Welcome to Argo and Bliss' Xena: Warrior Princess Site. Revamped for 2000! Considering Bliss and I have started new chapters in our lives... we taxing paying, college-graduates who now understand why our parents needed a stiff during after work... we both thought it would be a good idea to redesign the site. And why not... Argo's got a nice web-design job at a upscale corporation... So sit back and enjoy the best of what AB's Domain has to offer.
So, ENJOY IT PEOPLE .... this took twenty hours of programming!
Logomancy's XENA Page
Considering the Annual Argo Awards are coming up, I thought I'd give these guys a REALLY BIG plug (why does that sound really nasty?). Anyway, this was one of the first sites to establish itself on the web and it's still going strong after five long seasons of Xena, with no signs of stopping.
I Found My Heart in San Francisco: Book One: Awakenings
There hasn't been a story in quite a while that has me counting the minutes until I can read it again (and at eleven chapter each over 100k each, you'll need to read it in parts). But this story is probably one of the best ALT/Uber stories to come my way in a while. Jamie, a happily involved hetero..sexual, decides to take a class in Lesbian Psychology and gets paired up with a sexy, older personal trainer who lets an attracted Jamie into her world. What starts out as friendship, leads to something deeper. The author has promised a lengthy "book" each month. And juding by this first effort, it will be a long month for me!
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