleton chariot (I just started collecting) |
Tohrin okenshield - 01/20/99 11:12:34 My Email:no Preferred Army: dwarves Hatred Army: Greenskins Best Undead unit: wraiths | Comments: Ungrim ironfist will get you. He'll kill Nagash as soon as he'll found him, because he is slayerking and he kills everyone who stays on his way |
Ryan Boismier I.E. Satan99 - 01/19/99 21:23:58 My Preferred Army: Undead kicks ass Hatred Army: Skaven suck shit Best Undead unit: 20 wraiths | Comments: I think ur page kicks ass! it certainly beats those other crappy pages that have nothing but pictures. I also liked the way you took the undead scroll writings from the battle book. The music is pretty cool too. And I love that Undead font please e-mail m the font at |
Angeles Rumerez - 01/18/99 07:15:53 My Preferred Army: !UNDEAD! Hatred Army: Dwarves Best Undead unit: Wraiths | Comments: UNDEAD SUCKS |
Gordon Humphries - 01/15/99 00:39:18 My Preferred Army: UNDEAD!!!!!!!!! Hatred Army: pissy brettonians Best Undead unit: skeletons obviously | Comments: great site.Love the walking zombies, there cool. i have a 8000point Undead army, a 4000point lizardmen army and a 4000point dwarven army.E-mail me at my above address so i can chat to you about your cool ideas.Actually E-mail me this time too! Cool site a d long live Nagash! ha ha ha ha ha ha (Evil chuckles fades out) |
general smeg - 01/13/99 01:11:47 My URL:http://somewhere My Email:none Preferred Army: smegs Hatred Army: non-smegs, undead smegs Best Undead unit: smegmen | Comments: get some smegs, or u suck, my smegs wuill crush u and ur non-smegs. |
Stuthepoo - 01/11/99 19:52:50 My Preferred Army: Dwarfs Hatred Army: Orc and gobbo Best Undead unit: theres one thats bad | Comments: great site and a foolish young boy i gave away an undead army and swapped it for a dwarf one and i must say i made a mistake and can you forgiveme. |
JORGE RIVAS - 01/04/99 06:52:44 My Preferred Army: undead!!!!! Hatred Army: chaos,bretonians Best Undead unit: vamp.lord leading | Comments: Great site & keep up the great work!!!!! |
Patrik Ylmefors - 01/03/99 01:42:58 My Preferred Army: UNDEAD of course Hatred Army: Wood elves Best Undead unit: Vampire lord on emperor dragon wielding as many expensive and magic items of massdestruction as possible, beardy I know, so I have never used one but I can imagine he would be quite hard. | Comments: Nice site. I like your comments about the army list as I have only played a few games so far. (It is good to know what´s good!) I would also like to say that Cavalry is not spelled Chivalry. (that´s Bretonnian for god´s sake.) May you keep rolling those sixies!! |
Haggis von Carstien - 12/20/98 01:21:20 Preferred Army: The hordes of undeath Hatred Army: wood elf SKUM Best Undead unit: 26 amoured skeltons led by Krell | Comments: i totally agree with every thing said or written in here. May the Great Necromancer have pitty towords you! |
joe - 12/19/98 16:03:56 My Preferred Army: chaos Hatred Army: empire Best Undead unit: mummy | Comments: i think your site is brilliant and i will visit it lots |
David McElroy(Nagash 3:16) - 12/19/98 08:20:38 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: All who oppose the mighty UNDEAD Best Undead unit: Zombie Dragon | Comments: When knocking Gyrocopters out of the sky watch they don't land on your general- one landed on mine. From the Winds of Magic Deck 8 dispel cards with Nagash is not funny |
Fabio - 12/11/98 21:20:56 My Preferred Army: Elfi Alti Hatred Army: Elfi scuri | Comments: BELLISSIMO!!!! MA PERCHè NON NE FAI PURE UNA VERSIONE IN ITALIANO (PER QUELLI CHE NON CONOSCONO BENE L'INGLESE) |
chris - 12/10/98 19:08:35 My Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: high elves Best Undead unit: vampire count | Comments: this site kicks |
Cal - 12/06/98 08:23:14 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Berton Best Undead unit: Wraith ??? | Comments: Love your page and Im looking to have fun spending time playing Warhammer. |
Mike - 11/25/98 07:54:49 My URL: My Preferred Army: UNDEAD Hatred Army: empire Best Undead unit: NAGASH | Comments: very nice site!!! Visit my UNDEAD site too. ![]() |
Matt - 11/24/98 00:34:06 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Lizardmen Best Undead unit: Nagash | Comments: THIS SITE KICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
