BaBy - 01/20/00 13:26:11 My URL:/BabyTamba My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ha????favorite???wah yg mana ya..hihihihi... Hobby: music, sports, travel Favorite movie: English Patient Favorite music band: banyak lah.... | Comments: Ipi..remember me? it's me Baby...hehehe... |
BaBy - 01/20/00 13:26:11 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ha????favorite???wah yg mana ya..hihihihi... Hobby: music, sports, travel Favorite movie: English Patient Favorite music band: banyak lah.... | Comments: Ipi..remember me? it's me Baby...hehehe... |
izzat helmy imran - 12/23/99 03:23:09 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: girlfriend Hobby: memancing Favorite movie: action movie Favorite music band: rock | Comments: sememangnya saya suka ......dan menjadi harapan segala-galanya!!!!!!!!!. |
darma - 07/18/99 08:19:03 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: You Hobby: Out Door Favorite movie: Island of fire base Gloria Favorite music band: Many | Comments: HP-nya Cantik kayak yang punya, ciao TDY |
- 02/16/99 12:30:18 | Comments: |
- 02/16/99 12:30:16 | Comments: |
Mattii nakkiii - 12/20/98 22:02:47 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: joo Hobby: joo Favorite movie: on Favorite music band: nii | Comments: Ihan sekasin. Mikä perkeleen nakki? |
asko puusaari - 12/17/98 13:16:05 Hobby: maths Favorite movie: titanic Favorite music band: apulanta | Comments: nakki on mukava mies, kiitoskia kun olet piritstämässä meitä! |
reez - 10/28/98 19:28:26 My Hobby: riding Favorite movie: usual suspect Favorite music band: rage againts the machine | Comments: ~@-#~ 0 |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
- 10/03/98 08:14:55 | Comments: |
Cindy - 09/28/98 14:17:18 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
F1sHbOnE - 05/27/98 03:51:25 My URL:/Area51/Labyrinth/8167 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Natalie Portman Hobby: Playing the "geetar" Favorite movie: Terminator 2 Favorite music band: Weezer =w= | Comments: Hey, there! HP-nya bagus juga tuh. Gambar Mr.Satannya juga bagus. Hehheh. Oke deh, keep up the good work and please stop by my page and sign my F1sHBooK. Thanx and ciao for now. ;P |
F1sHbOnE - 05/27/98 03:50:15 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Natalie Portman Hobby: Playing the "geetar" Favorite movie: Terminator 2 Favorite music band: Weezer =w= | Comments: Hey, there! HP-nya bagus juga tuh. Gambar Mr.Satannya juga bagus. Hehheh. Oke deh, keep up the good work and please stop by my page and sign my F1sHBooK. Thanx and ciao for now. ;P |
RIo (Jester) - 04/04/98 17:30:53 My URL: My Email:blowjester@hotmail Favorite boy/girlfriend: JesterGal` Hobby: Basket, IRC Favorite movie: ??? Favorite music band: ??? | Comments: Manis hpnya, imut orangnya ....:) |
maaf..lagie ilang ingatan - 03/13/98 13:18:16 My URL: My Email:masih dalam perencanaan Favorite boy/girlfriend: di sabet orang....hik...hik Hobby: ngelamun yg jorok²...ihhh, asyik Favorite movie: tanzmania... sekubiduu...huma&wendy Favorite music band: tarantula&the gang...pengapen yg lewat | Comments: ehmmmmm......boleh juga,.... lucu....baguss.... gue kira.... gambarnya mirip ma yg punya hp ini...taunya...ngga tuchhh...hihihihi.. ok,dech...daghhh... apa...lagieee |
Dera SAMUDERA . S - 03/04/98 11:00:39 My URL:http://ehmmm. ngga, punya My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ehmm...... nyantaiii...aja dechhh Hobby: maen, nonton, dengerin musik....pokonya yg enak² dechhh Favorite movie: wahhhh....banyak banget tuch ...hampir semua yg gue liat jadi favorit tuchhh...hehe Favorite music band: ehmmm.... lagi suka ma the verve + Picicato five | Comments: hehehe.....baguss...baguss....baguss...( hihihi...kaya pa'Tino yach gue...) eh, ipie....HP loe lucu banyak warnanya.... tapi fotonya kurang tuch...hehe.... |
