Greetings Fellow Face
Welcome to Face's Hot Little Page!

We apologise for construction to common areas.
Perfection Takes Time!
Do you lie, cheat, and
steal, but still don't get any respect? Would categorize scam artist under self-employment? Find yourself "thisfar" from behind bars, but for the grace of good friends? Stick around, we're here to bail you out!
(we got connections)
Let the Faceman tell you himself The Key To Any Con!
(please continue on, as downloading also takes time)

This is a support page for Face addicts'. We support you and your addictions here. We are not liable if you learn new vices and fetishes. This page is affiliated with the T.E.M.P. Agency. Nighthawks and PLANners are invited to enlist!
Signs and symptoms of addiction may be misleading. The typical addict experiences reoccurring night terrors, with accompanying hot sweats. These episodes, in layman's terms "Peck Withdrawals," occur when an addict is separated too long from his or her fix of Face. This can be quite distressing, particularly if the sufferer concurrently dreams about Hunt Stockwell or wisecracking irridescent purple sea monsters.
Do you experience any of these symptoms? Chill out! Take two of these and call us in the morning, ::drool, thud::

As a community service, Face's Hot Little Page is here
to help. Preventative measures can be taken if the addict is careful to not abdandon or neglect Templeton Peck (he doesn't like to be ignored). If you wish to learn more about Peck Withdrawal, read "Peckin' Away At The System." You may want to familiarize yourself with some other tendencies
of a true Face Addict.
For all the temptresses who dropped him like a cold shower
and wenches who tossed aside his charm like a hot sweater
in July, making our poor 'love pilot' hit the dirt and cry
Scrounging up webpages is new to me. If you would like to share with me ideas to improve this little page of
perfection, politely voice a difference in opinion, or have something nice and neighborly to say (or just feel inclined to hoot and hollar), leave a message in Templeton's guestbook. Admit it, don't you want a
glance at his little black book?
Check out these links for additional support:
Calling all Murdockaholics and Fighting
Nighthawks, mad caper this way!!
something a touch risque, something only Texan women would
dream up...

We are about to look at a man with a reputation for doing whatever it takes, One Way or Another, to get his man.
Always so close, but no cigar. Ahem, could that be why he
doesn't get THIS blonde man?? This racey little number is
A Tribute To Decker. Enjoy.
pictures courtesy of Sockii's and Sparks' A-team pages
You're scam artist
to be conned into viewing this page.