phil ogden - 11/23/98 16:23:19 My Preferred Army: the empire Hatred Army: chaos Best Undead unit: none | Comments: |
Sean Beever - 11/20/98 21:23:41 My Preferred Army: Dwarves tried and true Hatred Army: Orcs&Goblins, Elves | Comments: I loved Lord Soth even though you stole him from Ravenloft. I"m starting undead after christmas. Any tips? The district server is screwed. We can email out and sometiomes not in. |
Xx_B_L_O_O_D_T_H_I_R_S_T_E_R_xX - 11/20/98 03:45:09 Preferred Army: CHAOS Hatred Army: ANYTHING ELSE Best Undead unit: THEY ALL SUCK | Comments: AAAARRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!! the Bloodthirster roars as he chops off the head of Nagash, then proceeds onward to destroy the dead weaklings |
Xx_B_L_O_O_d - 11/20/98 03:42:39 Preferred Army: CHAOS Hatred Army: ANYTHING ELSE Best Undead unit: THEY ALL SUCK | Comments: |
Matteo - 11/18/98 17:37:43 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: High Elves Best Undead unit: Wraiths,Wights | Comments: E'un belllllllllliiiiisssssssssiiiiiimmmmmoooooo sito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Mike Evans - 11/18/98 02:25:41 My URL: My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Brettonian Best Undead unit: Skeletons | Comments: This is the best undead site I have ever seen, including mine. Mine is still under construction though |
AZALIN - 11/16/98 23:54:48 My Email:??????? Preferred Army: UNDEAD Hatred Army: high elves Best Undead unit: NAGASH | Comments: THE UNDEAD RULE!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! |
beastlord - 11/15/98 20:08:59 My Preferred Army: chaos beastmen Hatred Army: dwarfs,elves ,orcs Best Undead unit: nagash supreme lord | Comments: graet site mail me! |
Nagash the Lord of Undead - 11/13/98 12:12:16 My Email:none Preferred Army: chaos and undead Hatred Army: High elfs and all "Good" armies Best Undead unit: wraith | Comments: Shhh... Your site pleases me and i feel your intrest to undeads, my childs. Mmmm... Keep going this site is GREAT! |
kellanor di Menzoberranzan - 11/11/98 20:43:34 My Preferred Army: nani Hatred Army: non-morti Best Undead unit: nessuna | Comments: Bravo Slanter,un bel lavoro per uno Svirfneblin...... |
MrArmegeddon - 11/11/98 03:36:52 Preferred Army: Dark Elves Hatred Army: Orks Best Undead unit: the living impaired | Comments: your page kicks ass!!!! Hail the living impaired!! the only thing that would be coller is that you caover every body in that same friggin manner!!!!! Hell YEah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Justin Pyatt - 11/10/98 16:00:05 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: high elves Best Undead unit: 40 skelies and vamp | Comments: Your sight kicks ass. The pics are great and the walking zombie thing rules. HAil the undead, praise and worship to nagash!!!!!! |
Jonathan Boughton - 11/08/98 00:30:09 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Skaven Best Undead unit: 32 skeliton warriors | Comments: Great site!!! |
steve mcwilliams - 11/06/98 07:30:37 Preferred Army: dwarfs Best Undead unit: skeletons | Comments: great page kill bretonnias i beat a army just last week and added there souls |
steve mcwilliams - 11/06/98 07:23:05 Preferred Army: dwarfs Best Undead unit: skeletons | Comments: great page |
- 11/04/98 12:27:57 | Comments: |
Alan - 11/02/98 23:29:41 Preferred Army: skaven Hatred Army: wood elves Best Undead unit: wraiths | Comments: this site kicks ass |
Gordon Humphries - 10/30/98 05:58:04 My Preferred Army: UNDEAD!!!! Hatred Army: Brettonia Best Undead unit: Skeletons!!!!! | Comments: Great web site, I hope you keep at it.What size is your army? I also collect Lizardmen (Dont Scream) I have a 8000point Undead army and a 8000point Lizardmen army.If you recieve this please contact me as I would like to talk to you further.Catcha Later ! ONG LIVE NAGASH!!!! |
BlAdE LiGhT - 10/30/98 03:35:17 My Preferred Army: wisards | Comments: YoUr SiTe RoCkS the wallpaper is my favorite of all the sites i Visited the blood just added the final touch. your frendly neihbourhood assaian fantasy_man |