Mahendra .A - 02/05/98 14:55:24 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: kamu aza deh Hobby: kenalan, jalan-jalan,telpon Favorite movie: Braveheart Favorite music band: Bon jovi | Comments: Wahh homepage mu lucu yah, ehhh kemarin aku telpon kamu tapi kok nomornya salah yaaa, katamya dia nggak kenal Nakki, ehh namamu siapa sih sebenarnya ? he..he.eehe.. hp mu lucu loh, kapan-kapan ajarin yaa.. okey deh.. give me call okay , daaa |
Koh Fahmi - 02/02/98 20:58:14 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Liza MS Hobby: Comics Favorite movie: Dragon Ball Z Favorite music band: Ev'thing | Comments: No comments ! BŽ |
A L i T - 01/23/98 16:12:39 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Nakki...temen khan? Hobby: Main selancar pake kompyuteer Favorite movie: Unyil Kucing! Favorite music band: DMB | Comments: Huallloooooo apa kabar? Gilaaaaaa udah lama juga yah...gue lagi iseng2 aja nih.. OK dah..itu dulu |
dave lagi lho - 01/11/98 16:12:36 My Email:sama kaya yg di bawah Favorite boy/girlfriend: nah akhirnya ngerti juga maksudnya apa!!! oh pacar toh yah! hihihihih tapi siapa yah?? yah cuma eva aja hihih Hobby: ber olah raga di pagi hari , sore hari tapi yg paling ok sih di malam hari oh iyah ama maen musik di pagi hari tapi yg paling ok juga di malem hari ...aduh binun Favorite movie: yah kaya anak anak rsjiwa yg laen yg sukanya R+18 yah untung gue dah 19 jadi boleh donk Favorite music band: kalo yg laen bilang yg ada nakkinya ..ah kalo dave yg ada davenya aja ah biar laen ama yg laennya | Comments: mau yang panjang commentsnya apa yg pendek?? pendek aja yah ..hihi udah tuh |
dave - 01/11/98 16:06:11 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: hah? Hobby: :) ...apa yah maksudnya tuh senyum? Favorite movie: awakenings film apaan yah ini? Favorite music band: ada sih tapi siapa yah? | Comments: ketawa aja dulu kali yah hihihihiihi ini comments ttg HP nya apa yg punya HP? kalo HP nya bagus sekali tapi kalo yg punya HP ah biasa aja hihihi eh kebalik ,eh salah deng. Pokoknya bagus semuanya dilangit yang biru ....nah lho?? |
marlon - 01/02/98 12:05:21 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ada deeeehhh Hobby: yang enak Favorite movie: yang bagush Favorite music band: yang enak dan bagush | Comments: alloh.. met kenal yah.... foto2 semua nii jreeeeenngg.... tapi tetep aje tob... hhehehehe.... |
jangkru - 12/25/97 10:35:35 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: rahasia Hobby: rahasia Favorite movie: badai pasti berlalu Favorite music band: 80's | Comments: kenalan dong.....hehehehe...hp nya ok juga...poto semua isinya hehehe |
ciban daganteng abis - 12/24/97 11:06:12 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: tyra banks Hobby: basket Favorite movie: marrie with children Favorite music band: NO DOUBT | Comments: NAKII ALOW HEHE CIBAN NEH, ILHAM HP KAMU BAGUS DEH, KAYA ORANGNYA HEHE, EH TAMBAHIN YANG LAIN DONG PHOTONYA DAN TAMBAH PAGE LAGI HEHE LIAT HP KU YEH HEHEHE BYEEEEE |
Wawan - 12/13/97 18:42:50 My Favorite music band: Lee Ritenour, Kitaro | Comments: Nice .... Cantik kamu :) |
ERY - 12/12/97 08:47:29 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ipi.... Hobby: ngejar2 cewe, cuci piring, nyatain, berdoa Favorite movie: G-30S/PKI Favorite music band: Dream Theater, Rush, | Comments: ivannna....kamu dandannya oke banget dehh, pangki abis... kalo ketemu di kampus tegor2 donk, sukur2 ditraktirin salam buat ipham...sama dini juga :) |
ery - 12/11/97 16:27:52 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: dini Hobby: nosepicking Favorite movie: x-rated movies Favorite music band: dream theater | Comments: pii...hp-lu okehh braaaaaattt...gue sirik nihh |
