From the RMS Titanic:

A Caledon Hockly Fan Page

Created 2-13-98

Last updated 3-7-97

You are Happy Passenger # to come here!!


The following is, in fact, not a joke. The maker of this page does indeed love Cal from Titanic. Why would anybody love Jack? He was a lousy piece of street trash!.....Sorry. *brushing off my dress and fixing my hair*


Alright. I just put this page up, So there is almost nothing at all here. But this I swear to you, I will have something of use here by the end of the month! (*singing* This I swear by the stars...*noticing the looks I'm getting* er....sorry) Do sign the Guestbook, by all means!

OK folks!!!!!!! I now have, for your delight, a chat room!!!!

Chat here!

OK, folks, I am in the process of gathering any Titanic Fan Fic or anything you may have written about Titanic. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send me stuff! I am almost done with my contributions to the Ship of Dreams. Till then, content yourself with the beginning, which may be hard to follow...

Stories from the Titanic...

  Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

OOPS! I forgot to add a email addy!


and if you want a link to my page, here is my banner!!!!

Made By,

Jumpy!!! (Big round of applause!)
Here's a great Titanic page to go to!!!!!

(if you want a link up here, sign the guestbook!!)

I seem to like Titanic Webrings....*lol*

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Here's an idea! Why don't you go to my other page!

It all about another movie, Newsies!