TheSaint - 10/28/98 23:06:00 My Preferred Army: UNDEAD, ORCS & GOBLINS Hatred Army: CHAOS Best Undead unit: WIGHTS on undead steeds | Comments: NiCe sItE '''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''' '''''''''''''' '''''' '''''' '''''''''' '''' ''''' '''''''' ''' '''''' ''''''''''' ''''' ''''''' ''''' '' '''''' ''''''' '''''''''''''''' '' ''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''' '' ''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''''''' '''''' '' '' '' '' '' '' '''''' ''''' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''''' '''' '' '' '' '' '' '' '''' ''' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''' ''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''' |
jim - 10/28/98 17:07:33 Preferred Army: Undead W. Elves Orcz Hatred Army: Chaos uhgh Best Undead unit: 24 mummies | Comments: Wot a wcked page it is supremely groovy. By the way I am British. Your page is Exelllllllllllllent |
jimbo - 10/28/98 17:03:30 | Comments: |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Chaos Lord Marcheon - 10/20/98 18:16:51 My Preferred Army: Chaos, Undead Hatred Army: everything else Best Undead unit: 20 skelie spearmen | Comments: This is an amazing undead page you could expand it a bit though. Keep the UNHOLY side up. |
skarsnik - 10/13/98 00:45:22 Preferred Army: Goblins Hatred Army: Orcs Best Undead unit: Undead horse | Comments: Shure we are small, shure we will fall, But we won't die, Before we drop u a hi, And than we shatter your bones, we burn your armor, we destroy your weapons, we anhilate every single one of you, and than... we will say goodbye certain we will never meet again - by Skarsnik TheGreenskin |
Pimpek - 10/13/98 00:32:48 Preferred Army: Little pimpeks Hatred Army: Undead Best Undead unit: Bony Pimpeks | Comments: THis page honestly sucks, no pics, other than that stupid photograph of your obviously "I-want-more-attention" stupid fucced up army |
LORD GRIMHAMMER GOBLIN CLEAVER - 10/03/98 16:42:56 Preferred Army: BRETTONIAN Hatred Army: GOBLINS,UNDEAD,AND CHAOS Best Undead unit: THEY ALL ARE HORRIBLE | Comments: The undead are unholy and therefor impure i swear by everything holy that i will slaughter all undead armies that stand before me I am ready for battle my men strong my horses swift my swords sharpened all evil shall fall at the hand of the grand brettoni n army |
Chris Prole - 10/01/98 12:35:50 My URL: My Preferred Army: Undead/Chaos Hatred Army: High elves/Dwarfs Best Undead unit: Mummies | Comments: Rockin' page!!!!!!! |
Cindy - 09/28/98 14:21:20 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Lord Drek, Jon - 09/26/98 03:57:01 Preferred Army: UNDEAD Hatred Army: Orcs, brets, dwarves, and empire Best Undead unit: My self made Gaurd of Nagash. (nasty bugers is dem gaurd!) | Comments: Man, this is a cool page, I love warhammer, and I play it all the time, the undead will conquer all that lives, and breaths. "I lost my soul to Nagash, but not my will to fight!" -- Lord Drek I'm also writing a novel about warhammer, Drek is one of my kicken charactor's |
Danny Niedrig - 09/23/98 11:36:17 Preferred Army: Undead of course Hatred Army: Orks,drawfs,high elves Best Undead unit: chariot | Comments: great page |
Neil Duncan - 09/22/98 12:48:39 My Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: wood elves Best Undead unit: mummies | Comments: Sorry about the comments I made about your web-site it is actually bloody good! It would be great if you added some battle reports, oh and do you play any other Games Workshop games, if so send me an E-Mail. |
JOSH - 09/20/98 21:21:09 My Preferred Army: ORCS AND GOBLINS Hatred Army: Chaos | Comments: I have no hatred for the undead or anyone else but the skaven and chaos but if their will be a fight i will be there |
Halcyon - 09/19/98 18:41:06 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: nil Best Undead unit: Wraiths | Comments: If you think that some combos for the Undead are cheesy what do you think about Chaos Champions with lots of Chaos rewards and the Sword of Destruccion? Para los que hablen español y quieran discutir sobre Warhammer sientanse libres de enviarme un E-mail (English speaker too if they want) |
Arthur M - 09/19/98 02:21:00 Preferred Army: Skaven Hatred Army: Bretonians Best Undead unit: 5Wraiths | Comments: Very interesting its good to see well worked on pages on warhammer. I liked the Special characters especially Herman and the death knights. Something to do with Warcraft2? It would be good to see perhaps a battle report or story. |