Agent212, Rully - 12/07/97 18:42:19 My URL:http://week.BelonAda.tuh/ My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Nakki ( Akan Berubah Tergantung Ngsi Gesabukna Di HP siapa...hihihi ) Hobby: belajar, membaca, nonton film ilmiah, ngapalin kamus inggris-indonesia-jerman-jepang, ngapalin rumus, ngerjain soal2 ujian, bermain dengan matematik dan fisika....hhahhahaha Favorite movie: action dong, pokoke yang ada belantemna ama yang ada nembak-nembakkan na...:P Favorite music band: apa aja deh pokoke yang asik, apalagi kalo yang Nanyi Nakki, eh iya Nanya dong..Nakki Kalo Nyanyi dimana? Di Bis Atau Di Kereta?...:P | Comments: Hmmmmm, pertama-Tama Aku Kan memberikan Komen Buat yang Pertam Kali Membaca Komen Pertama AKu ini, Yang nantinya akan menjadi Pertam-tama dari yang AKn selanjutnya selama yang Pertma ini akan terus jadi yang Pertama-tama. Yang KeDua hmmmm HP kamu boleh juga lumayan deh, tapi itu gambar siap tuh, potona co kamu yah atau satpam kamu? hihihihihi, bagus tuh warna-warni...jadi bersilau kilau nah lho....:P Yang Ketiga Kok No.Telp Kamu na NGGak ada di HP...katana Disuruh Nelp Kamu Kalo Ke Bandung, tolong yah Email AKu ATu telp aku buat Nagsih Tau No TElp Kamu...:). Yang KeEmpat oh iya itu potona gede2 yah...lama nih di DownLoadna....dikecilin deh......hihihi kok Poto Aku Nggak Ada yah? siapa Aku?..:( Yang KeLima Pokoke Keadilan Sosial Bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia deh....:P |
|Ery|,^Ery^,Ery_coi,Apikuiut,Notify,R1ko - 12/07/97 16:57:17 My URL:http://www.ery.asik.irc My Favorite boy/girlfriend: kaya nya si Nakky deh, kalau nggak ada yaaa... yang lain Hobby: semau guee Favorite movie: bokep kalau ada si pram Favorite music band: kalau yang nyanyi Nakki | Comments: bagus nihh HP nyaaa........buatin gue dong |
Hendri Arnis - 12/06/97 22:21:47 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Independent Hobby: Travel Favorite movie: Steven Segal Favorite music band: Nirvana & Metalica | Comments: hi, nice to meet you. I've been to your Homepage, but i have not finished becuase it takes so long for me to download your homepage, But, overall it is quite good for a begginer. ok, hope the best for the best. By the way, I'll call you want i get there. I'll keep your phone# ok. Bye |
Hendri Arnis - 12/06/97 22:07:39 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: girlfeind donk Hobby: cari cewek donk Favorite movie: Steven Segal Favorite music band: Nirvana & Metalica | Comments: hi, nice to meet you. I've been to your Homepage, but i have not finished becuase it takes so long for me to download your homepage, But, ovelall it is quite good for a begginer. ok, hope the best for the best. |
Z0erigh - 12/06/97 10:47:47 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: adadeh Hobby: membaca hahaha Favorite music band: nakki's band | Comments: bagus hon tinggal tanbah apa kek biar rada banyakan getoo |
WanKi - 12/06/97 05:27:39 My URL:http://www.none My Favorite boy/girlfriend: KabOgOh URang ATuh Hobby: BolA Euy....hidDup PerSIb Favorite movie: TrAnSporTIng Favorite music band: U2 .....sih..tapi ada juga yang laen | Comments: Comments ..dikit ajah deh Lumayan hpnya buat beginner sih. kenalin gue ..wanki...anak bandung bangeut tuh ya udah deh |
Viky.victory - 12/05/97 05:17:22 My URL: My Email:victory_78 Favorite boy/girlfriend: aduhh laPuk neh guee..!!! Favorite movie: TrainsPottiNg Favorite music band: PoRTISheaD&jaMIroquai&vandella | Comments: haLoo naKKi......hapenya baguss Ki.... Truss..kaLo alaMaT url yaNg di atas ittu alamaTnya vandella taPi ada Link nya nya kok ke hape gue ama temen gue... namaYa dadriansyah ya udaH deh kii gethoo aja kaI yaa... daGhh naKii..mpe keteMu di baNdung ya Kii.. |
