It's A Sin To Stay The Same (1967)
Keep Your Oscar—the Prize in Bill Holden's Life Is Stefanie Powers (People, April 11, 1977)
Charm is on the way to these Harts (1978) |
For the Love of Bill (People, May 31, 1982)
Stefanie Plays Polo (People, November 7, 1983)
Shocked by Hart's Demise ... (People, May 1984)
Stefanie Powers in Mistral's Daughter (People Magazine, October 1, 1984)
Stefanie Powers (1986)
Stefanie Powers' Superlife
AOL Online Chat Transcript
Mungo Park chat
Dealing with under-age rage (1998)
Yahoo Article (1998)
London Evening Standard Interview (June, 2000) Thanks Alan!
Stars' Exercise Techniques Somewhat Worth Emulating
Powers That Be
Yahoo Interview
UK Radio Times
Take Time With Twiggy interview. Thanks Ultima