Neil Duncan - 09/17/98 15:07:55 Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: High Elves Best Undead unit: Vampires | Comments: You suck, your page is crap, you friggin' stupid yank! |
Neil Duncan - 09/15/98 14:58:45 Preferred Army: Dark Elves Hatred Army: Brettonians, High Elves Best Undead unit: Mummies | Comments: Good site, but your main Undead name tag, was in all truth rubbish. Try copying the one from the games workshop official site!!!!! |
- 09/11/98 15:40:12 | Comments: |
UROBOROS - 09/11/98 15:39:51 My Preferred Army: UNDEAD Hatred Army: caos | Comments: La vida es un muerte es para siempre. Si hay por ahi algun nigromante que hable español , favor de comunicarse a mi direccion Gracias Bretonia sera nuestra!!!! |
- 09/11/98 15:27:24 | Comments: |
Fung hing-tong - 09/11/98 00:57:29 My Preferred Army: UNDEAD Hatred Army: bretonnia Best Undead unit: Zombies | Comments: Kill all bretonnia !! And eat it! |
LAWSON SMITH - 09/08/98 16:59:13 My Email:NAGASH@aol.COM Preferred Army: UNDEAD Hatred Army: WOOD ELVES Best Undead unit: MOUNTED WIGHTS | Comments: iS tHeRe A cHaT RoOm FoR wArHaMmEr oR 40k? iF sO e-MaIl mE |
- 09/07/98 11:28:15 | Comments: |
Nachito - 09/02/98 12:43:41 | Comments: Meparecetodoestomuydivertido. |
dUmPy - 08/30/98 14:59:37 My Preferred Army: UNDEAD BABY!! Hatred Army: Wood elves Best Undead unit: necromancer on maticore | Comments: AWESOME PAGE!! Keep up da good work! |
Moritz Schmidt - 08/30/98 14:42:31 My Preferred Army: high elves Hatred Army: skaven Best Undead unit: ------------------ | Comments: your page is fabolous! |
Owen Robbins. - 08/28/98 05:46:10 My Preferred Army: Undead, Ors + Goblins and Lizardmen Hatred Army: Dwarves, Bretonnia and Empire Best Undead unit: Mounted Skeleton Warriors with the Red Duke as leader | Comments: I thought This site was a great one but it would have been better to include pictures for the new models ( probably not your fault ) anyway thanks for a great site! |
joseph todd - 08/27/98 15:48:35 Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: high elves Best Undead unit: skeletons with halberds | Comments: |
joseph todd - 08/27/98 15:46:52 | Comments: |
brandon carson - 08/27/98 07:44:19 Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: high elves Best Undead unit: mummies | Comments: |
brandon carson - 08/27/98 07:42:54 Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: high elves Best Undead unit: mummies | Comments: |
bubba - 08/24/98 17:24:01 My Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: anything that lives Best Undead unit: vampire lord | Comments: new to the game of warhammer. but i have been biten by the bug of war. just wanted to say "cool site". oh ....and.....ah....undead will kill all!!!!! |
Matthew Sparks - 08/23/98 10:27:17 My Preferred Army: Imperial Guard/Dark Elves Hatred Army: Lizard Men Best Undead unit: Vampires | Comments: I always have a place for the Undead in my life, as I am often referd to one of I like the page, I think I will try and set one up do you have any tips on how to go about it? |
(V V)Lord Templar - 08/19/98 00:20:35 My URL: My Preferred Army: DarkElves, Dead knights/Templars, Chaos Hatred Army: HighElves Best Undead unit: DeathKnights | Comments: ~Dark Greetings~ Hail the Dark flock...Let their chill touch, be embraced by Mortals fools. Prepare for Darknesssssssssss~(V V)~ |
keeg - 08/18/98 14:42:02 My Email:keeg9 Preferred Army: woodelvs Hatred Army: choas Best Undead unit: non | Comments: wood els rock |
Jacob Young - 08/18/98 01:44:52 My Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: empire Best Undead unit: Zombie Dragon | Comments: I really like your site |
Andy Davies - 08/14/98 21:57:47 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Dwarfs Best Undead unit: Mummies | Comments: I think the combo of the blessed sword and the tomb king's crown is really cool, I'll have to try that one. I think the site is really good. |
Chee - 08/14/98 19:00:28 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Lizard Men Best Undead unit: Wights | Comments: Die! Die! |
UROBOROS - 08/11/98 19:26:22 My URL: My Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: caos | Comments: |