AgUNg uhauhauhauhuhauhauhuahuhauhauhuhauhahuhau - 12/04/97 12:34:28 My URL:<-----lagi di bongkar abis :)) My Email:mo yang mana nih :)) Favorite boy/girlfriend: wahh...gimana nih...kalo gue bilang..ah...lupain aja deh :)) Hobby: wah..gimana yah..kalo gue kasih tau hobi gue entar gue malu lagi..huauauhuhauha..*uhsh...jangan yang jorok* :)) Favorite movie: wahh...yang ini juga nih..uhauhauhuha...aduh gimana yah..bilangnya...pokoknya tau deh..namanya anak muda :)) Favorite music band: nah yang ini baru cocok...apa yah??? hmmm...indonesia gue suka Dewa19,Anang&Kris,terus yang berbau Katon deh...terus...kalo baratnya nih...wahh..gue ngga tau deh...asal enak aja dikuping gue :)) | Comments: opini gue..yah.gimana yah...INDONESIA MERDEKA aja deh :)) <----ngaruh ngga sih...uhauhauhuhauhauh...bagus kok untuk pemula :)) <-----gaya abis :)) pesen gue untuk Vanna...rajin2 belajar sayangin kedua orang tua...terus...cari cowo yang bener ...ehhehehhe...udah ahh...lagi ngaco nih....soalnya disini jam 1/2 5 pagi :)) ngatukk:)) huaaahhhhhhhhh!! dagh dulu yeeeeeeeeeee :)) |
pepeng - 12/04/97 11:24:57 Favorite boy/girlfriend: oh.... Hobby: cuci piring Favorite movie: action Favorite music band: alternative | Comments: gue belon tahu nih wajah elu tapi gue tulis aje deh oke bye |
Fitra Syachirul Alim - 11/19/97 14:27:28 My URL: My Hobby: makan Favorite movie: dora emon Favorite music band: soneta group | Comments: Huahauahu... ada jeger euy... |
Adit!! - 10/31/97 06:10:47 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: wish I had one Hobby: Don't know what that is Favorite movie: ...huh? Favorite music band: En Vogue rules!! | Comments: |
EDO - 10/29/97 15:36:44 My URL: My Hobby: sleep...sleep...and sleep.... Favorite movie: Dolores Claiborne Favorite music band: N-Sync | Comments: aloo...cewe jelekk... jangan lupakan janji kita yahhh..... gua akan setia nungguin elo..asal jangan di Wc aja yah....kaga tahannnn.... Ciao, Calon suami elo... |
Adde Sur.......... - 10/27/97 14:44:26 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: mo to aja...... Hobby: Surfing, sport.. Favorite movie: Brave Hearts,.. Favorite music band: banyak banget... | Comments: hihihiihihihiiiiiii bagus bagus.... ini homepage kiriman dari. cewe Erotis dari Bandung... yaa lanjutkan ... (sembari gaya pak tino sidin tea...)... |
Z0erigh - 10/20/97 15:29:07 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: nakki heheehe Hobby: hmm apa yah?? Favorite music band: the verve | Comments: hanih gue dah ngisi neh hehehe muachhh hmm lah kok ...... |
Aldy Rafiqy Dermawan - 10/18/97 17:57:29 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ------------------ Hobby: koleksi mobil antik Favorite movie: the doors Favorite music band: the doors,rolling stones | Comments: no comments |
Aldy Rafiqy Dermawan - 10/18/97 17:57:28 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ------------------ Hobby: koleksi mobil antik Favorite movie: the doors Favorite music band: the doors,rolling stones | Comments: no comments |
faisal-JoeY - 10/18/97 17:00:33 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: youre the only one Hobby: Nge-Band Favorite movie: ''contact ''-JODIE FOSTER Favorite music band: CRANBERRIES | Comments: HELLO THERE.... INGET GUE NGGA JoeY-- e-mail me if u wanted to know about me. thies home page is "bloody"rock and rool so keep on dancing.............. see-ya |
faisal-JoeY - 10/18/97 17:00:17 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: youre the only one Hobby: Nge-Band Favorite movie: ''contact ''-JODIE FOSTER Favorite music band: CRANBERRIES | Comments: HELLO THERE.... INGET GUE NGGA JoeY-- e-mail me if u wanted to know about me. thies home page is "bloody"rock and rool so keep on dancing.............. see-ya |
- 10/18/97 16:53:00 | Comments: |
Rigardo ' rigy' Hutabarat - 10/18/97 14:53:05 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: single tuch ...! :) Hobby: music ...! that's it Favorite movie: Phenomenon Favorite music band: Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and Bread | Comments: Nakki....! obral aja cinta lo...! huahahhahha..! emang si erotis itu paling .. imut, buat gua pengen ....* glepak ..! * huahahhah..! Rigy |
