![]() ![]() ![]() Your one and only source for the latest BoomBoom movie reviews, links, and other tasty tidbits about the entertainment world (and, quite frankly, anything else that I deem important). Most recent update: 6/25/98 The BoomBoom Reviews: Get my take on film and video, including the hottest new releases and some older, occasionally obscure titles. I do my best to give you an honest, relatively well-informed synopsis of as much of the entertainment world as I possibly can. Certainly, I have my biases, but I make no attempt to hide them. Besides which, this is my page and I can be biased if I want. There are currently 120 reviews posted. ![]() MiniReviews: Brief statements and grades for movies I've seen, but haven't written full-blown reviews for. Most likely, if I see a movie on video, it will be here. If on the big screen, it will be with the reviews. Although it just depends on my mood at the time. Total MiniReviews Posted: 35 ![]()
Miscelleneous Ramblings Other stuff that doesn't necessarily qualify as a review: my favorite actors, actresses, movies, directors, thoughts about superheroes, and other earth-shatteringly important stuff. ![]() Marvin the Martian My tribute to Marvin the Martian - Way Cool!! Awards Page If you're interested, check out the awards I've won. You can also enter to have your site (that's right, your very own site), honored as "BoomBoom's Cool Site of the Week". ![]() visitors since August 4, 1997 LE FastCounter © 1997, 1998 Izzy Breathing Productions. All rights reserved.