- 08/11/98 08:53:56 My Preferred Army: Chaos Hatred Army: Skaven Best Undead unit: The best is Choas..haha | Comments: Hi,you make a great page! I have a 10000 points game on the past saturday, Empire VS Undead ..... It is hard war for Empire..... the last ......Empire win the game.... the reason is the big boss who named "Na????" forget the name,he was shoot by cannon.....what a mess! So whatever which army you choose...... WarHammer is a great game!.....hahahaha Come to enjoy it! You must like it! |
David - 07/30/98 20:15:23 My Preferred Army: Chaos Hatred Army: (suckin') Empire Best Undead unit: Necromancer lord | Comments: |
Malekith - 07/28/98 15:43:57 My URL:none yet My Preferred Army: DarkElves & Undead Hatred Army: Skaven & Orcs`n Gobbos Best Undead unit: Wight cavalry | Comments: This Site is great exept from the cheesy music. In terms of gaming I would like to say that Undead are one of the hardest armies to beat, becouse of the swelling ranks of zombies and there ultra strong characters. If you put a vampire lord on a zombie dragon with the black amulet, sword of leaping gold and the talon of daeth and of course a dispel magic scroll you have got an absolute knocker. He can take on everyone everywhere. |
sHwaAa - 07/20/98 18:27:49 My Preferred Army: Undead (of course) Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: Wights | Comments: Love the page. I might end up coping it and printing it out for daily use. "Don't shoot till you see the whites of thier eyes." "But, they're Wights. They have no eyes..." "We're gunna die then, son." |
killerbeast - 07/13/98 18:14:25 My Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: high elfs Best Undead unit: the mummies | Comments: your site is cool only the music is playing from your page do not sounds like undead music maby you can change that but i like your side. greetings killerbeast |
mouldy - 07/13/98 05:07:32 Preferred Army: chaos Hatred Army: imperial guard Best Undead unit: undead chariot | Comments: you all suck penis |
Chris MacMillan - 07/13/98 05:06:27 Preferred Army: chaos Hatred Army: imperial guard Best Undead unit: undead chariot | Comments: love the web page |
Chris MacMillan - 07/13/98 05:05:48 Preferred Army: chaos Hatred Army: imperial guard Best Undead unit: undead chariot | Comments: love the web page |
chris macmillan - 07/13/98 05:01:28 Preferred Army: chaos Hatred Army: imperial guard Best Undead unit: undead chariot | Comments: love the web page |
????????? - 07/05/98 21:53:27 My Email:???? Preferred Army: Brettonians Hatred Army: Lizardmen Best Undead unit: Nagash;buts still bad | Comments: About Nagash.My sorceress, Fay enchanteress of Brettonia and king of Brettonia beat him very very eaisly. |
diesel - 07/01/98 23:55:17 My Preferred Army: undead ofcourse!!! Hatred Army: lizard men,their leadership Best Undead unit: mntd wights hvy armour | Comments: it just seems that the undead get outflanked because there so expansive and there not much in the way of skirmishers to diffuse enemy traps,,however darkelf allies might solve this?? |
Archaon the CHAOS LORD - 06/30/98 17:40:23 My Preferred Army: CHAOS!!! Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: wraiths | Comments: Your page is good. I am very hapy to have a undead player with a good taste. May Nagash protect you |
Rory Groenewegen - 06/25/98 13:56:15 My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Don't care, they all join me anyway eventually Best Undead unit: Nagash | Comments: This is the best undead warhammer site TIP: Make an undead chat!!!!!!! |
Aba Negrete - 06/25/98 04:55:03 My URL:http:// My Preferred Army: Undead Hatred Army: Elves(are Gays) Best Undead unit: Mummy and Mostis(skeletons) | Comments: I play too with the Undead Army, and your page is good, and you have good Characters. Good Luck with your page. |
shadowblade - 06/17/98 02:03:07 My Preferred Army: darkelves Hatred Army: all goodness in the world - high elves Best Undead unit: surpeme lord nagash | Comments: keep the forces of the night moving, crushing the goodness out from the wretched forces of darkness |