Chairul Anwar - 10/18/97 14:03:58 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Nakki ehm..ehm... Hobby: maen Tenis Meja Favorite movie: Gone With the Wind, Indiana Jones Favorite music band: Roxxette, ToTo, BonJovi, Chicago | Comments: Home page nya bagus tulisannya.... Tapi potonya out of date...masa taon 87..heheheheh... Tapi nggak penting orangnya oke...cieeeeee |
Kuah - 10/18/97 11:36:08 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: hahahahaha Hobby: hihihihhi Favorite movie: sleepers...... Favorite music band: The doors | Comments: gut gut........terang aja nih.......silauuuuuuuuuu.........hihihihi...... |
John Tobing - 10/18/97 04:22:46 My Hobby: Sport Favorite movie: Yang menarik | Comments: Met kenalan Nakki...homepagenya bagus, menurut gue bergaya sedikit humoris dan menarik. |
Sandi - 10/17/97 13:47:54 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Ivanna Hobby: Sering berubah Favorite movie: Star Wars Favorite music band: Megadeth | Comments: Hmmm..... bikinin gue donk... plizzz sapa yang bisa bikinin HP buat gue ntar.... gue kasih.. PISGOR atau NASGOR atau Apa aja dech asal..... gue iklas gitu huahauhuahuahuahuah ..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
LauK - 10/17/97 12:29:43 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: too much to list,..:) Hobby: banyak! Favorite movie: Top Gun,..Badboys,.. Favorite music band: Mezzoforte,..Spyrogyra,..Fourplay,.. | Comments: so kalerpul,...gut jop! |
Oke M. Ramdan - 10/15/97 05:52:34 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: hihihi.. none (not yet) Hobby: sports, reading, movies, music, etc. Favorite movie: sommersby Favorite music band: oasis | Comments: Well.. for a first creation, it's not bad at all.. but you can still put much more things on this.. so we can know you better after we browse your web pages. By the way, the guy on the front page is very impressive.. is that your dad ? hihihi.. just kidding :) |
H3li - 10/15/97 04:16:55 My Hobby: Read, computer Favorite movie: Lion King Favorite music band: Bon Jovi | Comments: Disuruh ama yang punya ngisi jadi ya ngisi deh hehehehe. |
Bayoe - 10/14/97 15:15:05 My Email:mau tau aje Favorite boy/girlfriend: Sailor moon Hobby: ngintip orang mandi Favorite movie: bokep Favorite music band: ape ye....? | Comments: Gile hamopage kok kebanyakan warna gini, ancur.........!!! pake kacemate item kali yee. |
Ggikucing, Teeth-Cat, armand - 10/11/97 20:05:38 My URL:/paris/metro/4021 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: no one qualified `till now Hobby: nongkrong di #rsjiwa Favorite movie: sleepless in seattle, when a man loves a woman, while u were sleeping Favorite music band: Human Nature, Savage Garden, Michael Learns 2 Rock | Comments:Halo Nakki jang imoet, akoe maoe isi G/B nja hehehehe abis itoe kamoe djangan semboenji lagi di belakang kakak jaah, biar bisa akoe terkam, heheheh miiiaaaaawwww......hohohohohoh, ja oedah deh kalaoe gitoe kita ketemoe di #rsjiwa jaa....
klik adja foto koetjing kalaoe maoe makan ikan di roemah koetjing |
Ggikucing, Teeth-Cat, armand - 10/11/97 20:00:38 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: no one qualified `till now Hobby: nongkrong di #rsjiwa Favorite movie: sleepless in seattle, when a man loves a woman, while u were sleeping Favorite music band: Human Nature, Savage Garden, Michael Learns 2 Rock | Comments:Halo Nakki jang imoet, akoe maoe isi G/B nja hehehehe abis itoe kamoe djangan semboenji lagi di belakang kakak jaah, biar bisa akoe terkam, heheheh miiiaaaaawwww......hohohohohoh, ja oedah deh kalaoe gitoe kita ketemoe di #rsjiwa jaa....
