Belle may never win the Newberry Award, but she has managed to snag these:

Recieved 9/14/97
Thank you to Maggie for my very first award! Visit her page! It's one of the neatest on the web!

Recieved 9/19/97
Thank you Michelle, for my second! Her page is also wonderfully Disney!

Received 9/21/97
Again, another neat page to visit!
Belle83210's award! Visit her incredible Animated Heroines Page!

Received 12/2/97
Winner of the prestigious Silver Award!

Recieved 12/30/97
This award I recieved from a good friend of mine, Larissa. Please visit her page, because it's excellent, and she puts a lot of hard work into it.

Received 1/15/98
My first award of the new year!
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