
That's right...the pub..I mean...She-ra!
She-ra is the bestest sword-wielding, metal-wearing, baddie-killing, alter-egoed, feminist-flagbearer with NATURAL blonde hair( well maybe not) ever to cross our T.V. screens and we luv her to bits.
Along with her bra of steel and her many (and we mean MANY) friends she is one cool chick.
And with a group of friends as big as hers and a brother as cute as he-man how could she possibly ask for more.

|Gallery 1|Gallery 2|
|Friends|More Friends|
|Even More Friends|yeh...friends...|

We would also like some help tracking down the guy that Princess Adora in pashing in the first picture of the "more friends" file....hmmmm....any ideas?? Please E-mail us if you know anything.

Number of people that have visited our site from Thursday July 23rd 1998

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These are my SHERA friends surf around them for a while!! :)

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Issy and Megan
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Thank you all for coming but we would like to thank most of all the guy who made this possible who rode all the way to my house (some two blocks away) just to help set it up (well actually he did it all.... apart from the writing) give him a big hand... ANT *cheer* if it wasn't for him then we would still be sitting in front of the computer trying to work which button to press!! THANKS :)