Maxx Smoothy - 06/13/98 19:42:34 My Preferred Army: undead/dwarves Hatred Army: any body playing high magic | Comments: Cool site!! I look foward to many updates. as for new ideas, you should add a good rules page describing the benifits of an undead army and how they apply in the game. |
Maxx Smoothy - 06/13/98 19:35:09 My Preferred Army: undead/dwarves Hatred Army: any body playing hich magic | Comments: |
- 06/13/98 19:27:53 | Comments: |
Brian Nelson - 06/12/98 15:33:02 Preferred Army: Eldar Hatred Army: Death company Best Undead unit: they suck | Comments: The eldar will destroy your wiil bow down to the high warlock!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
V. de Groot - 06/12/98 14:40:54 Preferred Army: Dark Elves Hatred Army: Empire Best Undead unit: Wraiths | Comments: |
Henrik Forsman - 06/11/98 13:19:59 My Preferred Army: Bretonnia Hatred Army: Wood Elves Best Undead unit: Undead sucks | Comments: Undeads suck |
colin the decapitor - 06/11/98 02:07:49 My Preferred Army: undead Best Undead unit: colin the decapitor/vamp lrd | Comments: this page is so coool! im going to give you my mr. skullhead award. |
Darko - 05/29/98 23:05:54 My Preferred Army: Undead!!! Hatred Army: Chaos Best Undead unit: I love mummies, but vampires are cool too. | Comments: Your page rocks! |
Nagasher - 05/29/98 22:23:11 My Preferred Army: Undead, orcs. Hatred Army: Bretonnia Best Undead unit: Mounted Wights | Comments: |
Licheigor - 05/25/98 11:04:50 My Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: all Best Undead unit: skeletons | Comments: Veramente un bellisimo sito. Le fiamme ai lati fanno molto atmosfera e gli zombies che corrono sono carinissimi !!! Vuoi una combo veramente cheesy ?? Vampire+Skull Wand of Kaloth in un unita' che ha lo stendardo -2 Ld e lo stendardiere dell'esercito con quello da -1Ld, ti lascio immaginare cio' che succedera'..... |
Mads von Carstine - 05/24/98 15:16:02 My Email:none Preferred Army: Bretonia Hatred Army: Lissardmen Best Undead unit: Mounted Weight | Comments: This is undoubtfully the best Warhammer page i have ever see so please keep on the good work |
Bhayl - 05/15/98 20:56:08 Preferred Army: Skaven Hatred Army: Lizardmen Best Undead unit: Mounted Wights | Comments: A friend of mine (Undead player) asked me to search the web for him for some useful Undead sites. I will direct him to this page. One quick note on your Army List breakdown page: "chivalry" is the knight virtue thing, "cavalry" are mounted soldiers. |
agaw - 05/14/98 13:57:22 Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: high elves Best Undead unit: wraiths | Comments: really cool every body thinks undead are bad it's good to find someone who dose not |
Arjan Koolen - 05/01/98 10:06:23 My Preferred Army: undead forever Hatred Army: dwarfs Best Undead unit: carions | Comments: nice site and nice armylist.. well, I'm gonna try out your very offensive army today, and see what happens! |
NAGASH - 04/20/98 01:49:12 My Email:NAGASH@PACBELL.NET Preferred Army: UNDEAED Hatred Army: HIGH ELVES Best Undead unit: CARRIONS,GRIMREAPERS | Comments: GREAT SITE, SEE YOU SOON. |
MorFF - 04/17/98 21:04:19 My Preferred Army: undead Best Undead unit: mummies | Comments: yo!, good site! I am looking for some good graphics/artwork of undead. Do you know of any good graphics sites for warhammer? MorFF |
Ares - 04/16/98 23:10:33 My URL: My Preferred Army: Wood Elves Hatred Army: Chaos Dwarves Best Undead unit: Wights on steeds | Comments: Well, can't really compare my input to the one below, in Italian I think. Perhaps Latin, or Arabic?? I dunno?? N-E wayz, this site is detailed and well organized. One thing I hate is the front page takes too long to load. Tooo many pics!! |
sono io scemo - 04/09/98 21:01:59 My Preferred Army: sta minchia Hatred Army: n'hatra minchia Best Undead unit: c'ho 'na best!!! | Comments: MA SMETTILA DI GIOCARE CON I SOLDATINI E TROVATI UNA DONNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your che? sto sito e'lento come federico a dar le carte.pero'e'mica brutta la musicata?vatt'a'nzicca'nu'cazzu.non vieni mai a scuola e fai sempre finta di aver la febbre.ZEZZONE!!!! il tuo sito e'nero come nero sei tu...gufo portasfiga!!!(di m...) pero' davvero sia cosi'? STICAZZI CHE POETA, ai posteri l'ardua sententiam.Amen. |
stefano - 04/06/98 14:31:43 Preferred Army: undead Hatred Army: high elf | Comments: beautiful site |