klik adja foto koetjing kalaoe maoe makan ikan di roemah koetjing |
razifniy - 09/18/97 00:24:55 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ah maluuw Hobby: maen video gamez cupaya masa depana ceriya tuww..hihihiii Favorite movie: hmm...vuaannyaak.. Favorite music band: idduup romairamaa | Comments: nakkiiii... apa khabar niyy..iiyy hompejna udah banyakan naaa.. vaguus..vaguuss..cuma saran dari dakoe yah jangan dijadiin atuw dowwng foto2na..downloadnya luaamaa.. ya udah de..bae bae di kota kembang yah vay vay...muaaaaaahhh |
Arief - 09/15/97 04:14:10 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: hhh Hobby: Gaming Favorite music band: Pink Floyd | Comments: Foto nya bagus juga tapi kok gak ada informasi lain ? |
koko (nick ALOOAAH^) - 09/14/97 17:08:18 My Hobby: makan, work out , makan, basket , makan, dance, makan,cruising around, makan, and lain lain. Favorite movie: action and comedy ( sorry no specification ) Favorite music band: well.....Don't have one.....just a little bit of everything | Comments: hmmmmm....what am I supposed to say....apa yach.. oh gini whatever you want to do in life and don't let anything stop your goals. You live once ...don't do a stupid things...cuz no use. BE your self, achieve your goals, and be nice to others. LIFE IS A PRECIOUS THINGS SO.....ENJOY IT AND HAVE FUN nnnnnnn........ Love , KoKo |
Aam 'Amy-James' - 09/12/97 16:19:16 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: guess who?? nakki deh.. Hobby: Reading.., Kit Car models - Tamiya, PC game, Drawing ofcourse. Favorite movie: PRETTY WOMAN always!! Favorite music band: Wet 3x, Michael learn to rock, Toto, Chicago, Fourplay, and Queen. | Comments: Katanya berantakan ni HP.., buktinya..boleh juga. Foto-fotomu oke punya. Keliatan imut banget. Asik banget deh pokoknya... Lucu, imut, enak diajak ngobrol.., dan menjanjikan hihhihihi... (makanya jangan mabal aja kuliahnya). Youre really nice person (promosi gratis). jangan lupa contact always yach... :) Sweetdreams. (??) |
po-san - 09/12/97 15:13:57 My URL:/madisonavenue/3456 My Hobby: music related, sports related, etc Favorite movie: maximum overdrive, the usual suspects, etc Favorite music band: diane schuur, jaco pastorius, etc. | Comments:
hey, apa kabar? gue nggak tau email elo jadi gue kirim ke sini, keep in contact, ok? just in case i be in bandung some day...
Nduty - 08/28/97 15:32:28 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Elo Hobby: Nyela loe Favorite movie: Maria Mercedes Favorite music band: Trio Kwek-kwek-kwek | Comments: Lumayan juga bisa buat HP.... Salut deh... Udah lah loe buruan balik.... Kuliah... |
Dina - 08/28/97 11:19:14 Favorite boy/girlfriend: Acong... Hobby: nonton Favorite movie: melrose place Favorite music band: krumania | Comments: cepet pulang pie..... gue banyak cerita.... pokoke seru banget... lagi ada temen kita yang jatuh cinta..... Pokoknya loe nggak nyangka deh.... hatimin kangen banget tuh |
Muhammad Iqbal N. - 08/26/97 11:51:53 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ada dehhh.... Hobby: bunuh nyamoeck Favorite movie: si buta ngintip cw Favorite music band: foreplay, grp, metallica, etc | Comments: hummm bole bole.... tapi kok potonya burem yaaa... apa mata gue yg kena iritasi comp :Ž ok deh kip ap de gud work... |
Nara A Suryadarma - 08/23/97 01:48:41 My URL:http://Maaf dech nggak ada.coma My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Siapa yaaa.........? Hobby: Photography, Terbang Favorite movie: Love Affair, The Hunt For Red October, ST Elmo's Fire, Stealing Home Favorite music band: Banyak........ | Comments: Nggak ada tuch, sorry yah |
Jesada Onghununtakul (Hong) - 08/22/97 01:23:25 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Information is very vagued. Hobby: Listen to music Favorite movie: Pop rock n sometimes jazz Favorite music band: Bon Jovi | Comments: It'll be better if I can read indonesia language. So, why don't you have another version in English. |
