RaBiDkIwI's EnTeRtAiNmEnT PaGe!!


The Links in Detail

This is my place in space. I have been very very busy and have not had the time to work on this page in a LONG time. I hopefully will be able to find the time to make improvements to this page. In the meantime, enjoy all that is here.

To the left I have lots of links.

1. This is my links page, where you can find links to other places on the net, as well as links to my other pages. I am looking to add more links. If you would like me to add a link to your page on my page please email me with the URL.

2.This link is to my Highlander page, which Has an awesome background created by me, and lots of pictures. I am currently in the process of adding pics from HL2 and HL3 movies. In the meantime enjoy the pics from HL1, and check back regularily

3. This is my Adrian Paul page. It is also being worked on. I am changing the look of the pics page and adding a bio and a link or two. So in the meantime enjoy what there is. Keep checking back

4. This link is to my Christopher Lambert Gallery. It contains a biography and filmography which is still undergoing maintenence. I am adding pictures and a synopsis for each movie. Not all of them contain a synopsis, mainly due to the fact I may not have seen the movie. You are welcome to give me a synopsis if you have one for one of the movies.

5. This is my Methos Page. It is my tribute to all you Methos fans out there. I just like this picture. Yes, due to popular demand, there will be more Methos pics added.(sorry, didn't mean to disappoint you worshippers of the Blue Frosted Love God!)

6. This link is to my top ten lists. UPDATED!! I have very little there. I am in the process of adding more lists. Hopefully I will get rid of that pathetic link image and put better one in its place. If any of the information is incorrect on this page please email me and let me know.

7. This link is to my Movie Of The Month page. This was designed to salute and critique a different movie each month. I have added sound to my page, to try and inhance it a bit. This page does change each month, well I try to change it each month *grin*(I haven't seen any movies recently. When I do the movie will change). THIS MONTH'S MOVIE IS: STARWARS: EPISODE 1 --- THE PHANTOM MENACE

8&9. I want you to feel free to view my guestbook, and as a guest to my site, I ask that you take the time to sign the guestbook, and let me know what you think of my page, and if there is anything I should add or improve on. There is always more editing to be done.

So Have Fun and Enjoy!!

I want to personally Thank You for taking the time to look at my life's work *grin*. If there is anything you would like to see on my page or think I should change please get in touch with me. I need all the feedback I can get.


WOW! my first award. I didn't think this site would ever win one considering I haven't touched it in over a year but hey this is kewl!!

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RaBiDkIwI DeSiGnS LtD. ©1997

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