Fairborn Symphonic Band Homepage 

      Fairborn, located in northwestern Greene County near Dayton, Ohio, is a suburban community of approximately 31,000 residents. It is the result of the merger between two Fairborn High Schools, Park Hills and Baker. There are five elementary schools and one junior high school which feed into Fairborn High School. The high school has a student body of about 1,556 students in grades 9-12. The Fairborn City School District covers 12 square miles in an area with rural, urban, and suburban development. 


      On January 22, the Fairborn Symphonic Band performed at the Ohio Music Education Association State Convention. The convention was a showcase of fine Ohio high school bands, orchestras, and choirs, many music vendors, and an exibition for Ohio High School Music as a whole. Fairborn was the first band to perform and had an excellent concert. Good Job Fairborn! 


      Fairborn High School is the first band from the state of Ohio to be invited to perform in the BOA National Concert Band Festival. Here's some info straight from BOA: 

      Bands of America debuted the National Concert Band Festival in 1992 at Northwestern University. The Festival was patterned after the National Band Contests of the 1930's, with the guidance of Dr. William D. Revelli, whose Hobart High School (IN) won the National Contest in 1930 and 1931. Dr. Revelli went on to the University of Michigan where he served as Director of Bands for several decades and became one of the most influential band directors of our time. 
      One difference between the National Band Contest of the '30's and the Bands of America National Concert Band Festival is that the BOA Festival is a non-competitive event. It's purpose is to focus a national spotlight on the core of our band programs - the concert band - while offering participating groups the opportunity for input from world-class music educators. 

© 1995-1997 Bands of America, Inc.
 | FHS_Band@hotmail.com |