The Emptiness of Youth

This is my life, I have to deal with it, and so should you.

Hi! You've entered my personal page. A dangerous place to enter, if you ask me. Which is, of course, what you're doing. I was told by a couple people that they couldn't tell it was my page until they saw my e-mail address at the bottom. So I've done the next logical thing, and that would be to create a personal page for your convenience. I must warn those with heart conditions, and anyone on prescription medication that this second page will contain pictures of yours truly. Those pictures in combination with your delicate medical condition can lead to serious injury, or could be fatal. My warning to you is to proceed with caution, and remember I am insured. If you are seriously having problems, talk to my lawyer.

God..I just can't help but wonder, who wants to know about me?! As well as how honest should I be? Heh heh...Okay. I'm short, grossly overweight, I have a horrible acne problem, I'm fiercely bisexual, I have a glandular problem. I think that the Spice Girls have some real talent, and I live each day of my life happily and look forward to the next.

Actually, that's all a lie, except for the sentiments that clarify I have no physical beauty. The pics will let you judge for yourself. Beauty is so hypothetical. It's so opinionated. No one is 100% beautiful in the eyes of every last living human being on the planet. No one. Sorry all you cosmetic bearing cheerleaders out there. Not everyone thinks you're beautiful. Hell..I don't! Hahah...I guess in my closed minded little world my opinion is the only one that matters, but I think that in most cases EVERYONE can (but just refuses to) admit to that statement.

Enough rambling, and let's get to the facts.

I'm 17, I'll be 18 on April 8th 2000, 19 the year after that, then 20, etc. Ironically my age changes every April 8th. Everyday I wake up in the miserable and unfortunate small town of Rapid River, MI. Of which I carry the shame of calling "home." I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, that's the tiny useless state above the LP (yeah, Lower Michigan, the one with all the *important* cities) The one people believe is plotting to bomb the bridge and join Canada. Frankly the way this life is going, that doesn't sound like a half bad idea. I am female, obviously. Why it's obvious, I don't know, but being the short-tempered beast that I am I assume you to know. God dammit! The pictures will show you what I look like. I have one older sister, Lila. And two older brothers, Fil (Satan) and Andy. I also have 2.5 million relatives. You may think to yourself, "Wow, that's a pretty big family." If we were human it'd be a huge family, but as you can tell from the size of the family, we are clearly rabbits. Naturally I have a couple cousins on the internet too. This is me being all family-minded, and giving a shout out to Ken, Julia, Sarah, and Matthew. Those are the only ones, that I'm aware of, that are on the internet. I do have a boyfriend, who is absolutely wonderful, and I could not love him more. :) His name is Stephen, and I plan to move in with him in about 3 months. It's the only thing I have to look forward to when you think about what I have to deal with everyday I am without him. I met him on the computer and we became great friends, and then we ended up meeting, he goes to the University of Michigan just like my brother Fil, so we got a chance to get together. We've been together for 3 years, although not literally, because he lives in Ann Arbor during the school year, and I'm still way up here in Rapid River. We still see each other at least once every month and for several weeks in the summer, so at least we don't have to be without each other for long. Then, of course, there's always the phone. So for all you people out there reading this thinking that relationships that begin on the internet never work out, I would like you to see a living breathing example. Of course, I definitely don't recommend getting into an internet relationship because even though we got lucky, you probably won't. There's about 1 million creeps with little children chained to a stained mattress in their musty old basement to every 1 decent human being on the internet. I'll have pictures of Stephen, and of the two of us together on the page soon, for those who need "real" proof. I live a relatively dreary life, and I'm basically a pretty pathetic person to be around. In all likeliness you and I would never talk to each other if we met in real life, because I'm really quite a downer. I've been told a million times over that I'm cynical and sarcastic, and that I have a very caustic personality, but I've also been told that I have a sense of humor, I'm reasonably compassionate, and a very creative, dramatic person. I'm leaving it up to the world to make their own decisions. I have a few hobbies, strangely enough because such things are usually associated with individuals who have lives. I enjoy writing, acting, soccer, talking A LOT, making fun of people and things, and playing the clarinet. I am a Senior in high school, so I've, obviously, quite thrilled about this being the last year I have to attend classes before noon! I used to think I was going to Notre Dame, but then I found out about that "out-of-state" college tuition thing, and that idea fizzled. I also planned to be a lawyer, but I have some new interests that I plan to pursue. I'll probably end up being a teacher or a social worker, I know, me being around the youth of America for 6 hours a day, or me dealing with already troubled people, I guess I'll just have to choose a lesser of two evils. I do still plan to eventually end up in a position of military power, bomb the UP, and turn the United States into a greedy dictatorship, wherein all shall salute me. A scary thought indeed, but will one day become a reality. Another huge thing in my life is music, I have no musical ability, personally, but me and my friend Rhonda have decided we want to have our own Nirvana covers band, we'll like sing the songs, and then we'll have my brother Fil and this spaz-kid at our school Bergman (John) do all the actual musical stuff. Sounds pretty good, huh? My favorite bands are Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins (A shout out to Carrie Sullivan a SP freak :), Foo Fighters, Soundgarden (bastards broke up..:( ), Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Blur, Radiohead, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, Filter, Garbage, and about a million other new rock/alternative bands. My favorite radio station is 89X Windsor Detroit, 88.7 Very cool. I am not very computer literate, so you're actually "lucky" that I even created this homepage. Alright. Enough about me!!

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