Home Page di Stefano Santavicca


... it preannunces the terrible horde of




"In that dread desert, beneath the moons' pale gaze, the dead men walk. They haunt the dunes in that breathless, windless night. They brandish their weapons in mocking challenge to all life,and, sometimes, in ghastly dry voices, like the rustling of sere leaves, they whisper the one word they remember from life, the name of their ancient, dark master. They wisper the name Nagash"

                                                              From The Book Of The  Dead,
                                                                            By Abdul ben Raschid,
                                  Translated from the Arabic by Heinrich Kemmler.

  The Undead will always defeat you because, in the end, even you will enter in the undead ranks


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From 1/3/98 you are the soul n°

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