bimo - 08/21/97 19:46:21 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: pokoknya yang ceria deh Hobby: main music keyboard buat dengerin sendiri, maen IRC lah, tenis, makan, travelling, sesuatu yg rileks2 aja Favorite movie: Speed Favorite music band: Jazz... | Comments: wah saaaallluuuuutttt nih udah punya home page... fotonya ...bikin yang sendiri close up akan lebih attractive... Finna ..kamu yang mana difoto itu ??? Tapi yang penting ...udah berhasil bikin and jadi.. Good luck !!!!! terusin yg lebih bagus lagi yaa Daaagggggg |
baby - 08/19/97 19:28:03 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ngga ada... Hobby: music, travelling,sport Favorite movie: Con Air, Jerry M, Favorite music band: chicago, toto, incognito, the brand new havies....masih banyak sih...hehehe | Comments: Heeeebboooohh.....hahahaha... tapi fotonya kaga jelas...lo yg mana sih?? yah..keep on working-lah...:) |
va - 08/19/97 04:23:21 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: tidak untuk dipublikasikan (hanya untuk kalangan sendiri...:) ) Hobby: bermimpi Favorite movie: one night stand( tapi belom keluar tuh....hehehe...gue liat xtranya doang sih... tapi langsung suka...), picture perfect juga gue best friend wedding juga....:) Favorite music band: dewa | Comments: i smile therefore i am... :) :-) :) |
Michael One'de - 08/18/97 23:55:23 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ada aja Rahasia perusahaan dong masa dikasih tau.,...hehehhehe Hobby: RoadRace,DragRace,Motocross,Rally,Basket,swimming Favorite movie: apa yach......yang penting action aja dech... Favorite music band: Metalica | Comments: hi, nakki Hommie kamu bagus sekali, cuman sayang fotonya kagak jelas dan foto loe pribadi mana katanya album foto rupanya didalam cuman satu doang..hehehheheh thank's hommie kamu wooow Keereeeen..dech...kayak ANteve...hehehe bye mail me ok ? bye |
Restu.hary N - 08/17/97 22:03:26 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: yang agak keren Hobby: otomotif Favorite movie: face off Favorite music band: prodigy | Comments: its a good home page thats all |
Yopi - 08/15/97 01:09:34 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: sapa yaa??? Hobby: baca buku and dengerin music Favorite movie: Phenomenon,IQ,First Knight, and pokoke yg romantis2 deh..:) Favorite music band: Chicago pasti | Comments: Finna, walau kita baru berkenalan, serasa sudah berjutaan tahun kita berteman....wah..lama juga yah..(jadi bengong sendiri).HP kamu udah bagus..hanya perlu di perbagus lagi..oyah..potonya sayang ya kurang jelas.Sebagai kata2 terakhir ..oyah..some people s y that love is the most powerfull thing in the world which in fact love is so weak that it needs to be kept and trusted..cieee..apaaa lagi..:) Met kenal ya Finna ...and i wish you all the best. |
PRAM - 08/13/97 20:43:24 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Eman Gue Pikirin (sa bodo teuing) Hobby: Maen Gitar,Band,Maen Bola Kaki,Gaple,Remi,Congklak,Masak,Nyuci,etc Favorite movie: Naga Bonar,Unyil,Krucil,Album Minggu,Planet Football, Kuliah Subuh, Adzan Maghrib, etc Favorite music band: VanHallen,MrBig,Metallica,Sepultura,Pantera,WhiteLion,BonJovi,WhiteSnack,WASP,SkidRow,DreamTheatre,KoesPloes,3 anak manis,Trio Kwek Kwek,SonetaGroup,Hamdan ATT,Mansur S, etc | Comments: Eh Nakki, Gue udah liat HP elo kan. Kagak boong kan gue. lucu deh gambarnya..itu gambar bokap elo yah?? hihihi pasti galak banget..=)). Pokonya inget aje gue si cuek abis yg baik hati..hahaha. Jangan lupa yah ama coklatnya. nanti kalo gue ke BDG gue telp elo deh.Jangan lupa yah sama anak JKT yang satu ini. gitu aja dulu deh.... AZZALAMMUALAIKUM...WR...WB dahhhhhhhhhhhhh |
fahad al-jeri - 08/13/97 16:25:36 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Nakki Hobby: traveling Favorite movie: ghost Favorite music band: Mariah carey and boys to men | Comments: Hi....Nakki I hope you're okay and I want to say Keep happy for the life and.....babay. |
LuiS PauL - 08/13/97 04:56:23 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Nakki dong (maaf ya kalo merasa ada yang punya ^_^) Hobby: Basket, music, movie, comic, irc Favorite movie: banyak & demen banget ama sitkom Friends Favorite music band: Chicago (terutama you come to my sense-nya) & White Lion | Comments: Nitip juga dong seperti pesenan mereka, & kalo mau balik email-email ya, biar bisa nitip lagi yang banyak ^_^. Thank's for having a page in the net. ![]() |
