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VCD Discs
Around for several years longer than DVD, the VCD format in many ways was the first generation
of DVD. Not catching on so well in the western world where the VHS tape dominated the market,
studios such as Paramount still released a few titles, but with little results. As for in the
high tech far east, VCD caught on quite well and even now at the time of this writing does a
fair business against the growing DVD market.
The great thing about VCD is that the discs, from no matter where in the world (no zoning like
DVD) will play on your DVD player. This is wonderful for those who love Asian films, but a
true blessing for those who can't wait for some of their favourite older titles to be released
on DVD.
- See the DVD NOW feature on the Star Wars films -
Technically, VCD is quite similar to DVD, but being several years older, obviously is not as
advanced as the newer format for the following reasons:
1) The movie or program is generally on 2 discs as the discs used, store the same
amount of information as a standard music CD (much less than a DVD disc).
2) The picture resolution is roughly a quarter that experienced with DVD (about
half the width and half the height), thus the same as VHS.
3) Due to the low storage capability of the CD used and the amount of picture compression
required (VCD uses MPEG compression like DVD but only an older version), the
picture quality at times suffers, generally during fast-moving moments with lots of
contrast like explosions.
4) You don't get the menu system with different sound and subtitle options, but the discs
are often divided into chapters and the sound quality is better the VHS and often surround.
To get your mitts on a wide selection of VCDs, just search out a VCD supplier or click on the
link below.
Don't forget to mention you saw VCDs featured at DVD NOW.
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