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As important as comic bags are to an avid comic collector to protect their investment, any DVD
owner will surely cherish and have a good stock of DVD Snapper Case Covers.
Popular as the Amaray style hard shell case has become, many companies (Warner being the most
popular) have opted for the less costly cardboard snapper case. As many will agree, these
cases do not hold up well under constant use or the onslaught of sticky, greasy fingers. You
might think this is easy to avoid, but don't be caught putting a movie away after having your
fingers in the popcorn bowl for over an hour. As well with DVD, it tends to be a long term
entertainment investment, DVD not only being more expensive than, but lasting longer than VHS
(under proper care).
With this in mind, in about two minutes of your time and basically pennies toward your
investment, you can not only protect your movie collection, but give it a high gloss look
that can take the inevitable punishment it is sure to receive. Some have tried to solve the
problem by cutting up the original packaging to fit it into an Amaray case, but this
unfortunately doesn't work well, not to mention the damage that is done to the original
packaging. Now, with no cutting, and more importantly with no damage, this is easily
Much the same technique as protecting a valuable comic or magazine with specially designed bags,
the DVD cover is a crystal clear virgin polyethylene bag that perfectly fits like a glove
over the cardboard section of a standard DVD snapper case.
Now with little more than a bit of patience and some tape (we recommend you use acid
free scotch tape, this can easily be identified by the cloudy white look... the advantage
of this tape is that it does not yellow and dry out as quickly), you can have you DVD
collection protected in no time. In addition, one more suggestion would be to make sure as
little air is in the cover as possible before sealing. Additionally, easy to follow
instructions are included with the covers available by contacting ...
Don't forget to mention you saw the covers featured at DVD NOW.
One thing some DVD users will ask is, "What about the double fold snapper cases?"
Obviously the DVD covers are not long enough for these cases, they are quite rare, but to date
we've run across this type of case on: Dances With Wolves from Orion, Laurel and Hardy from
Image, as well as Lost in Space and Rush Hour from New Line. In response to this, using the
standard covers, we have come up with a solution to this we call the...
Follow the instructions below carefully, and using two bags, you can get the same protection for
your double fold snapper cases. We recommend reading all the instructions carefully before
attempting this technique at home.
1) Take the first bag and cut off the extra flap, leaving the front and
back the same length.
2) Take the second bag and cut the bag the length of the case back.
The technique we use, is making a small cut on the edge of the bag at the desired length. Now
fold the bag at the cut, keeping both sides even and thus the corners square. Last of all, cut
along the fold with a sharp knife.
3) Slide the second bag carefully over the case back, then press flat to
eliminate any small air pockets and creases.
Be careful not to rush this part as there are many sharp edges to rip the bag on.
4) Slide the first bag over the front of the case, slightly overlapping the
other bag.
Although this is a lot easier than going over the back, keep an eye on the front corners, our
overconfidence cost us a bag on this step.
5) Once both bags are in place, smooth them out to remove all the air
To maximize air removal, use a hard flat surface. Also, smooth out the outside case front then
fold it over to seal it from any air flow.
6) Taking two pieces of acid free tape (see above) taller than the case, seal
the two bags together, trimming the excess tape off the top and bottom with your
There you have DVD NOW's exclusive Double Fold - Double Bag Technique, not to be
confused with the double bagging technique used by many grocery stores. Austin Powers would
likely say "This is my bag... baby!," but remember where you saw it first. Yes this does
leave a visible tape line down the back of your cover, but this is a small price to pay.
Once again please note, DVD NOW does not sell this product or is responsible for any
difficulties. If trying our recommended techniques at home, we are not responsible for any
injuries due to improper use of scissors or other sharp objects. Use them at your own risk!
Please forward any questions or inquiries to the following...
... and don't forget to mention you saw the covers featured at DVD NOW.
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