Lots Of Changes In Scream

This is how many victims Ghostface has stalked since July 24th,1997 #


This site is not intended for people that haven't seen the movie.There are spoilers and the killer's identity is revealed.If you haven't seen Scream please leave...you will only be ruining the best movie there is...and for those of you who have seen it....proceed...

*Place To Go*
*What's On The Page* *What's New*
Info about Scream 1
Scream 1 Info
When news about Scream 2 is put out
News about Scream 2
About The Killers costume
Look and At the full costume
All kinds of Scream links
Scream links
All of my awards
My award page
The full Scream script and the new copy of the Scream 2 Script.
The full scream Script page
Vote For your favorite person
The Vote page
This includes an UNCONFIRMED copy of the script to the opening scene of SCREAM 2 which stars Jada Pinkett and Omar Epps.
The Opening Scene
Scream 2 Links
Scream 2 Links
Scream 2 Characters
Scream 2 Characters

The time to SCREAM is now!!!! Buy your copy TODAY!!!

Thanks to all of the sites from whom I have borrowed pics and stuff from. It's greatly appreciated! A Special Thanks to
for his permission to use his stuff. Visit that site...it rules!

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*Updated August 19, 1998*
Make Sure You Hit Reload For Latest Update

Disclaimer: All Scream stuff is copyright of Dimension Films.I have no association with Dimension Films.This webpage is strictly fan based only.Now for a big thank you to everyone who has visited my site and supported me on this.Without the encouragement and support I probablly would have taken the site down but people keep pouring on in and signing the guestbook and e-mailing me their comments and suggestions.This goes out to everyone...you know who you are and I know who you are.....


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