Welcome to where it all began...

Ron's humble little original JULIE NEWMAR WEBSITE

Since it's quite a chore movin' stuff over to julienewmar.com, and most folks who visit there only need a quick check of what's for sale...consider this the "annex" for more Julie info

Picture illustrated JULIE AT THE MOVIES

Catwoman Fan page

Conscious, Catwoman? Then come to the Lair...Batman fans lurk there....

Julie's TV credits and stage work. Some "hot links" here to click for photos

By request: Julie's "Star Trek" episode info.

Questions about eBay? A FAQ to soothe some ruffled feathers

The great LEAFBLOWER scandal.

A fun page that got dusty in cyberspace. Some snapshots from Julie's TRIP TO TIBET a few years ago, which she shared here

Rooms with Views: The Masque of Julie Newmar

Wanna quick view of Julie in Catwoman pix? Here's a brief sampling

From the archives...pages on autographs (real and fake)


This Julie Newmar Website was created when just about the only people who heard of the Internet were friends of Al Gore.

We had so much content we were having bandwidth problems. Fortunately we moved stuff to julienewmar.com and will be trying to find places for fans to see "the best of the old site."

We (Julie-Ron) do know that while there are a LOT of pages for Catwoman fanciers and the Bat brigade, some folks love Julie for her many other roles, and want to know more about other aspects of her life and legend

Hopefully soon we'll restore "Doll" and "Wong Foo" and the funny photo-collages and some of the other exclusive features we had for so many years....