Riza yang punya MukaKribo/JonLenOnG/RoYjulinG/AlisKuda/MbahBugil/BdBokep/EngIngEng/PremanGot/abcdefghi/Diaz^ - 08/12/97 23:01:04 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Yang ada dihatiku hanyalah yayankku...T...hehehehehehehe Hobby: Mbaca buku jorok,jail,lari2 ditempat Favorite movie: Benny hills,Charlie Chaplin,Koboy cengeng,Mr.Bean Favorite music band: Slow and Jazz | Comments: Homie kamu udah bagus lho...kenapa enggak kamu selesaiin sih nakki sayngg..ayoo dongg.jadi kita bisa ketawa bareng2 huahahahahahahahahaha......iya deh kalo perlu bantuan bikinnya..cari aku aja yahh selama aku bisa..ato cari aku di # bebas# jakarta ato di RsJiwa(channel baru) hehehhehe...udahhh ahhhhhh....binun mo ngomong apa...dadaaaaaaa |
koko(Boeing747) - 08/12/97 22:38:48 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: nothin' Hobby: hiking, flying,diving... Favorite movie: The Sound of Music, Air Force One Favorite music band: The Beatles | Comments: nice...cuma perlu byk di banyakin link........saam fotonya engga jelas........tuh.....nice to know me.... |
Ricky Noer - 08/09/97 21:01:30 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Nakki dooong............ Hobby: fotografi, jet ski Favorite movie: Schindler's List Favorite music band: Sting, Sade | Comments: Hi Nakki..... Benernya kamu itu dimana sihh?? di ohio ato di Bandung? jadi binun nihh.....trusan lagi...e-mail ku jangan ampe' ilang lagi...!!! Bye......mmmmmuuuuuaaaaaacccchhhhh....... @)--------- |
motoi - 08/08/97 19:09:05 My Email:nakadima.5 Favorite boy/girlfriend: Nothing Hobby: Travelling Favorite movie: Air Force One Favorite music band: Hanson | Comments: SAYONARA |
Sun-Joon Yoo - 08/08/97 18:57:36 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: popee Hobby: movie Favorite movie: Cinema Paradiso. Favorite music band: Teji and boys!!! | Comments: I want to go to RAPUTA!!! I want to illegally live Motoi's house. Ivuana- Kamu jantic. |
Rina "thea"... - 08/07/97 03:31:37 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ??? Hobby: Segala yg nyambung sama musik deh... Favorite movie: My Best Friend Wedding Favorite music band: Banyak... | Comments: Punten...2x.... Nembe jantennya hommy na...:) Sok...sing sae lah...teraskeun... Pokokna pasti... HIDUP BANDUNG....!! |
Greg - 08/05/97 17:02:42 My URL:http://www.geocities/athens/acropolis/2212 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Apa? Hobby: facing danger in a mountain biking, kayaking, spelunking, teaching way. Favorite movie: The King of Hearts (French) Favorite music band: Only one?!? Bob Dylan...since he leads into everything else. | Comments: Ivanna, this is very nice, but I hope to see more soon (maybe pictures of Bandung!) Also, when you add more English I will be a very proud teacher! ((((Work like you don't need the $, love like you've never been hurt, dance like no one is looking)))) |
Arie Kusumowidjojo - 08/04/97 05:35:16 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: Bini Favorite movie: Spielberg's & Lucas' Favorite music band: Genesis, Rush, Yes | Comments:![]() |
Gwen Tehfanny - 08/04/97 03:22:52 My Favorite boy/girlfriend: my future hubby Hobby: nonton 'n jalan2 Favorite movie: so best friend's wedding Favorite music band: U2, Bon Jovi, Guns 'n Rosses | Comments: There is no situation completely hopeless that something constructive cannot be done about it. When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade. |
po-san - 08/04/97 01:24:30 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ? (rephrase the question, please) Hobby: im into everything Favorite movie: seven Favorite music band: mc | Comments:
hello nakki kirana,
six6VI |
Andi Taufiq - 08/03/97 21:25:12 My URL: My Favorite boy/girlfriend: ada deh Hobby: iseng Favorite movie: Jerry Maguire Favorite music band: The Cranberries | Comments: cieee hp baru nih yeee...gileee satan cing...trus tu...apa lagi yah...hmm...oh iye keep up the good work yee...and salam buat maung bandung euy! :) |