Although this page is dedicated to helping beginners get started
in Astrology. Much of the software on this site will be of interest to
the experienced Astrologer. Until you are able to look into Astrology,
you will not know whether you want to go into it deeply or just use it
as a social attribute. Either way this page is designed to help you. To
be a real Astrologer you need to be able to calculate a chart by hand,
but this can come later if you find that you are interested. For now you
need to get started. The best way is a computer program that does it all
for you
Astrolog 5.40 (latest version 24/12/98) is a FREE fully
featured Astrology program.This program has so many features that I have
put them on a Zip File. If you would like to read about Astrolog before
downloading it,
Get (6Kb)
Astrolog for Windows, Dos, Mac, Unix.
The Astrolog program calculates charts very accurately to seconds
with hardly any knowledge (other than the birth details) you can start
printing out charts, you have your foot in the door of The Astrological
World. Practically any bookshop has at least one book on the basics, equipped
with one of these you can begin finding out what it all means.
If you want to start right now, interpreting charts; on the sofware
page there are two little programs called Meanings and Keywords. Astrolog
also prints or saves a text report.
To recap: if you download; Astrolog 5.40, Meanings exe, Keywords exe, you will have all you need to do Astrology for some time to come.
"Aladdin's Cave.....The Software Download Area"
Dignities (Rulerships of the planets) are the
to judging strengths of planets. You can see a complete list of the rulerships
of both the Transneptunion planets, including the ninth TNP-Proserpina,
and the conventional planets, this is in the form of colored charts.
of the planets)
Esoteric/Karmic Astrology is a branch of Astrology that has been
much neglected of late
The main use of Esoteric Astrology is to find the Soul's purpose
in this life and to investigate previous lives. Used in conjunction with
the seven rays (Alice Bailey) Esoteric rulerships and two additional planets
namely Vulcan and the Earth.
If you want to get started on this fascinating subject you need
to know the Esoteric rulerships and which signs apply to which of the seven
Esoteric Rulerships and the seven Rays)
Have a
at the Miscellaneous Page where you can find all sorts of information,
including, Lessons, articles, even a complete book to download.
Are you confused by British Summer time? If so you can see a complete list from 1916 to the present time
British summer time
If you fancy to do a bit of weather forcasting with just the moonphases and a weather cock, this is how it was
done about a hundred year ago, it still seems to work. By the way there are some moonphase programs on the software page.
Weather forcasting chart