What Does YOUR Look Like?

Est. November 25, 2002

Desktops...I never knew how much you can learn about a person by just looking at their desktops until I started gathering them from everyone...

So, I asked my friends to send me a snapshot of their desktops, and...VOILA! here they are: (in the order which I recieved them)

page 1 page 2-The Updated Desktops! page 3-The Master Desktops!

Jonathan B.

Bin C.

Harry Z.

Eric B.

Ying W.

Ashwat R.

Tanya S.

Steve S.

Terry T.

Len A.

Jin G.

Sammy L.
page 1 page 2-the Updated Desktops! page 3-The Master Desktops!

More submissions are welcome. If you'd like to submit your desktop, please send it via

email: rebecca678@yahoo.com
IM: peachy2360

To take a snapshot of your desktop:
1) Press "print screen" (next to the F12 button) on your computer.
2) Open Paint up and paste it (Ctrl + V) there.
3) Save it as a jpg file and send it! (0^-^0)

Special thanks to Bin for helping me with html codes. ^-
